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Anyone lucky enough to see growth after 2 months?

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Hey hey everyone,


I had a hairline transplant (4500 FUE) nearly 2 months ago with Armani (i know alot of you guys don't approve of his ethics but his work is good).


Just wanting to know if anybody was lucky enough to see any growth after 2 months?


I have two bottles of rogaine here, a 5% foam and a 15% solution which i bought off the net. I've been advised to use 5% so i don't know why i bought the 15% icon_razz.gif but i'll use it if it's not going to cause any damage. Does rogaine makes the hair grow in faster?



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  • Regular Member

Hey hey everyone,


I had a hairline transplant (4500 FUE) nearly 2 months ago with Armani (i know alot of you guys don't approve of his ethics but his work is good).


Just wanting to know if anybody was lucky enough to see any growth after 2 months?


I have two bottles of rogaine here, a 5% foam and a 15% solution which i bought off the net. I've been advised to use 5% so i don't know why i bought the 15% icon_razz.gif but i'll use it if it's not going to cause any damage. Does rogaine makes the hair grow in faster?



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haha yeah it's 15%, you could get 30% aswell i read somewhere. Can't remember how much i bought the stuff for... think it was around $90 - $110. Waste of money probly, i havn't used it yet.


I don't mind tiny growth because i'm keeping my head buzzed to a number 0.5 - 1.0. Just want the illusion of the hairline if ya know what i mean icon_smile.gif

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Hey Diezel. I'm only a little more than a month out but I'm hoping I'll be one of the lucky ones to start seeing some early growth. 15% is some pretty high octane shit. careful not to burn your mellon. Not sure if more is better based on studies. As far as Armani goes, I think many here would agree that they've seen some nice hairline results. The main issue with Armani seems to be that alot of young guys (early 20's) get major density applied to create a low youthful hairline without addressing what their future hair loss may be when they're 50. Someone who's a NW3 and not likely to ever progress beyond that doesn't have much to worry about. It's the guys who are likely to progress to NW5,5,6 that may have issues in the future. Happy growing!

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haha, cheers dude. Nah i'm not guna use it i don't think. I might try putting some on the back of my head to see if it burns first.


Well i'm 20 and i'm well aware of the controversy that comes with Armani doing dense hairlines on younger patienents. I have read alot from this forum, got some good info from here. I havn't lost any hair at present, i was just going for a more aggressive hairline, sides, and temples. I have had a shaved head for ages but i wanted the illusion of a lower hairline as mine was pretty far back. If i do lose hair then i'll probly just do a Zinidine Zidane. I'm very much a hetrosexual guy but hes a good looking bloke

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Well being able to keep a buzz is definitely one of the great benefits of FUE. Just don't go head buttin any body like Zidane until atleast 3 months or you might stunt the early growth :-).

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ermm, i don't think i seen any pics from the consultation or surgery. They had two guys there who had had a procedure. The pics i have seen or had seen before the surgery were from his and other websites / personal blogs. Y?

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Its just because hes been doing alot of fue for a while now and I havent seen any grown out pics .The pics on the website are from strip and fue is a whole diiferent ballgame. Not trying to scare you but I have a co-worker that had alot of fue also with him and though its still considered kind of early he hasnt had much growth yet .He also didnt see any grown out pics but there were two guys there that did ,one of them that works there .I think his name was Shawn. Anyway at least with fue my buddy can cut his head with a 1 gaurd and it still looks like it did before. He just pissed because of the $ and potential wasted grafts but like I said its still early maybe hes a slow grower . Yeah use the minox it cant hurt

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Hope thats not going to be the case buddy. I thought it was the same just a different extraction process. How many months gone is he?


You reckon i should use the 15% then?



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The whole thing took about 12 hours, maybe more. It was done in one session though.


Is FUE not the same as FUSS though when it comes to placing the grafts? I thought the only difference was no cut along the back. Also because they take the grafts individualy it takes longer. Is that not true.


Since i had the transplant I have been very careful and left it at least a month before touching the area to remove the scabs. If it's true that grafts are set after 10 days then i would think and hope that i should be ok.


The only cocern i would have is that after removing the scabs certain areas were a little red but don't believe grafts could be pulled out at this time

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You get 4500 grafts with no discernable hairloss, and for the express purpose of getting a highly aggressive hairline and temple design? And you are 20? Jesus haha, that is pretty bold, even by Armani standards. Do you have any pics? I can't imagine someone with little to no hairloss getting 4500 grafts just for some refinement.


My biggest concern for Armani patients like yourself actually isn't even his "ethics", per say; it is that I personally have zero trust in his actual FUE results....with strip, I would agree that his work was very good but his ethics were questionable; with FUE I question his results and think his ethics are horrific. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE the concept of FUE and think that even right now it can be used with great effect and appropriateness.


There are some very informative threads regarding FUE on this website and on the HairLossHelp forum.....it's true that the process is more labor intensive, and it takes longer -- hence, the higher pricing. But, there is a lot to the FUE procedure of handling the grafts that by all *known* accounts has *not* been perfected, and the risks resulting in transection and poor growth rates remain, especially when megasessions are performed in one sitting vis a vis "brute force".


Also, regarding the rogaine, I'm pretty sure there is no credible evidence that using a higher than 5% concentration will do anything other than irritate your body, so I'd just stick to the 5% in your case.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Didnt want to say what you said but I could have sauid it better.

Aside from horrible ethics we havent seen any of Armanis fue results so I wouldnt worry Diezel.

My co-worker belongs on here and Hairloss help told me the moderator has deleted accounts of more then a few people who were anti Armani when it pertained to fue in the last few months Hmmmmm

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a little concerning too say the least but i'll see how it goes. Nothing i can do now but wait. I did manage to find a few FUE results for Armani and relativly quickly when searching google which looked real nice.

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am I the only one that is utterly shocked by all of this?...


thant commented on it, but other than that everyone just seems to be giving "normal" advice here.







dude!!!! You had:


#1- no hair loss?

#2- are 20 years old?

#3- had 4,500 grafts done?!?!?!?


No offense Diezel, but this is all so outrageous it almost sounds like a b.s. joke post. I mean, where did they put that many grafts?


It seems you did some research (as you stated) prior to getting this done. What I have to ask you (because I notice this has been happening a TON lately) is: why would you come to this site and ask for advice AFTER going through with the procedure?


I just don't get that? I would think you would come here PRIOR to having the ht? I ask because it seems to me this is a growing trend lately and Im just wondering what your rationale was.


As far as your ht goes: I would DEFINITELLY like to see some before/ after photos, as I just can not imagine where they would put that many grafts on someone with no hair loss.




#1 was your procedure done with Armani himself?

#2 How much $ was it?

good luck to you...

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PGP, I too have heard of stuff like that....very shady...


Diezel, to clarify, I don't think you got butchered, far from it; and I don't think your hair is going to look bad, or even worse; in fact, I am SURE it will look much better as Armani has skills and the SHEER ratio of the # of grafts to the balding areas will make a nice difference. And the FUE procedure in and of itself is wholly sound.


I still stand by my original post though, and that Armani has gone from questionable ethics and patently good results to questionable results and horrific ethics.


The burden of proof is clearly on Armani to conclusively prove that he somehow, someway, all by himself, without anyone else knowing, found a way to bypass the host of FUE-meggasession difficulties that a myriad of brilliant, devoted HT docs have not.


NG2GB, assuming no miscommunications, I think it's the most outraeous thing I've ever heard of regarding this type of thing. Armani is slick, though, and his Machiavellian marketing campaign is focused and effective to say the least....I can easily see how someone, even after doing some research, could go through with him w/o knowing the full deal...I almost did.....


Bottom line to me is that Armani gets TOO GOOD of a rap; saying he has questionable ethics doesn't do that much to a 20 year old panicking over his hair loss who just wants a cure-all.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Guest josh - b
Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:


My co-worker belongs on here and Hairloss help told me the moderator has deleted accounts of more then a few people who were anti Armani when it pertained to fue in the last few months Hmmmmm


Dr armani is a big advertiser on hlh. Its choc full of his paid cheerleading squad who pertain to be objective but who in reality are there to steer young impressionable men to his clinic and to defend his outragiously unethical practices.

The owner/moderator of that forum is of course highly knowledgeable when it comes to hair loss but chooses to ignore whats going on there (for monetary reasons or otherwise) which in my opinion makes him as unethical as armani himself.


However in diesels case i think there is a big difference in transplanting 4,500 fu to lower a 20 y.o's non balding hairline than doing so into a 20 y.o showing early mpb as he may never experience hairloss.(its still outragious though)



i'm sure you'll have a very pleasing result but if u ever start to show signs of male pattern baldness i would suggest u get on finasteride asap.


best of luck

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Welcome to our forum community.


I am always concerned when I see young hair transplant patients at only 20 or so years of age with virtually no hair loss receive large megasessions that will quickly use up a finite donor hair supply.


In my opinion, Dr. Armani continues to prove that his ethics are more than questionable. Read more of my opinion on Dr. Armani.


Of course, we wish you the very best hoping both that you do not experience a lot of additional hair loss and that you experience high growth yield.


I encourage you to create a hair transplant patient photo album and hair loss weblog to share your experience and photos with us. Please only create these if you intend to follow through until maturation 9-12 months later. Photos such as before, immediately postoperative, monthly progressive photos, and after pictures will be helpful.


For your reference however, and future learning, I recommend reading the following:


Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?


What Should I Consider when Researching Hair Transplantation?


What are the benefits, limitations, and potential problems of FUE?


Best wishes,



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Thanks for all the concern everyone.


I'll see what happens in the coming months, I have photos post op and monthly so far so i could create a weblog. I'll more than likely do this in a couple of months.


I really do understand what everybody is saying. I was aware of the situation before the op and am not overly concerned about any loss in the future although it's hard to show any emotion to it unless it's actually happened.


The way I look at it, is that if i were to lose any hair and medications did fail and supposedly there were no future 'options', to cover the rest then I would happily try to blend in a Zidane like bald spot. Some people may find it hard to believe but i don't think that would bother me icon_smile.gif. I wear my hair buzzed, i like it buzzed and I thought why not try this seen as I have had no hair loss and very very little loss in my family.


In relation to the dude that said they don't know where they would put 4500 grafts... Like i say it was more like replacing a lost hairline but with no hairloss. I had a high hairline with no temples. I would have thought this was better than somebody who had showed signs of loss early.


The shape that Armani has given me is fantastic, i have every faith in his artistic ability, and in general I would say that although he does market himself strong and business like he is a really nice guy with good staff and good clean facilities.


One thing yesterday that did concern me a little was that i did not know about low yield rate in FUE and the fact that some of you find that he has not proven himself much in his FUE. Now, I did have a look around yesterday and found several grown out FUE pics which did look rather good. I guess that anyone who claims they can do huge FUE megasessions with high yield rate is going to raise some eyebrows and people will want evidence. From what I have seen is enough to put my mind at rest for the money I have spent.



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As long as your happy thats all that counts. I believe even if only 3000 grow youll probably be happy. Im starting to see and believe thats what hes doing now , over packing areas that way even if 65% grows there will still be a nice cosmetic difference. Yes thats a horrible way of going about it but it seems people are ok with that. By the way I was taliking to my buddy about his price and what I feel is shady is that he quoted him $14 a graft but after he decided his price was too high he came down to $7 a graft. Hes all over the board some people pay 6 some 14 .

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We all hope the best for you of course.


I do hope you will document your progress by creating a free hair loss weblog.


Without pictures, it is difficult to determine whether or not 4500 grafts is an over-estimate for your specific case. Unfortunately, I have seen Dr. Armani give extreme over-estimates to other patients. I have posted examples to other patients revealing this on this thread.


This concerns me greatly and I can't help but wonder if the proper handling of the delicate grafts has been sacrifced for speed. After all, by transplanting more hair than necessary, a lower hair growth yield would still produce a nice cosmetic improvement.


In other words, if you only really needed 2500 grafts to obtain a nice hair transplant result, and you were given 4500, even if only 2500 grafts grew, you would still sing praises and be satisfied with your hair transplant result.


But the reality of this hypothetical scenerio is that you would have lost 2000 grafts from your finite donor supply and only received about 55% growth yield, which is terrible.


Best of luck!



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