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Just mulling it all over

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I'm relatively new to the HT game...had a 1200 graft job done by Dr. Shagufta Khan (Con-artist)in San Diego. The results left A LOT to be desired and I am now looking into a second HT in the coming years. I am very interested in Dr. Konior of Chicago, as well as Dr. Rahal of Ottawa. The only problem is I just can't think of how to go abroad to get a HT done. If anyone has done this, let me know how you did it. How much work needs to be taken off, how long did you stay in that country, etc. If only he didn't have his office in Canada, that's where I would def. want to go. His hairlines and density are incredible. Dr. Konior's results seem to be impressive as well.

Also, Tricho Closures seem to be the way to go with scar reduction. Do most surgeons do it nowadays? I know that is going to be one of my questions I ask, as I would rather not have another fat scar on the back of my head. Can surgeons also transplant some of the hair onto the old scar to cover it up a little bit? Believe me, this time I am actually doing my research so I do not have a repeat of last time. HT are supposed to change your life...I'm still basically in the same boat I was before I got mine done. Any information that can be shed would be well received. Thank you.

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  • Regular Member

I'm relatively new to the HT game...had a 1200 graft job done by Dr. Shagufta Khan (Con-artist)in San Diego. The results left A LOT to be desired and I am now looking into a second HT in the coming years. I am very interested in Dr. Konior of Chicago, as well as Dr. Rahal of Ottawa. The only problem is I just can't think of how to go abroad to get a HT done. If anyone has done this, let me know how you did it. How much work needs to be taken off, how long did you stay in that country, etc. If only he didn't have his office in Canada, that's where I would def. want to go. His hairlines and density are incredible. Dr. Konior's results seem to be impressive as well.

Also, Tricho Closures seem to be the way to go with scar reduction. Do most surgeons do it nowadays? I know that is going to be one of my questions I ask, as I would rather not have another fat scar on the back of my head. Can surgeons also transplant some of the hair onto the old scar to cover it up a little bit? Believe me, this time I am actually doing my research so I do not have a repeat of last time. HT are supposed to change your life...I'm still basically in the same boat I was before I got mine done. Any information that can be shed would be well received. Thank you.

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ChargerFan8608, You don't need to feel bad at all about your previous HT. I had two HTs before finding this site, and by the way it was going I would have needed five more of those HTs to get the results I got the first time by going to Canada! It was fun and easy! The clinic I went to reimbursed me for part of my airfare and offered to put me up in a waterfront hotel for 2 nights. Don't let the distance fool you because I'm convinced there's no more work involved in flying to another country than there is in going somewhere 30 miles from your home. I ended up staying for two weeks in Vancouver instead and that was a good decision for myself. I was up and runing around Vancouver immediately after my surgery with my hat on, so you can go back to work almost right away if you can get away by wearing a hat. I had Tricophytic donor closure and ironically the top doctors charge less than some others, and you don't get some assoiate doctor doing your work who points the finger at the other one when things don't go right. The entire surgery including travel was considerably less than if I would have stayed in my area. But more importantly the final yield and results I received were what I always wanted!

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I didn't get my measurements, but I can tell you my second donor strip taken 3 months ago left a scar that looks AND feels better than the one I got in 1991 ever did. Would you believe that old scar was still tender after 17 years?


Anyway, I'd go where I wanted to go and wouldn't care about whether it's Canada or Waycross, Georgia! The main thing is you get a higly skilled surgeon doing it, and it looks like your on the right track.


I drove back 250 miles or so the day after my procedure, and actually felt great. The only discomfort came for me around day 7 when the donor area sort of prevented me from completely relaxing while I slept. I was ready when those sutures came out!

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • 6 months later...
  • Regular Member

Chargerfan8608, I had a bad experience from Dr. Shagufta Khan In Chicago. I had a second prodedure to begin to correct this first bad one. If you contact me on my email I can send you details on what I did and pictures.


Furthermore, to all those on this forum that are thinking about or have had a hair transplant from doctor shagufta khan, I have the pictures as proof to back up the horrible results.


First, she advertises really cheap in newspapers and takes advantage of the naive. Second, she does not inform her patients of all the options available today such as FUE. Third, she stated that the scar on back would be hardly noticeable and finally the pain and recover time from this first procedure were terrible not to mention the results after 6 months. The redness from the Dr. Khan surgery lasted almost four months on top of my scalp. The second procedure i did the redness was gone after two weeks. This has something to say about the difference and quality of the second procedure.


I still will need another procedure to cover up the large pluggy grafts on my head and a repair job of extraction or laser hair removal of the large pluggy grafts placed improperly to create a hairline and some that should not have been placed at all. I did not have enough money to cover my whole head.


If anyone doubts me write me at my e-mail address listed on this forum. I can also post pictures on this forum. I live near Chicago and am willing to meet with other patients that have had bad results to picket outside her Chicago Office to prevent others from being taken advantage of.


I dont know why this has not been done before. If we ban together we can bring to light this doctor that continually preforms bad hair transplant and destroys lives.


I am extremely serious about helping others from being taking advantage of by Dr. Khan. If someone stood outside her office to protest her when I originally arrived for my consultation then I would have done a 180 and never looked back.


After all, the sidewalk outside her office is public propety and we have the right to peaceful protest. If so many of us have received life altering results then we should work together to do something about it.


It is not fair that we live in shame and Dr. Khan continues to stay in business and ruin other lives. Lets help others to not make the same mistake we did. I am also willing to start a fund to buy a banner or billboard to advertise against this doctor.


Rememeber there is strength in numbers. It is time to do something about seriously letting others know to avoid this doctor. We must stop talking about it and do something about it. why should we hide in shame in our houses, under our hats, and avoid contact with the outside world. Remember who we were? We are still these same people! Lets not let this doctor continue to take away our conficence and quality of life and do this to someone else. Dont you wish that someone stood outside her office be it in San Diego or Chicago and said avoid this Doctor look at my Results?


Time to let the cat out of the bag instead of writing on this forum where the misiformed find this site until it is too late like I did!

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Dont give it another thought. Whether you go to Rahal or Hasson (who id recommend based on his megasessions) its a matter of jumping on a plane, and a few hours later being in a hotel.


Think of it as a vacation. Take seven days off.


After a couple days you can get up and walk the city, catch a movie, enjoy some nice dinners.


Get some sleep in the hotel, and camp out in front of the tv.


Seven days is no big deal. You'll be refreshed and confident in knowing that in six months your life will be transformed.


What could be better?

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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Would you consider posting pictures? I only ask because I do not think its good for people to give too much blind HT advice without seeing where you are coming from. Does that make sense? icon_smile.gif


I'm sorry your last one did not work out.

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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