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damn confused on HT


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hello everyone,


I m from India.I am 3V male age 30.


Have been surfing for a while here and other forums.Narrowed my options to Dr Hasson,Dr feller and Dr armani.


1) I have been recommended 2000 grafts to 4500 grafts for frontal 1/3 and crown amongst these three so i do not know actually how much drafts i require?


Inclined to Dr armani mostly coz of FUE and also that it is easier for me to visit Dubai from India.Another thing is that if i go for strip than i have to keep the staples on in my return journey and it would be awkward for me to remove them here as i am willing to NOT to disclose about my HT to anyone.


Also would like to mention that 1 USD = 44 INR

so it is very important to know approx how many grafts i would require as 2000 to 4500 is quite big differece to budget for.


2) I am also not sure if it will be OK for me to travel alone from India for HT as i am not aware if some assitance will be required by me immediately after HT?


3)Since i have never been out of India so i am also curious to know what information i have to declare on my visa if i am going for an HT?




4)In india Finpecia is available which works like propecia but.I tried for couple of weeks but it seems it is effecting sperm creation if i may say so here.


Some advice will be highly appreciated.Thanks.

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  • Regular Member

hello everyone,


I m from India.I am 3V male age 30.


Have been surfing for a while here and other forums.Narrowed my options to Dr Hasson,Dr feller and Dr armani.


1) I have been recommended 2000 grafts to 4500 grafts for frontal 1/3 and crown amongst these three so i do not know actually how much drafts i require?


Inclined to Dr armani mostly coz of FUE and also that it is easier for me to visit Dubai from India.Another thing is that if i go for strip than i have to keep the staples on in my return journey and it would be awkward for me to remove them here as i am willing to NOT to disclose about my HT to anyone.


Also would like to mention that 1 USD = 44 INR

so it is very important to know approx how many grafts i would require as 2000 to 4500 is quite big differece to budget for.


2) I am also not sure if it will be OK for me to travel alone from India for HT as i am not aware if some assitance will be required by me immediately after HT?


3)Since i have never been out of India so i am also curious to know what information i have to declare on my visa if i am going for an HT?




4)In india Finpecia is available which works like propecia but.I tried for couple of weeks but it seems it is effecting sperm creation if i may say so here.


Some advice will be highly appreciated.Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

Hello Jeets,


I'll give you my opinion, based on what I've learned from two ht's and 10 months of intense, daily research on this and other forums....


1) Among other things, some clinics just have different philosophies on large sessions. Some think anything more than 3,000 or so grafts in a single session can jeopardize your yield. So, they think, for example, a 2500 session will consistently give you a 99% yield whereas a 4,000 graft session will yield 95%. These numbers were just pulled out of the air to provide an example, but there are some with that opinion.


Also, some clinics just aren't setup to do very large sessions. It's not that they aren't good enough, but they just don't do them enough. Think of this: If you were an elite surgeon, at the very top of the game, located in say New Orleans, LA. Most of your clientele will get between 1500 to 2500 grafts in a session, or as a one time transplant. If you agreed to do a 4,000 graft session, you'd need some more help but it takes five years to train someone up. The problem is, also, time does matter. So, it's not possible to do a large session with your normal staff because it might take 13 hours and a lot of the FU's might not survive that length of time.


So, you might very well could use 4,000 grafts, but 2500 will make a considerable difference. I had a similar experience, where Cooley and Charles recommended 2,500 - 3,000 but Hasson recommended 4,000. I could have used 4,000 b/c I didn't put many in my crown area. But, for a couple of reasons I chose to go with the 'smaller' recommendation.


Comparing the two, the FUE will be much more expensive, and some docs think the mega session FUE's aren't effective. Armani, from my research, used to be great with the strip surgery but he's sort of sold out to FUE.


My scar, at 5.5 months, is virtually undetectable so I don't know why you'd want FUE. Check out "Spex's" post of the two twin brothers who had transplants. One got the Tricho closure and the other got the old style closure, and the difference was amazing.


2) I think you'll be ok the day after your transplant to travel. I'd definitely spend the night after, though.


3) "Cosmetic Surgery"?


4) Keep taking for a few months and see if it gets better.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I find it personally difficult to consider FUE, given mostly sub-par results so far. Would you want

a)more hair with a scar that will be hidden by your hair and nobody can see anyway OR

b)no scar but with less hair and spend twice for your HT?


FUE is ok for small sessions or touch up but definitely not for 2000 or 3000 grafts as in your case.


Go with Cooley's number. I consulted with him and i really like his approach of trying to get the maximum result while keeping the number of graft as low as possible. We all know that our donor is limited. By the way Dr. Cooley is not that conservative, and can go quite aggressive if this is your wish.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Dear latinlotus & Dewayne,


thanks for your post.


Dewayne :- I saw your pre HT pics and i have alomst exact situation as your crown and temple.


Please let me know how many grafts you were recommended?Have you made a online consultation or personal as personal consultation should be more accurate?You have already done with your HT or you are yet to go for it?What costs/graft accourding to you is for strip?


I am more inclined to Armani mostly coz of his good work on hairline.I myself have researched online a lot an realised that this forum specially has pointed some negative points about armani fue work.May be that is why i am not able to make my final decision for last 3-4 months.My positive points for Armnahi were/are:-


a) 6.5$/graft for FUE (techs doing extraction).


b) Surgery in Dubai which is quite convenient for myself being in INDIA.This also saves 70% on flight/stay costs/visa formalities compare to visiting USA/canada.Remember 1USD=43 INR


c) If any touch up are required post HT than i can easily revisit Dubai (70% less cost to visiting USA/Canada)


d) Since i want to keep my HT hidden from my family also so FUE has less recovery time and less suspicious in compare to have a strip scar.


e)I am sure that this could be a risk that the yeild might be not as expected but i am sure this risk remains for strip surgeries also.


Forum members views on this willl be highly appreciated..

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Also if someone has infomation on Dissolvable sutures?And if they have any issues?


My biggest concern for Strip is i need to look for someone to remove my sutures when i return back to my country and i since i dont want to disclose my HT it would be a great dent to my plans.

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Guest wanthairs



I would not go to Armani. He is very expensive compared to some of the best docs in USA and has a very controversial reputation. Do some online consults with other docs.


I think you need to do more research......be patient...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

You do not have to worry about scar that much if some one can do a good job with scar like tricophytic scar closure then that should be good enough.


I will put another picture of my tricophytic scar technique have a look.




I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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The previous picture showed the scar bang in the middle.


See this one, it was i believe about 2800 graft session, 1.65 cm width, All u should see a slight dip in the middle




I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Posted September 10, 2008 12:59 AM Hide Post

Dear latinlotus & Dewayne,


thanks for your post.


Dewayne :- I saw your pre HT pics and i have alomst exact situation as your crown and temple.


Please let me know how many grafts you were recommended?Have you made a online consultation or personal as personal consultation should be more accurate?You have already done with your HT or you are yet to go for it?What costs/graft accourding to you is for strip?


I am more inclined to Armani mostly coz of his good work on hairline.I myself have researched online a lot an realised that this forum specially has pointed some negative points about armani fue work.May be that is why i am not able to make my final decision for last 3-4 months.My positive points for Armnahi were/are:-


I agree that Armani hairline is one of the better ones out there, mainly because he is aggressive and will offer what the patient needs, not some receded looks that some conservative doctors are recommending. Deep inside, i think Armani has great empathy because he gives what the patient needs. If you want aggressive hairline, i recommend that you consult with dr. Rahal, dr. Cooley or dr. Keene. They will not have any problem with giving the hairline with temple closures similar to Armani.


a) 6.5$/graft for FUE (techs doing extraction).


b) Surgery in Dubai which is quite convenient for myself being in INDIA.This also saves 70% on flight/stay costs/visa formalities compare to visiting USA/canada.Remember 1USD=43 INR


I don't know where you get your numbers but although it is true that flight cost to Dubai is lower, the hotel stay can be easily 3 times higher than in Canada. If cost is such an issue, don't go with FUE, since the cost is double compared to strip, plus the yield is 25% less on average. Therefore, for the same price, with FUE you will probably get 50% less hair/graft that will actually grow. If you really want to save, i think dr. Mohmand from Islamabad is charging $1/graft, but i am not sure he does FUE.


c) If any touch up are required post HT than i can easily revisit Dubai (70% less cost to visiting USA/Canada)


Why are you planning a touch up? The doctor should get it right the first time. Since you are 3V, perhaps another HT will be needed few years later as the hair loss progresses.


d) Since i want to keep my HT hidden from my family also so FUE has less recovery time and less suspicious in compare to have a strip scar.


This is a myth. Actually with FUE, everything is more obvious because you have to shave the donor and the recipient area. I have seen some pics from strip surgery where you can barely see any scar in immediately post-op pictures, mainly because the hair is covering the scar. Beside how are you going to hide the scabs from recipient site, especially with Armani who requires that you shave. If you really don't want to shave, I recommend you go with some doctors who do not require shaving like dr. Cooley or dr. Epstein.


e)I am sure that this could be a risk that the yeild might be not as expected but i am sure this risk remains for strip surgeries also.


This is not even debatable. Yield from FUE in general, even from the best doctors out there, is much lower than strip. If you really want to go with FUE, try dr. Feller



Forum members views on this willl be highly appreciated..


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Well due to present decline in Pak rs against dollar the cost for tricophytic closure is $ 0.8 per graft.


I also do FUE, I charge presently US$ 3.5 (Pak RS 300) per FUE.



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member



I am not sure if you are aware of this, but for Jeets (who is from India) to travel to Pakistan to get his surgery from Dr. Humayun is probably not possible, (and also not recommended). No offence, but I guess that given the tension sbetween the two countries, getting a visa might be difficult.

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