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Additional 200 worth it... Rethinking my graph count

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<span class="ev_code_blue">Ok, with all that said and out of the way... back to the real deal icon_smile.gif


About Me: I've been kicking around the idea of a transplant for several years (not thinking that I would ever do it) I just wanted to be informed of potential options should I one day decide to give it go.


Several years ago I interviewed a couple of local places (I hate to say local.. than people think I didn't do enough homework). Ordered the "800" DVD's, watched them, then set them aside to be dust magnets icon_razz.gif


In the last 6 months I got the bug to see what was out there again... did the routine. Interviewed 7 different practices and started my online research. Narrowed the list pretty quick... since I new abit about what I was looking for.


Several of the places presented in a very Unproffesional manner... those just came off the list. I wasn't going to entertain a place that would not have a respectful conversation with me icon_mad.gif. I also acted as I new very little to see if their answers would match what I new to be fact or fiction. One place simply aggreed with serveral statements I made, that I knew where false. Why, just to get the business... Sorry. icon_rolleyes.gif


Another got eliminated by my attorney. I had him do some research on my final list to see who's been sued for what and how many times.</span>

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So as it stands... I'm scheduled to have my procedure on Tuesday AM... I dread the experiace, I hate going to dentist, doctors, and... transplants icon_wink.gif LOL. But I do go, the nessecary eveils of life.


My Doc is Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Member of (ASHRS)American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery,(ISHR) Internantional Society of Hair Restoration. ("The B Spot" to respond to your post... thanks for all the typing.) lol


I know, I know...Sure he has the certs... but that does not mean he's good?


Does he have the latest tools of the trade ?? Well let's see... The Stereoscopic Microscope that everyone keeps toughting has been around since 1987. Lateral Slit Blades, not much new about scalpos in the last 15 years, however the proceedures have changed more than the tools.


He uses Lateral Slit Blades from .75mm to 1.2mm (pretty much standard today), obviously small for the single hairs and larger for 3 or 4 FEU. The smaller the better... faster healing, less swelling, less chance of infection, and potential of increased density in a single session. A place that specialized in Mega Sessions... will want smaller blades yet.


I see alot about Hansson & Wong Lateral Slit Technique... Yes, they upped the bar when they started doing this. But they don't have a patent on the Technique... This Technique is current... "Standard Operating Proceedure" for most respectable practices.


Sagittial direction and Anguation control are all part of the art.


Most important, is the artistic ability of the surgeon to utilize the exist tools and techniques to create a finished products that complements the look of the individual.


Those of you looking for Mega Sessions... For Pete Sakes, make sure you go to a Provider of Mega Sessions. If your looking for an average 2,000-3,000 session... there are lots of great doctors to be had. You don't need to travel across the country.

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I wanted to address one thing you said:


Personally, I don't want a head full of dense packed hair. Just as some woman might prefer larger or average breast enhancement... it's all a personal preferance. I want a thinning look with fair coverage in the crown, and better coverage on the framing of my face.



It seems to some degree you have done some research, but I'm not quite sure you know what you are saying with this statement. Surely a lot depends on the amount of hairloss you had, but don't you know that even a dense packed session will not yield the result of your high school youth? Even dense packed hair will give you a thinner look than you used to have...so when you are saying you DON'T want densely packed hair, I would have to surmise that you want a VERY thin look as opposed to a thinner but full look that can be provided with dense packing. Sure if this is your preference, it's up to you...but in the 2+ years I've been here, you are the only one who has ever said they want a thin head of hair. If that's the case, why get a hair transplant at all? If your primary goal is to look like a diffuse thinner, from my point of view, it just seems pointless...but it's about your happiness not mine or anyone elses...but from third party perspective, a thin hair transplant at best will look like a diffuse thinner, and certain lights will make your hair look even thinner than that.


Regarding your doctor...since I don't believe you mentioned his name, I can't comment on any knowledge I may or may not have of him...however, as it's been said...there are other quality doctors that are not on the coalition, but we know the coalition to be proven entities which is why we typically recommend them.


The lateral slit technique is not patented as you say...any doctor is free to use it. If your doctor is using it...that's great. I hope he does a good job on you.



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If your looking for an average 2,000-3,000 session... there are lots of great doctors to be had. You don't need to travel across the country.


This is a very vague and general statement so therefore is incorrect. Hair transplant surgery is very specific and finding a doctor is very specific as well. How do you know there are a lot of great doctors to be "had"? How do you know what location of the country they are all in? If I'm in Maine...could you recommend me many good doctors there? What criteria do you use to define "great"? Even though I've been here for years now, I certainly couldn't make such a general claim...surely there are great doctors...but surely there are some better than others...and certainly I would recommend traveling to people who are in an area where there is no evidence (to the outside world like this forum) that a doctor is good or isn't good. It's all about risk. People come here seeking counsel as to which doctors are KNOWN to be great. There probably are other great doctors that haven't been discovered in the online community...but one must use very specific criteria to determine whether or not they are good.


I hope you will share your experience, surgery, and progressive pictures to document your journey with us to educate others and to receive support (if you want it).



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Sure if this is your preference, it's up to you...but in the 2+ years I've been here, you are the only one who has ever said they want a thin head of hair. If that's the case, why get a hair transplant at all? If your primary goal is to look like a diffuse thinner, from my point of view, it just seems pointless...but it's about your happiness not mine or anyone elses...but from third party perspective, a thin hair transplant at best will look like a diffuse thinner, and certain lights will make your hair look even thinner than that.




As I write this, I'm not upset..even through it might come across that way in writting icon_smile.gif


It is more than obvious that some people are defining themselves by how much hair they have on the head. Obsessing over getting the very best, spending $10,000 +, traveling around the world, cutting out every square inch of scalp possible, doing elective surgries in some cases 5 and 6 times. Some of these people might be better off to invest that money in counciling.


I am confident in my appearance, I have family and freinds that aren't judging me by my hair, my wife thinks it would be nice to do... but thinks I'm wasting the money because no one really cares.


My hair is not my life... but I would like to patch up some of the balding areas and it so happens that this is a convient time to do so, so what the heck.


As I stated in my post... I simply don't want the bare skin bald look. Maybe I'm just the most confident person here... and I'm not that concerned about having as much hair as possible. I haven't even told anyone, it's not that big a deal.


This forum pushes on people that they must have a full head of hair, it must be done by certain doctors,... ect.


People have been here for years. icon_rolleyes.gif I did not give my Dr. name, nor do I intend to. What is the differance to anyone here?? There is not need to control me, I've done my homework and ready to go.. I have talked to several current clients, I just walked in and they where there in the waiting room. They had no complaints... the work looked good.

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This is a very vague and general statement so therefore is incorrect.


Therefore incorrect... LOL. Gee, are you going to put this on my perniment record. That statement sounds like it was generated by a computer program.



How do you know there are a lot of great doctors to be "had"? How do you know what location of the country they are all in? If I'm in Maine...could you recommend me many good doctors there?


Wow.. I suddenly feel like I'm in a conversation with my high schooler icon_wink.gif



I think you are capable of understanding the intentions of my post without me turning it into a 10 page essay. I'm sure most metropolitian areas have a number of reputable people to choose from. Maybe we have a few more here.. with the extra desposable income. Oakland county Michigan (3 miles from my house) is the 3rd riched county in the U.S. I'm sure a lot of transplants take place with discriminating clients.

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It sounds like you have done a good amount of research and you are confident in your final choice. Best of luck and if one day you decide it's appropriate let us know how it all turns out. Most of us members are always looking to expand our horizons, finding good Docs to add to our list of recommended and coalition surgeons.

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Since you have extensive experience on other forums and went to some clinics asking questions you already knew the answer to, I guess you were playing us to??? icon_confused.gif


Why come on the forum and ask for advice you already knew the answer to?? Not sure what your intentions were? Can you clarify?


I gave my honest opinions which were somewhat different than some of the others, so I have to disagree with your premise that we all follow suit with our thinking.


Bill is a very respected member of this forum. We all may at some point may disagree, but lets not become condescending or sarcastic.





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George, it has become obvious that you are a condescending jerk. You are not confident as you say you are. You are scared to expose your choice of doctors. You are afraid what a group of very knowledgeable people might say.


Bill is a VERY valued member of this community, which serves to prevent many unsuspecting patients from being overly impressed by a doctor with a bunch of letters after his name. To say that he should spend his money on counseling exposes your extreme ignorance of what message boards like these are all about.


Go get your jollies somewhere else.




2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Originally posted by nobuzz4me:


Since you have extensive experience on other forums and went to some clinics asking questions you already knew the answer to, I guess you were playing us to??? icon_confused.gif

I'm not playing anyone... I had a question, I asked it, and got some great feed back. In regards to the many forums over the years, they are a variety of forums... Health, Collector Cars, Racing, and others.


Why come on the forum and ask for advice you already knew the answer to?? Not sure what your intentions were? Can you clarify?

I didn't know the answer.. I basically had a single question for others that have been through a HT.


I gave my honest opinions which were somewhat different than some of the others, so I have to disagree with your premise that we all follow suit with our thinking.

You had a great post..I thank you.


I appreciated your willingness to come forward and present an opinion that was not mainstream. Sorry for not properly recognizing you... I tried to point it out, but referred to the wrong post.


Bill is a very respected member of this forum. We all may at some point may disagree, but lets not become condescending or sarcastic.

He may be veiwed that way by it's long time members... However, I'm new here, and as you can see by his postings, and nit-picking me he not being quite the ambassador that he could be to the new people.

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Originally posted by Gorpy:

Bill is a VERY valued member of this community, which serves to prevent many unsuspecting patients from being overly impressed by a doctor with a bunch of letters after his name. To say that he should spend his money on counseling exposes your extreme ignorance of what message boards like these are all about.


Originally Posted by George8211

Some of these people might be better off to invest that money in counciling


You should take your time and read before posting your comments... If you read more closely... my post state.. Some people...

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Guys, even though our intensions are genuine it is becoming a feeding frenzy for attacking poor George. He sounds like he HAS done his homework and is ready to take the plunge. Wish him well and move on.

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It's interesting that you come out personally attacking me when I challenged a general claim you made. I don't know why you think I'm nit picking you...I'm trying to have intelligent conversation with you. If you don't want to participate in the conversation, that is up to you. You seem to want everyone to agree with you in all things, and when someone disagrees or challenges you, you attack them. May I remind you, that you came HERE for help and questions. If you don't like the answers...so be it.


Let's look at one statement though...and I'm not attacking you or nit picking...I'm challenging you (even if you don't feel it's benefit, it's benefit will be for those who read this thread). One of your last posts you wrote:


I'm sure most metropolitian areas have a number of reputable people to choose from.


You may or may not be correct...but the problem is, you say it with uncertainty. My question to you was indeed valid...how can you make a claim without actually knowing? I would NEVER recommend a doctor to someone with certainty if I was indeed not certain. I might say something like, "I've heard he/she is a good doctor, but research yourself" but I wouldn't say "Don't travel because there are doctors just as good here" when I really don't KNOW it. I refuse to speak in ignorance because it's not in a potential patient's best interest. I don't know why you are here...but I'm here to try to advise potential patients to make the best decision for them based on what I know. Believe it or not...I was trying to help you. I do not deny that the doctor you have chosen MIGHT be a qualified physician. I've challenged your general statements because they are said without knowledge, yet you state it with certainty...and that is misleading to potential newbies who are reading this thread, and it needed to be challenged for their sake (if not for yours).


I will not resort to attacking you the same way you have attacked me. Most people know me here and know I really don't take many things personal here. I aim to help and offer counsel when asked for. You came HERE for help and it was offered to you. If you want to insult me, it will roll off my shoulders. Despite your insults, I still wish you the best of luck in your endeavor in a hair transplant. Whether or not you think I'm an "ambassador" isn't relevant to me. I do like to think that my presence has been helpful to people...but I know that I can't please everyone. I'm not a fool in thinking I can win the world's heart. So instead I step forward with being honest and helping as many people as I can with what I can offer. Am I wrong sometimes? Of course. But there is nothing in this thread that can be considered wrong...because I've made no claim of certainty...only questioned you for being certain of things that are so general. However, it seems that you assume that just because someone disagrees with you that they aren't looking out for your best interest. Take my word for it or not...but my posts have been attempting to look out for your best interest and the best interest of others who are reading this thread. New patients who are not researched might just happen to read your generalizations and assume that every local doctor to them is a quality doctor...and it simply may not be true. The challenge was necessary for others reading, even if you didn't appreciate it icon_wink.gif



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Let's just leave this thread, eh guys?


Nuff' said and nothing to be gained by continuing the conversation.......


I too wish George the best of luck.

Hopefully he will share his experience with us positive or negative.



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I've responded to everyone input and questions... That where related to the question I asked.


The only thing I did not answer was my doctors name. I thought the people here would respect my personal choice to keep that information to myself, and I was wrong.

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