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My HT procedure 5-oct-2007 with Dr. Epstein


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Hi, I will have a procedure with Dr. Epstein next friday (5-oct-2007), he said that I need about 2400 graft in front and 700 back.


But he only saw my pictures, on octuber 4 (the day before) I will meet him and we will see how much do I need...


I'm looking for 4000 graft in front, this are my photos...


What's your comments?


I know Dr. Epstein is a good doctor.


I have more photos but dont know how to post them


Sorry for my english


2804 grafts

1104 single hairs

1318 2 hairs

382 3 hairs

and a few 4 hairs


for a total of just around 5000 hairs

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  • Regular Member

Hi, I will have a procedure with Dr. Epstein next friday (5-oct-2007), he said that I need about 2400 graft in front and 700 back.


But he only saw my pictures, on octuber 4 (the day before) I will meet him and we will see how much do I need...


I'm looking for 4000 graft in front, this are my photos...


What's your comments?


I know Dr. Epstein is a good doctor.


I have more photos but dont know how to post them


Sorry for my english

2804 grafts

1104 single hairs

1318 2 hairs

382 3 hairs

and a few 4 hairs


for a total of just around 5000 hairs

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Contact Bill as he can help you to upload more photos. If not, you can use the online photo album section of the forum to upload as many as you want.


Is Dr. E going to place any in the top of your scalp or just the front and the back?

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hi, he will put graft in front and the scalp.


I see that you work with H&W, they awnser just one mail and they never told me the dates available...

2804 grafts

1104 single hairs

1318 2 hairs

382 3 hairs

and a few 4 hairs


for a total of just around 5000 hairs

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Welcome to our community.


The easiest way to upload photos is to create a photo album (instructions here). Additional photos will help the members of this community understand your hair loss condition a bit better. Including a top down picture and a crown picture will be helpful.


Dr. Epstein is an excellent physician that provides ultra refined follicular unit transplantation. You will be in terrific hands. He will be able to work with you and develop a hair restoration plan that is in your long term best interest.


If you have any questions, feel free to post them on our forum.


Best wishes,



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Muchas Gracias, Thanks you very much


Between Hasson & Wong and Dr. Epstein, who you recommend me?


?‚??there is a lot of difference?

2804 grafts

1104 single hairs

1318 2 hairs

382 3 hairs

and a few 4 hairs


for a total of just around 5000 hairs

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Guest wanthairs



I think Dr. Epstein is a great surgeon, very honest and ethical as far as my experience goes. I do think however that Hasson and Wong do much larger procedures so its up to you who you decide. Either way you wont go wrong. Good luck !!!

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Choosing between elite surgeons that perform state of the art hair transplantation is like choosing between two beautiful paintings performed by 2 extremely talented artists. Selecting between them will be a subjective process. Use the "find" feature of this community to view before/after photos from each of their patients and make the choice that's best for you. I would be comfortable going to any of the surgeons you mentioned knowing that I was in capable hands.



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Originally posted by Bill:



Welcome to our community.


The easiest way to upload photos is to create a photo album (instructions here). Additional photos will help the members of this community understand your hair loss condition a bit better. Including a top down picture and a crown picture will be helpful.


Dr. Epstein is an excellent physician that provides ultra refined follicular unit transplantation. You will be in terrific hands. He will be able to work with you and develop a hair restoration plan that is in your long term best interest.


If you have any questions, feel free to post them on our forum.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Bill:



Choosing between elite surgeons that perform state of the art hair transplantation is like choosing between two beautiful paintings performed by 2 extremely talented artists. Selecting between them will be a subjective process. Use the "find" feature of this community to view before/after photos from each of their patients and make the choice that's best for you. I would be comfortable going to any of the surgeons you mentioned knowing that I was in capable hands.





I'm meeting with Dr.Epstein today and understand he is highly rated.

What is confusing me is the price difference between some of these docs.

They all seem to be real close in the results they give yet some are alot more expensive then the others.

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Welcome to our community. I see you figured out how to re-register icon_smile.gif.


Dr. Epstein is a first-rate hair restoration physician. Congratulations on choosing to consult with him.


Yes it's true...


Some physicians will charge more than others though I have found that the majority of them are close in price.


I have found that it's best to narrow your choices down to a few top quality physicians and then use price as the LAST consideration in your decision.


Best wishes,



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Well, just 3 days.... I'm so exited!!!


One last question-.. It's important to not smoking these days?

2804 grafts

1104 single hairs

1318 2 hairs

382 3 hairs

and a few 4 hairs


for a total of just around 5000 hairs

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Good luck Sabravo!!!


You are taking a big step, a great one which will change your life. I can honestly say it is one of the best things I've done that changed my life icon_smile.gif


Try not to smoke



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Hi Sabravo

You made a great decision. You'll be in good hands with Dr Epstein and his crew. I just had my first procedure yesterday, 10/2. I write this from the Hampton Inn in Miami, awaiting to head back for my follow-up and wash. I had around 2,200 grafts. I am virtually pain free this morning. Tightness around suture area but no great uncomfort. I'll be heading downstairs after I post this for a nice breakfast.


Here's what to expect for the day: Enjoy a nice light breakfast (toast, fruit, yogurt, decaf coffee). Don't fill yourself up too much to allow medication to work well.


You will arrive. Check in with Roxy and crew. You'll fill out patient registration docs. You'll then be taken to a room to meet with Dr E. There you will both discuss your goals.


They will then bring you into a changing/recovery room. You'll remove your shirt and put on some patient garb. They'll give you a valium and Tylenol w Codeine. This will relax you a bit. They will give you a menu to select your lunch (I got the club sandwich). Dr E will mark out the hairline and fill in area with a marker. He'll take some photos.


Then you will be escoretd into the procedure room, where you'll be seated in the center-- it's like a dentist chair. Along the wall are stations setup with about 10 microscopes for dissecting/cutting grafts.


Once seated and comfortable, they will inject some novacaine. This is a sharp tingling feeling, but not exceptionally painful (well worth it).


Once numb (about 5 minutes or so). They will remove your strip. This doesn't hurt at all. I didn't even realize they were doing it. With the relaxant medication and numbness to head it's very comfortable.


The girls now to start to arrive and sit at their stations. They all work on cutting. They are professional but very personable and open (not stuffy). You'll hear them chatting about families, gossip, etc.


Dr E will now start to slice the spots where grafts will be placed. They do this in sections. They will work on your hairline first and then fill around from there. The cutting/slicing of grafts takes time, it's not like they have 2,000 or so grafts waiting. Timing of cuts and placements are done in accordance to available grafts at time. You'll hear "who's got grafts" quite often. Grafts come in three types (1'2, 2's, 3's). These are the amount of hairs within each graft -- 1's are placed along hairline, 2's and 3's are placed behind hairline to fill in.


About halfway through you will be offered lunch. You should take this break even if you're not hungry. They will escort you into recovery room. Make sure you get some food in you, and then take another valium and Tylenol if needed. This helps. Also, request some more novacaine if you are starting to feel any pain at all.


Then it's off to finishing up job. Same procedures. All placement cuts are performed by Dr E. This is the artistry work, and he does it all. Some grafts are transplanted by the doctor, but most are performed by two of his assistants (who are competent and so nice). The doctor comes and goes (he has consults, business, etc), allowing him to check transplants, perform more cuts, and just to keep things running smoothly.


Once done, they will clean your head down with water spray, towel combo. You will be escorted back into recovery room where you change back into shirt. They will ask if you need anything to drink. They will spray on some Graftcyte, and place a strip of tape on your forehead to help with swelling. You will then gently place a bandana over your head. You will be given a baggie full of medicine including Tylenol w Codeine and Alleve (for any pain), Antibiotic (to fight possible infection), and Prednisone (for swelling).


You will then be escorted outside to an awaiting cab or shuttle. They set this up for you.


I arrived back at my hotel around 5pm, took my medication, and sprayed on some more Graftcyte (you need to spray this on every waking half hour for 3 days). For the rest of the evening I just kind of chilled out, relieved it was over and excited about future. I order some delivered Italian food, surfed the web, and watched TV. Dr Epstein called in around 8PM to check on me. He's very personable. Didn't just do it as a PR/obligatory service. He honestly cares!


All and all, the procedure experience with Dr Epstein and his great staff was extremely positive.


If you need any answers simnply reply. Otherwise, best wishes and good luck You'll be so happy when it's over.

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Hey jddidt,


Did Dr.Epstein have to shave the top of your head at all ??

I met the Doc last week for a consult but didn't ask.

I've seen pics from other docs(Feller) and they shave the top of the head...looks real strange even a month after surgery.

I'm between a nw4 and nw5 and have some coverage...would hate to lose that.

I'm not worried about losing the hair thinking it wont grow back...just that having most of my original hair will disquise surgery soon after the redness is gone.


Thanks...also best of luck

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I'm new here and am interested in having HT done. I was wondering what type of costs were involved, I saw that some people have used Dr. Hasson, how much does he charge for like 4000 grafts? I have a brother in law that had his done but his hair hasn't grown back that thick. Any help is appreciated. thanks.

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No, Dr Epstein does not shave head. This is one the main ressons I chose him, not to mention is great reputation and friendly staff.


I am impressed Hasson/Wong but they shave the head, and this was a definitely not for me. I have a fairly high profile job, and to loook like a clown for 2-3 months was out of question.


Good luck.

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Hi jddidt,


Thank you very much for your comments.

What is your norwood scale?


Congratulation for your procedure!!!!

2804 grafts

1104 single hairs

1318 2 hairs

382 3 hairs

and a few 4 hairs


for a total of just around 5000 hairs

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Thank you for sharing in detail what to expect in Dr. Epstein's chair. I'm glad to hear that you had a positive experience with a terrific hair restoration physician.


I encourage you to create a photo album in order to share your photos with us.


I encourage you also to create a hair loss weblog to share your experience/photos.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by jddidt:

hi more hair

I just got back from Dr E's office for my followup from yesterday and a wash.


For the record, I had 2,350 grafts packed in frontal and mid, leaving back mostly untouched to use propecia and masking (toppik) until (if) I decide for sedonc for back. My back is (was) much fuller than front.


Hey jddidt,


Thanks for the reply.

The shaving issue is also a big concern for me.

How long was your hair on top?

I figured having hair on top would make the process alot tougher for the Doc....but easier for us patients afterwards.

I could be wrong but i hear Dr. Feller shaves all patients.

Maybe someone else hear knows if that's true or not.

I hear great things about Epstein...but Feller is also considered one of the Docs that do great work.

Did you look into Feller ?


Thanks again

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I did look into Feller. The only thing taht scared me was his "lunchtime procedure." This seemed to me a little disingenuous, a little snake-oil salesmanship. No procedure, even at 200 grafts, is simple, and should not be marketed as such. It is surgery.


My considerations were Rose, Epstein, & Hasson/Wong. I felt like all were superb pros. I knocked off H&W because of shaving head.


But Epstein and his staff just seemed more personal, not to mention that Dr E is a plastic surgeon which undeniably includes an eye for artistry, especially relative to end results and healing aspects.


But more than anything it was a gut feeling.


Good luck.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by jddidt:


I did look into Feller. The only thing taht scared me was his "lunchtime procedure." This seemed to me a little disingenuous, a little snake-oil salesmanship. No procedure, even at 200 grafts, is simple, and should not be marketed as such. It is surgery.


My considerations were Rose, Epstein, & Hasson/Wong. I felt like all were superb pros. I knocked off H&W because of shaving head.


But Epstein and his staff just seemed more personal, not to mention that Dr E is a plastic surgeon which undeniably includes an eye for artistry, especially relative to end results and healing aspects.


But more than anything it was a gut feeling.


Good luck.



I know where your coming from.

Alot of this stuff is gut feeling....it's like any other decision in life....the gut feeling makes you lean one way....sometimes.

I've met Bernstein/Epstein/Dorin.

Bernstein and Epstein are real close in my opinion...difference being personality only.

Not that either guy has a bad personality....just different.

Next up and last is Feller.

I've also heard awesome things about Feller...and for me he's local.

I realize geography shouldn't sway anyone....but when a coin toss is involved...do you want to be on a plane/hotel....or home ??


Keep healing my man.

If you don't mind i'm going to bother you a little in the near future...lol....to see how your doing.



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I hear you... I'd have much preferred if Dr E was in the New England area, as opposed to having to fly in and out of Miami (Mon-Wed). But I would never allow a plane trip and hotel sway me either way.


In the end, however, I did enjoy the mini trip on my own. I have a wife and children so they didn't have to experience my nervousness the evening before, or the morning of the surgery, or even see me immediately following.


I arrived in Miami at 3pm, checked into the hotel at 4pm, and even got lucky as the NE Pats were on Monday Night Football. I ordered some delivery and watched the Pats roll on towards Super Bowl #4!


So when I arrived back in Boston the next evening I was cleaned up, refreshed wearing a hat. My kids have no idea.


Good luck. And feel free to contact me. I'll be creating a web page soon.

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