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Two weeks "might" be enough time...the scabs take at least 10 days to fall off. The redness, I really don't quite remember. Myself, I took four weeks off work. (I know most people can't do that though.) As far "hiding-out" for a short while and thinking people won't know that "something's going on up there", is kinda hard to say too...depends on how much you had done and where you did it. It's been over 6 months since my procedure and I am just now getting out of my hide-it stage.

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Every case is different depending on the # of grafts you receive and if you have existing hair that can cover the procedure. For instance, my first HT for 1200 grafts was rather small by today's standards, and, since most of my loss was from the crown forward they just filled in on top/front. I only took off a week and had no problem. No one ever knew.


On the flip side, I'm having my 2nd HT in about a week and will receive as many as they can harvest. Since I want them to dense pack the grafts it is likely they will shave the top of my head(I don't think Shapiro does this). That being said..................I work in a Bank and appearance is a major concern. I checked out several pics of those on this forum under the photo albums, and viewed pre-op/post-op pics of those having been to the surgeon I'm using. The scabs will definitely be gone in 2 weeks so that's not an issue. And, the donor scar will most likely be covered by your existing hair as long as you leave it 1/2" or longer.


Skin discoloration varies from case to case. I don't know this for fact but read on one of the websites that tanning before the HT would help hide any discoloration.


I don't think you'll have a problem after a couple of weeks off.


Hope this helps.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Big D, your indivdual makeup coupled with surgical methods will determine how fast you heal, shed scabs, lose redness, etc... 2 weeks is about the right time needed if you are unable to wear a hat after the procedure. Of course that depends on the size of your session and where the grafts are placed as well. I had a larger session, and I am pretty pale during the winter months, but my redness dissapated quickly. I think the constant application of Grafcyte spray and religiously washing my hair with Nioxin seemed to help as well. When you do your consult with Shapiro, make sure you make them aware of your concerns in regards to not shaving the top of your head. Not shaving the top can affect session size and graft orientation. Make sure you look up a great post by Dr. Victor Hasson on shaving the recipient area before you make that decision.(A MUST!) Other than that, you will be in great hands, and keep us posted. Cheers!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks everyone for your replys, this kind of forum is goes a long way in resting peoples concerns and worries. I think , at least for me, is that if I don't get it done I will always think about why not. These replies have rested some of my fears. Thanks.

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The amount and duration of redness depends on your Fitzpatrick skin type, your skin color as well as the degree of trauma.

If you are a Caucasian and plan to go for a 2000+ graft session in the front scalp regions, you are more likely to get discoloration that may take as less as 3 weeks to as long as 4 months to subside.

Can you wear a cap?

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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