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Any Suggestions..???

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I am Charles Browwn. I am very upset due to hair falling problem, but my friends suggest me for hairrestoration. But they did not know much about hair restoration procedure. I am little bit confused about the side fact of hairtransplantation. Please give me some valuable guidance.

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I am Charles Browwn. I am very upset due to hair falling problem, but my friends suggest me for hairrestoration. But they did not know much about hair restoration procedure. I am little bit confused about the side fact of hairtransplantation. Please give me some valuable guidance.

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It is not that simple.. We need to know more about you before suggesting Hair transplantation.. Age, pics of hairloss, and your expectations..


This is essential to give you an accurate answer



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Charles, If you learn more and more, and you do things the way the clinic tells you you'll see how simple the whole process can be. If you need more hair transplanted in an area or just more in general, get a mega-session!!! Some of the before and after photos are amazing!!!!

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Alec, A mega-session is a big hair transplant session! No messing around for years-- just get it done. 3500 grafts minimum, and I just have a bit more to go. When I got my first HT a few years ago I was lead to believe that 800 grafts was enough to just fill in the "corners" of my hairline. 5000 thousand should have been the remedy. Keep getting knowledge and when you think you've exhausted yourself your just warming up. Good luck-- I should say work hard!!

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Dear Its752,


I've done mine 1,553 graft with Bosley in San Francisco office in September 2006. First, when I read posts about Bosley here, I got very scared. However, 8 months have gone, and so far so good. People compliment my hair and I see the difference as well.


Mega-session? I will, probably, go for it, not with Bosley, thought. Of course, if I have a choice between 2-3 small procedures or 1 big one, I will choose 1 procedure.


Thanks a lot for the answer.


P.S. Any suggestion on a good HT doctor in San Francisco or Bay Area?


Take care,



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Hello everyone,


Might I say that many of you need to slow down and learn. Do not consider surgery because you are emotional about your hair loss. Trust me, we can all understand the temptation and relate with the frustration of hair loss.


Take some time and educate yourself.




I know you are new...but this is bad advice. More needs to be determined about someone before recommending hair transplantation.




We'd need to know a bit more about you in order to help you.


How old are you? What is your family history of hair loss? Where are you on the norwood scale? (Google norwood scale if you need help). Can you post some pictures of your situation? Are you currently on any medication to prevent hair loss...if so what?


I recommend reading the following threads:


What should I consider when researching hair transplantation?




Am I too young for a hair transplant?






Mega-session just simply means larger session. Typically a session becomes a mega-session around 3000 grafts plus.


For a list of qualified physicians, I recommend researching the doctors here: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp



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Seems I found this site a day or two too late & have been hearing horror stories about Bosley. (But not so sure it's coming from actual patients) I went in for consultation Monday & had the procedure that Wednesday (six days ago)in San Francisco. I'd like to hear more from actual patients that have had good or bad experiences & not just from people that have read of the problems others have had with Bosley.


I'm not in denial that it may have been a mistake (only time will tell) & having read all the info the past few days, I am doing my best to avoid becoming depressed. Most of the people on here are men, I assume but I'm a girl & it's a lot tougher to deal with this problem. (socially it's more acceptable to go bald when it's a man vs. women)

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Hello Imagirlygirl and welcome to the community.


There is no sense in over-worrying at this point since what is done is done. But perhaps we can help you...


I am a patient but not of Bosley. I have been around on these forums for a few years now and unfortunately have seen a lot of negative comments from actual patients of Bosley over the years. This is why they are not recommended here.


BUT...not all hope is lost. Just because the majority that have posted here and other forums have had negative experiences, doesn't mean yours will definitely turn out that way. Unfortunately, with these clinics, a lot of time it's hit or miss. But all you can really do at this point is wait it out and see how things go.


I'd also do a few things if I were you:


1. Research Bosley on this and other forums instead of taking my or anyone else's word for it and draw your own conclusions


2. Consider posting your experience and photos on this forum and perhaps we'll be able to help and encourage you.



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Girly -

Don't stress or try not to anyway.

If everone that had a root canal done carried the onus of responsibility upon themself for not doing 6 months of research and lost their teeth as a result of not doig it.. well.

Honestly. Most of these guys ( H/T Drs.)are scum.

Keep your chin up kid you found what I believe is the only non- corruptable place. Tons of brainpower ( not mine though) : ).

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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