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Dear members;


It has been almost 3 weeks since my HT (1200+ grafts - hairline and frontal core area only), also 3 weeks since I m on Propecia.


Here are the symptoms, I m going through these days: Please response:


No shredding (recipient area) yet. - Good or Bad?


Had quiet a few pimples all over my forehead (not in the donor or recipient area). - Is it mainly due Propecia or its part of the healing process?


Feels some kind of internal activities all over my crown area. - Is it mainly due to Propecia?


Any further suggestions/comments?


Thanks much,



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  • Regular Member

Dear members;


It has been almost 3 weeks since my HT (1200+ grafts - hairline and frontal core area only), also 3 weeks since I m on Propecia.


Here are the symptoms, I m going through these days: Please response:


No shredding (recipient area) yet. - Good or Bad?


Had quiet a few pimples all over my forehead (not in the donor or recipient area). - Is it mainly due Propecia or its part of the healing process?


Feels some kind of internal activities all over my crown area. - Is it mainly due to Propecia?


Any further suggestions/comments?


Thanks much,



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the propecia should not have any skin related side effects, ie: cause tingeling, pimples or other sensations unless, which it is probably to early for it to be working effectively yet, (if it is going to,) you were experiencing hair growth from it. If you have ever shaved a part of your body like an ankle or your chest. The hair itches when it grows back. Sorta the same thing. It has to break through the skin.


If your still itching and feeling little sensations on your head it is most likely caused from your recent HT, ie: it is still healing in areas and your hair can be beginnning to grow. The new hair growth is also responsible for the pimples or ingrown hairs. They'll pop out on their own or if the ithing and stuff is bothering you to much, put some antibiotic cream on it, it worked for me. The pimple went away within hours. Just a thought, I recommend not popping them because of infection, scarring and damaging the new follicle.


The pimples on your forehead could be from something you were or are using to treat your scalp ie: rogaine maybe, or an ointment you maybe were or are using post-op, a new shampoo perhaps, or something else. I'm unsure about this. Maybe others would know.


I've been using propecia for 3 months now, and I haven't experienced any acne. However, I did have a little acne on my forehead post-op, from the antibiotic ointment I was placing all over the recipient HT area.


From my experience, some of my Ht shed within 7-10 days, still more within the first 21 days and a little in the next 10 or so days. However, I did not lose it all. If it doesn't shedd don't worry about it. What I didn't shedd, I noticed after 30 days, post-op, was growing, and I've already have been experiencing new growth, especially at the front hairline, that had fell out early. I'm finding new hair everday. If you don't shedd them, good for you because your ahead of the game. Not everybody shedds their HT, maybe only parts of it. Everyone's different, including when your hair is going to begin to grow. The time table you've heard about or that your Dr. explained to you about regrowth and shedding is an average. There will always be people outside the curve.


To answer your question: It is from the healing process ie: your scalp is waking up and still healing and the regrowth process is probably beginning.


Just a thought. ~zerro

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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Hey man , it sounds normal to me? Remember, you just had 1200 holes punched in your head. It's normal to feel sensations. I had surgery (1400) 5 months ago. The scabs looked like little pimples and my scalp did feel odd for the first month including numbness.


I equate this to the surgery

but I'm no doctor


Hope this helps



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I began shedding transplanted hairs during week 3. I shed around 80% of them. Some guys shed almost all of them right away. I have also seen guys that hardly shed any at all. This is not a "good or bad" situation. It's just one of those things where every patient is different.


Do you have naturally oily skin? I highly doubt the pimples are as a result of the Propecia. Could it be that you have been extra conservative in washing the area around the recipient area and thus simply have some clogged pores on your forehead? If you really think that this is a result of the Propecia (which is pretty doubtable since it is still just accumulating in the system) contact your physician.


The "internal activities" that you speak of sound to me like blood flow and natural healing tingling in the area. The scalp is repairing itself so there is an increase in activity in that area. Unless it is painful or bothers you an extreme amount, I would venture to say that you are doing fine and that everything seems normal.


This is the time to be patient. Best of luck and happy growing.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Regular Member

Thank guys for your response!


Question for Robert:


Yes, I do you have naturally oily skin, also does that matter the way I wash my head every morning? I use regular shampoo (for dry and damange hair) to wash (including donor and receipient area).


Thank you,



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by BobbyN:

Thank guys for your response!


Question for Robert:


Yes, I do you have naturally oily skin, also does that matter the way I wash my head every morning? I use regular shampoo (for dry and damange hair) to wash (including donor and receipient area).


Thank you,




It may or may not. I was just trying to guess as to why you may be getting the acne. I am no dermatologist, so don't take what I say as medical advice, but I don't think its anything to worry about. It could be a combination of the trauma to the local area caused by the hair transplant, your recent addition of Finasteride into your system, the stress of going through cosmetic surgery, and changes in your face-washing habits or a culmination of any one of more of these or a million other things. If it doesnt subside in a timely manner, speak to Dr. Shapiro and/or if need be, a dermatologist.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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