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8,000 grafts over 2 Surgeries with Dr. Feller

Guest Club Head

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Guest Club Head

My wife and I could not be happier with the results I got with Dr. Feller of Great Neck, Long Island. I have had two transplants with him and my pictures are attached. My first one is grown out, and I just had my second one about one month ago. I have a total of 8,000 grafts.


Here's my story,

I started losing hair in large amounts starting 5 years ago. Before that I had a bush of hair up there. Finally it got to the point where I had to do something about it.


I visited with Dr. Alan Feller in Great Neck, Long Island. He spent as much time as my wife and I needed and he felt I had an excellent donor area. During my visit Dr. Feller had a guy in the chair who was getting over 4,000 grafts and there were two of his former patients who were already grown visiting. Believe me when I tell you that all of them looked fantastic! The other guys let me look at their before pictures that Dr. Feller keeps on his computer and I was amazed how much better they looked. You never would have known they were transplant patients.


The atmosphere and attitude in Dr. Feller's office was genuinely relaxed and open. We didn't feel rushed and we enjoyed speaking with the Feller patients. My wife was comforted by the fact that these two other guys had the same concerns before their surgeries as she did and that they were able to take her fears away (mine too!). We met a few of Dr. Feller's technicians and they also liked my donor area and said it was very good. Very nice people.


Anyway, Dr. Feller told me I could get 4,000 grafts in the first surgery, and nearly as many in the second. I couldn't believe it. I booked for a procedure right there and then.


On the day of the surgery my wife and I showed up and there was a problem. Dr. Feller's secretary accidentally booked two procedures on the same day. Since the other guy was from England, I volunteered to reschedule for a month later. Dr. Feller took off a day from his vacation to make sure I got my surgery as soon as possible. If he hadn't, I would have had to wait 4 more months!


The surgery day was very easy. He put shots in the back of my head which were not bad at all. Then he removed the donor and closed with staples. Very strange sounds. Then he gave it to his techs to cut. There must have been ten ladies cutting my grafts who used microscopes that looked like they were out of a space movie. They let me look in and I couldn't believe how small everything was. This group must have some patience to do that work.


The doctor then made tiny slits on the top of my head and I didn't feel a thing. I sure heard some strange sounds though. It sounded, and I'm not joking here, like someone was shoveling snow on my head. But no pain.


Then the techs started putting the hair in. After an hour they let me look with a mirror and I couldn't believe that I could actually see the stubbles of new hair in areas that hadn't had hair in years. I was very excited.


By the end of the day, about 9 hours after I started, the case ended and I went home. There was very little pain which a few pills took care of. I went back to the office 2 weeks later to have the staples removed. Not bad.


My hair grew steadily over the following months and my wife and I were very happy. So I went back for number 2 with Dr. Feller to fill the crown. I am now waiting for that to grow.


That's my story. I got new hair and a new lease on my life (at least vanity wise). Thank you for everything Dr. Feller and thanks to your wonderful staff.


Club Head




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Guest Club Head

My wife and I could not be happier with the results I got with Dr. Feller of Great Neck, Long Island. I have had two transplants with him and my pictures are attached. My first one is grown out, and I just had my second one about one month ago. I have a total of 8,000 grafts.


Here's my story,

I started losing hair in large amounts starting 5 years ago. Before that I had a bush of hair up there. Finally it got to the point where I had to do something about it.


I visited with Dr. Alan Feller in Great Neck, Long Island. He spent as much time as my wife and I needed and he felt I had an excellent donor area. During my visit Dr. Feller had a guy in the chair who was getting over 4,000 grafts and there were two of his former patients who were already grown visiting. Believe me when I tell you that all of them looked fantastic! The other guys let me look at their before pictures that Dr. Feller keeps on his computer and I was amazed how much better they looked. You never would have known they were transplant patients.


The atmosphere and attitude in Dr. Feller's office was genuinely relaxed and open. We didn't feel rushed and we enjoyed speaking with the Feller patients. My wife was comforted by the fact that these two other guys had the same concerns before their surgeries as she did and that they were able to take her fears away (mine too!). We met a few of Dr. Feller's technicians and they also liked my donor area and said it was very good. Very nice people.


Anyway, Dr. Feller told me I could get 4,000 grafts in the first surgery, and nearly as many in the second. I couldn't believe it. I booked for a procedure right there and then.


On the day of the surgery my wife and I showed up and there was a problem. Dr. Feller's secretary accidentally booked two procedures on the same day. Since the other guy was from England, I volunteered to reschedule for a month later. Dr. Feller took off a day from his vacation to make sure I got my surgery as soon as possible. If he hadn't, I would have had to wait 4 more months!


The surgery day was very easy. He put shots in the back of my head which were not bad at all. Then he removed the donor and closed with staples. Very strange sounds. Then he gave it to his techs to cut. There must have been ten ladies cutting my grafts who used microscopes that looked like they were out of a space movie. They let me look in and I couldn't believe how small everything was. This group must have some patience to do that work.


The doctor then made tiny slits on the top of my head and I didn't feel a thing. I sure heard some strange sounds though. It sounded, and I'm not joking here, like someone was shoveling snow on my head. But no pain.


Then the techs started putting the hair in. After an hour they let me look with a mirror and I couldn't believe that I could actually see the stubbles of new hair in areas that hadn't had hair in years. I was very excited.


By the end of the day, about 9 hours after I started, the case ended and I went home. There was very little pain which a few pills took care of. I went back to the office 2 weeks later to have the staples removed. Not bad.


My hair grew steadily over the following months and my wife and I were very happy. So I went back for number 2 with Dr. Feller to fill the crown. I am now waiting for that to grow.


That's my story. I got new hair and a new lease on my life (at least vanity wise). Thank you for everything Dr. Feller and thanks to your wonderful staff.


Club Head




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I started losing hair in large amounts starting 5 years ago. Before that I had a bush of hair up there. Finally it got to the point where I had to do something about it so I had a consult with Dr. Jeff Epstein. But this was a mistake because he told me that I was not a candidate for hair surgery and that my only option was to wear a hat! When I asked why, he said I did not have enough donor area for any procedure. Dr. Epstein shot down my hopes of getting any of my hair back, and he wasn't very nice or supportive about it either. I was shocked by his attitude toward me and he rushed me out the door. I was pretty upset and was about to give up, but I decided to visit one more doctor.


Frankly, I find this hard to believe. If Dr. Feller was able to obtain 8000 grafts over 2 surgeries, clearly you have an abundant donor supply, well above average. There is no way with such an abundant donor hair supply that Dr. Jeffrey Epstein would say that you were not a candidate for surgery.


Dr. Epstein is well known for providing state of the art ultra refined hair transplantation and his high level of patient care. By doing a simple "find" on our forum community, you will find a number of his satisfied patients.


I am pleased however, that you had a good hair transplant experience with Dr. Feller and trust your second surgery will turn out as good as the first.





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  • Senior Member

Congrats on your 2nd surgery, can't wait to see it grown out; and getting 8k grafts is a great achievement, indeed!


I agree though that it seems very strange that you found Dr. Epstein's "bedside manner" to be so extremely lacking; and even more odd that he would outright deny you the HT, let alone on the basis that your donor is so "horrible".


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Wow man, your going to look amazing!

Do you have anything left in the donor?


I just had a little over 3000 done with Feller.

He said I should have a bit over 3000 left, but 8000, wow.

Good growth to you dude!

First transplant with karamikian 6/05, less than 1000 to my hairline, result was mediocre at best.

2nd HT with Feller 2/08, 3000+ to my front third.

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With all due respect you were not there at my consultation. Dr. Epstein told me my only option was to wear a hat because my donor area was insufficient. Hey, Dr. Epstein may be a good surgeon and a good guy, but he certainly was not on the day that I visited. I guess we're all entitled to a bad day, no big deal I got a great hair transplant and I'm happy.


You are right, I wasn't there on your consultation...


But given the fact that you've had 8000 grafts in two surgeries, which is well above average, I can't see how Dr. Epstein (or any physician for that matter) would say that your donor hair was insufficient for any surgery. Perhaps there is more to the story?


The only possibility I can see is that in discussion of your hair restoration goals, he felt that your expectations were too high (ie. looking to restore a "full head of hair") and said that your donor hair was not sufficient to meet your goals.


I realize I am speculating, but what you are saying at face value just doesn't make any sense.



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Dear Club Head-

I too, like Bill, am surprised at your interpretation of what was discussed at your consultation. Having been specializing in the field of hair transplantation for over 14 years, in which I personally meet with every patient, personally reply to every email inquiry, and still provide every patient with my cellphone number so that they have full access to contact me at anytime, I find your comments difficult to believe. I am not sure who you are- it would be helpful for you to contact me privately so that I can go over your chart and properly "defend" myself against what I feel are rather incendiary and mean-spirited accusations. Perhaps my advice was based upon you having unrealistic expectations of achieving full scalp coverage of your Class 5 plus hair loss pattern- and if that was your goal, perhaps I told you that you are better off continuing to wear a hat. I can assure you Club Head that I have no reason to be anything other than fully supportive, as well as accurate, in the advice I give to young men like yourself struggling to deal with your hair loss.

I hope you will be fair and contact me, and furthermore, explain why, as a brand new poster to this site, you decided right from the start to criticize me while lauding the work of your surgeon, a respected colleague of mine, who I know would not encourage such negative commentary on this site.



Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS


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That is going to be a great rsult when all grown out. Well done on choosing a world class doc.

I enjoyed reading your story too icon_smile.gif

2600 grafts Dr Feller 28/01/08

3024 grafts Dr Feller 15/01/07


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Please contact Dr. Epstein privately so that he may obtain the necessary permission to discuss his consultation with you openly.


Based on the minimal information that you have provided, I believe that there is more to the story and it is only fair that Dr. Epstein have the right to publicly defend himself.





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Guest Club Head

This is for Dr. Epstein,

Sir,Perhaps I was to emotional when I wrote my story. My point was to tell of my great experience with the doctor I did chose, and not to speak ill of the doctor I did not chose. I will delete the portions that refer to you and our consultation and I will contact your office.

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Club Head- I appreciate your offer to delete portions that refer to me- however, you still have "the exact opposite of Dr. Epstein" in your original post.

I still do not understand why you chose to attack me, more than once, in your original post- for things which I most certainly did not tell you. Furthermore, I am still waiting for you to contact me directly.

I appreciate your explanation, and will let sleeping dogs lie.



Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS

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Guest Club Head

Dr. Epstein,



I have struck that line. Again, perhaps I was to emotional making that earlier post. My goal was to relay my happy satisfaction with Dr. Feller and not to focus on you and our consultation. Looking back I was harsher in my post than I should have been. I should not have done this.


I will contact you today.



Dr. Feller,



If you or your staff read this please cover my face in the photos as you have for others.

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I'm glad your setting things straight here.

I used Dr.Epstein as my Doc and was pretty surprised what you wrote.


I'm sure everyone has a bad day...but it didn't add up.

Why would a doc turn away someone that another doc grabbed 8000 graphs from.


I was also surprised because I kind've bothered Dr.Epstein on the phone many times and he was not only helpful but suggested another consult if it would ease my mind.


Trust me as God is my witness i'm writing this not because I owe Epstein anything.

I paid for his services and he came through like a champ.


I met four doctors myself and didn't like one of them at all as a matter of fact...this is not important...the work is...i forgot about him and moved on.




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Just to clarify.


In my last post I mentioned I met with four docs

"and didn't like one of them at all".


That could be taken the wrong way.

I met with four Docs and ONE of the four docs I didn't like so much....not all of them...lol.



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