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I am loosing my transplants!!

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How are you?


If you have just started Avodart, then that would cause an initial shed of multiple hairs all at once. (Ridding of all hairs in the resting phase in order to grow thicker, stonger, terminal hairs.) I believe you will find that occurs with most hairloss drugs (Rogaine, Spiro, even BCP's)


Your shedding will stop. TE (telogen effluvium) usually can last up to several months, but if your shed is medication induced, it should stop within 1 to 2 months.


When I first noticed that my hair was thinning, it was then that I began to notice the heavy shedding. I was losing like 150 hairs a day.


My hair continued to fall out like this from about November 2002, until March 2003. I mean it was falling out in clumps, if I pulled all my hair back to put it in a ponytail, I would have like 30 hairs in my hand. Thats when i knew something was wrong, and finally took my butt to the doctors. So I believe I had a bout of TE lasting six months that turned into AGA, due to the increase of testosterone hormone in my body. (Its really scary what just a bit too much of this hormone can do to a woman!!)


If your shedding has just started, then I would say it is due to the medication. If it has been shedding for a few months now, then it is probably TE, due to stress.


I know its hard to be patient, I am in the same boat. Keep up with the medication, your shedding will subside. I would also take a multi vitamin daily.


I take a ton of supplements, i will post them up for you.



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Whats up?


Here is the list of supplements that I take daily in order to help my hair:


-Women's multi vitamin (GNC)-1x day

-Zinc-50 mg-1x day

-Vitamin B Complex-2x day

-Iron-60mg-1x day

-Flax Seed Oil(this is supposed to help with moisture and shine)-1000 mg a day.

-Evening Primrose Oil-(again helps shine, etc.)-3x day.

-Biotin-(helps aid in strong healthy hair growth)-600mg a day (GNC).


-I was taking saw palmetto for a bout two months. It is supposed to help block DHT, but it also increases the levels of free testosterone within the body. I stopped taking it cause I think it was making my face break out.


Its too soon to tell if any of this stuff is working for my hair, but my nails are strong and growing like weeds, so it must be doing something.


Talk to you later


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How you doin?


Were you referring to me re: Dr. Pistone?


I never went to Dr. Pistone. I am trying to wait out the grueling six months to see the results from my ht with bosley.


I am seeing Dr. Redmond in NYC this tues. He is supposed to specialize in female hair loss, but will see. hopefully he wont take me for all I am worth.


I will keep you posted on my progress



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When searching threads be sure to look at the posted date.........this thread is over 3 years old.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Originally posted by lorenzo:

Jenn-24; You rather die trying to keep your hair? Thats crazy...I was on Rogaine for 2.5 years and yes it did worked a bit but unfortunately with time your body becomes immune to it. I lost every hair that I have gained and more.

Rogaine has alot of side effects;

The main problem with Rogaine is that it only works on hair loss at the crown. It does nothing for receding hairlines. The second problem is that it is overrated. Many people will see reduced hair loss at the crown with Rogaine, but few will see regrowth. The third problem is that it is a demanding routine. Rogaine must be applied twice a day, every day. Finally, and most disappointingly, after a while Rogaine loses it's effectiveness. After 3????“4?? years, Rogaine stops working

Headaches (in up to 40% of users), dizziness, itching, allergic reactions, heartbeat irregularities can also occur.

Also in women it can takes up to 12 months to show any results.

Rogaine if it does work it is temporary. Nobody knows the long terms effects of it. So be careful. I myself was also in a desperate state with hairloss and luckily had a successful transplant.


One more think Jotronic is Jesus??? I rather call him the messiah.....lol




Rogaine works on all hair, it was tested and proved only for the crown so that's the only way it can legally be marketed.

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I'm reading things about Rogaine here that I've never seen or read anywhere else.


I've never heard of building up a tolerance to it, and as for not growing hair anywhere but the crown, it is actually NOT certified to work on the crown, but on the top of the head forward of the crown as I understand it.


As for dizzyness etc, I suppose that is possible with any med, but thats a new one for me too.


Also, although it is not rated to grow hair at the hairline I too used it many years ago on the hairline for some months, and it grew some very fine baby hair there. I discontinued it, so I've no idea what would have happened, but it apparently can work in other areas, just as it is certainly true that on some it doesn't work at all.


In women, its a different story of course.


mark h

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I don't think this is a good solution if you want to get pregnant, but here is a study from 2005 that may be useful.


Effective treatment of female androgenic alopecia with dutasteride.Olszewska M, Rudnicka L.

Department of Dermatology, Warsaw Medical School, Warsaw, Poland. malgorzataolszewska@yahoo.com


Dihydrotestosterone is the main molecule responsible for androgenic alopecia. Finasteride, which reduces transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone and decreases dihydrotestosterone activity, is approved for treatment of androgenic alopecia in men. We describe the case of a 46-year-old woman with androgenic alopecia, non-responsive to minoxidil, who initially benefited from finasteride. Due to only limited improvement after finasteride and persisting profound psychological distress resulting from androgenic alopecia, another 5-reductase inhibitor, dutasteride, was introduced. Clinical evaluation and trichogram were applied for assessment of dutasteride efficacy in this patient. Additionally, mean hair diameter was monitored by means of computer dermoscopy. After 6 months of therapy, significant improvement was observed and after 9 months the clinical diagnosis of androgenic alopecia could no longer be made in this patient. No side effects were observed. In conclusion, theoretical data and our experience in this case show that dutasteride might develop into a true alternative in treatment of androgenic alopecia.


PMID: 16167423 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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