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Hair Transplant on 23 November and still shedding

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Can anyone shed (excuse the pun)the light on my problem since the op. I had the op on 23 Nov with 900 grafts. Since the operation I have shedded a lot of the existing hair that was already on the scalp (mainly at front and in middle). I now have less hair than before the op. I know that the 900 grafts will grow in the next 4 - 6 months but why is there so much shedding of the existing hair??? I have been using minoxidil since 3 days after the op and also taking propecia. Please help can anyone offer some advice, as feel somewhat stressed about it. I have changed my hair style from side part to slick back otherwise it would look ridiculous. Please help.

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Guest josh - b

Hi dazza,


It sounds like you're experiencing shockloss.

This occurs when you transplant into areas with existing hair and is usually temporary. It should grow back along side your transplanted hair. Unfortunately sometimes its permanent but only because these were hairs that were inevitably on their way out anyway.

Also propecia itself can cause shedding in its early stages. This is actually a good sign as it is an indication that it is working and again the loss is only temporary.


As an aussie resident myself i'm very curious as to who your doctor was?

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If you are not using Minoxidil twice a day, religiously, start doing so. You want to insure your best possible chance that whatever shedding has occurred is not permanent. Other than that you stay on Propecia and let nature run its course. Dont worry about it though, just make sure you stick to a regimen of doing everything you can, and that includes not worrying or stressing out constantly about what you may have lost.


With only 900 grafts, thats a relatively small procedure, this means you have plenty of donor hair if necessity means future work, and often it does.

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Welcome to our community.


Our members have already given you some excellent feedback.


Shedding of the transplanted hairs in the first month is expected.


Shock loss can occur when hair is transplanted between or around existing native hair due to scalp trauma. Hair that was already dying and being impacted by DHT may not return (called permanent shock loss) where normal healthy hairs will (called temporary shock loss).


Feel free to share your experience with us, surgical details, doctor, and pictures by creating a free hair loss weblog.


Best wishes,



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