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  • Regular Member

hey guys.I saw in tv the other day they showed this place www.svenson.de and its something like hair cloning or something like that.So my question is has any of you used it and does it pay off?I mean does it look natural and how much time does it last..?I am really curious..Thanks guys

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  • Regular Member

hey guys.I saw in tv the other day they showed this place www.svenson.de and its something like hair cloning or something like that.So my question is has any of you used it and does it pay off?I mean does it look natural and how much time does it last..?I am really curious..Thanks guys

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  • Regular Member

Thank you very much spex and Bill

However I hope more memmbers can give their opinion because its a metter of life and death for me..so please guys if you know anything about this post your opinions


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Picture gallery regard Integration systems



Hair integration without surgery with the Svenson hair systems


For those the one optimal solution look for, in order to fill up their hair-style inconspicuously again, and which would like to improve its appearance with immediate effect, Svenson offers integration systems without surgical interference. World-wide patented by our company, it is the most modern, most efficient and most inconspicuous alternative with missing volume or advanced hair loss.


The technology developed by Svenson connects own hair with new genuine hair of same color and structure to a homogeneous new hair-style.


"These systems permit it to add the hair quantity wished in each case it is where the hair was lost or by the hair volume to only increase. also step by step. Owing to the naturalness of the Svenson of hair systems a completely natural appearance can be created."


I translated the site using yahoo and this is a quote from it. It's a wig, no mystery treatment here.



you can hold out for as many replies as you want till you get one that you want to hear but you have gotten posts from Bill and Spex and both gave you the benifit of their extensive wisdom on the subject of HTs.

HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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  • Regular Member

yeap I know dude.I know its like wig but my question is,does it look natural when you use it or has any of you heard about someone that uses that system or are they hapy with it?anyway thanks guys

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  • Senior Member

What I gather from our patients who used every type of system out there, it is much more expensive in the long run than a transplant. Not because the hair system is so expensive but the cost of maintaining one is so costly. If you find you're interested because it looks natural enough, make sure you get every detail of the cost for a year and see if it is worth it. I know too many who regret the time and money spent on their old hair systems.

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I have found that the majority of people who have tried using any kind of wigs, don't like it...due to cost, maintenance, etc. One person on this form, and I can't remember for the life of me who at this point, said it something like this and I'm using my interpretation in my quotes here, rather than a direct quote: "Getting a wig for the first time is like getting a new car....you walk out of the place with a nice head of hair, but just like a new car, run over a few puddles, drive around for awhile, it starts to look worn". Trying to keep wigs looking natural is pretty hard work from what I understand. Even if you get a wig that looks great in the beginning, keeping up with the maintenance and continually buying new wigs is not only costly, but inconvienent. Plus to me, I'd be worried when I'm out...does it look natural. Even if I feel it looks somewhat natural, I'd be worried that shifting in my seat that something will shake it's natural appearance etc.


It's your call though man...read up people's experience with wigs and how they like them.



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