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Tony R with Dr Limmer San Antonio -1150 grafts

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I had my procedure with Dr Limmer (i call him Senior, BL) on May 25. I am 5th day post op now, recovering well. I had a great experience, we will see how the results will be. I have already received phone calls back from Brad Limmer (I call junior) to check on my recovery.


I understand that the final results will be how the Dr's are judged, but also everything up to this point has been exceptional. Customer service, friendliness of staff, professionalism, COST (it does matter to some of us), and confidence in the staff. Most seem to have been there for over 10 years.


Here are pics from day 2 i believe. I look forward to your feedback. Thanks, Tony


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  • Regular Member

I had my procedure with Dr Limmer (i call him Senior, BL) on May 25. I am 5th day post op now, recovering well. I had a great experience, we will see how the results will be. I have already received phone calls back from Brad Limmer (I call junior) to check on my recovery.


I understand that the final results will be how the Dr's are judged, but also everything up to this point has been exceptional. Customer service, friendliness of staff, professionalism, COST (it does matter to some of us), and confidence in the staff. Most seem to have been there for over 10 years.


Here are pics from day 2 i believe. I look forward to your feedback. Thanks, Tony


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  • Senior Member

Hi Tony,


Thanks for sharing your positive experience with Dr. Limmer. The work looks clean.


One question: Any reason you didn't opt for a few more grafts? 1150 in that size of an area is likely not going to be real dense. Please don't take offense to my comments..............just trying to be honest with you and am curious why there weren't a few more grafts packed in there.


Happy healing and growing to you!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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No offense taken. I think it was a combination of things for the number of grafts. I work two jobs and only had one week to have this done this year where I was off work from both for a week. They squeezed me into a cancellation which i begged for that so that greatly appreciated. I also went with the reccomendation of the dr. Initially he thought 1500 per my pics, but felt 1000 would be good once we met in person. I was charged 1000 grafts, but given closer to 1150. In terms of density, that is a good question. I received the same number of graft "recomendation from 3 other dr's i visited with in person in houston, so I assumed it to be about right. However, I did receive double the # of graft reccomendations from h&w and probably triple from Armani per phone calls. But i also couldnt handle those price tags right now.


I would be willing to have a 2nd procedure done in te future if this does not satisfy my end result. With the cost of Limmer, I could afford to have a second done if needed. I paid a total of $4k for this procedure, and will give it its due time. I will post a pre-op pic also. The pics dont lie, but I have never seen my ahir look as thin as on day 2, perhaps with the length (i have been growing out to cover grafts) Oh, and I think now that I do the math is was 1200 grafts (108 cm x 11 cm), but i know 50 grafts is not the density you are probably referring to.


I am glad the work loosk clean, and appreciate the feedback.

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Tony, I just saw one of the photos you put up and read that you had lots of Neosporin on it -- showing the donor area. Did your clinic tell you to do this? If not double-check because with such a big wound it might do more harm than good but double-check! Good luck.

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I do not like the number of grafts used in this procedure.... sorry Trob.


You will 100% be back in the chair in 10-12 months.


From a technical standpoint , the surgery is a success,... very clean, no apparent transection, etc......


You need 2000-2500 grafts spread in the zones you had transplanted in order to achieve any real density and avoid any real shockloss .


If you look at RP1979's post-op pics from Dr. Cooley, you will see what I mean... He might have actually had a bit more hair than you as well.


Of course, this is my opinion, and from the tone of your post, money was a bit of a concern, so I understand that portion of your approach completely.


Anyway, welcome/congrats/happy healing/good growth and I will look forward to your photographic updates in the coming months.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thank you for the info - i will be talking with them about these concerns and post the feedback. I am having some second thoughts about whether or not I should have found a way to get more grafts/hairs. Albeit I assume its a tad late for that now. Tony

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Originally posted by the B spot:



From a technical standpoint , the surgery is a success,... very clean, no apparent transection, etc......


You need 2000-2500 grafts spread in the zones you had transplanted in order to achieve any real density and avoid any real shockloss .




B, I am wondering how you can speculate on the "no apparent transection"? Can this be determined based on the photos presented?


Also, why would having a larger session in these areas "avoid any real shockloss"? I would think smaller, not larger, sessions inherently reduce risk of transection and risk of shockout.


I agree with your other statements.





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It was supposed to be "and STILL avoid any real shockloss"


Also, I was trying to nicely say that with the graft totals and the coverage area, the grafts are spaced apart so widely that transection could not have happened.


Leave it to my fellow vets to force me to be explicit!!!!!


Monetary issues notwithstanding, this should have been a 2000-2500 graft session.


Of course, there is no real harm here.... the Limmers price is very reasonable and other than a bit more time than I think is necessary to achieve a nice look, another 1500-2000 grafts will put Tony in the drivers seat.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I expect nothing less!!!!!!!!


I just want Tony to feel great about his decision to go through with his HT.


I also want him to soak up all the info possible before HT #2.


I gave him your home and cell #'s and told him to call you after midnight during the week =)




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Congratulations on your HT with Dr. Limmer. I agree with what was posted so far. The surgery looks clean, and given Limmer's reputation and success rate, I believe you will grow well.


I definitely agree with B Spot. The number of grafts for the amount of loss you had will certainly not give you adequate density and you will most likely be back in the chair.


I also don't like the graft placement in the frontal area. From the looks of the one pictures, there were about 100-200 grafts (at best) placed in a below the hairline. I'm not sure exactly what that will accomplish being that the number of grafts were so few...but it doesn't appear that there were any grafts placed behind this line. Did the doc give you his strategy for this?


I will add, that financially, this may have also not been the best move since MANY clinics offer a reduced fee after the first 2000 grafts in a single session.


I'm not trying to be a downer and am glad that you had a good experience with Dr. Limmer. I do hope you grow well and that you'll keep us posted on your progress.



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Thanks again for all the info. I am happy I decided to go in the chair, just wish I would have done it sooner.


After all grows out, I will probably have more density put in. I think I will be happy with the hairline - as I had a realistic expectation. I cant just throw unlimited jack at my hairline unfortunately. That would be nice. And I did talk to some Drs that did offer reduced rates for the larger number of grafts. I guess I am hoping this will make me happy and I dont go back for more. That being said, I know me and I will probably go back.


The few grafts in front of the hairline were just for shaping and helping to create a stronger hairline from my interpretation, but wasnt part of the bulk plan. I was developing a horseshoe pattern, with hair in the middle as I call the unicorn look. Still was able to style my hair somewhat. The majority of the grafts were placed in the corners recreating the hairline in the corners, and then much more than I expected (again, i didnt realize how much hair i had lost), was placed behind the hairline where i already had hair, although signifigantly thinner. Bulking this thinned area should make the front look considerably thicker (again, reasonable expectation).


If I would have gone up north or somewhere for the "megasessions", I would have a more aggressive result expected. But I will wait and see how the slow and steady approach helps me out. I will start a proscar/rogaine regimine which i have never done also.


I am very excited about the procedure, glad I was able to do it. I am not as informed as many of you on this - but was able to get some good general knowledge on the subject from this board which is appreciated. Not to knock Dr Puig or Bosley, because I have not had procedures with them, but they were in the running for me (the average hair transplant seeking dude), until i ran into this board. I am much more confident having found Dr Limmer.


Dr Limmer thinks I will have a good result, but also said I may come back for more density. I probably will. I am almost already looking forward to it.


Grow hair grow! Tony

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Your positive attitude resonates through my PC..............glad to hear you're taking the comments constructively. I completely understand about finances and HT's, they are VERY expensive and you need to plan for them and be realistic when it comes to what is involved.


I liken your HT #1 to my HT #1.............unfortunately, I don't have tons of pics from my first HT but I do have an over head and frontal before/after from it. I received 1200 grafts in roughly the same area as you. I can tell you, from the front, it looked pretty dense. From the top, as you can see, it was thin................I was a diffused thinner so I had native hair there as well which helped.


I also had extensive crown loss so i went back for another HT and also had the surgeon "compliment" the first HT by filling in. All is not lost................you've got a good start and maybe it will be enough............time will tell.


I'm glad to hear Dr. Limmer advised you that you may want more density. As long as you know and were told that it may be a little thin with that number, you went in with "both eyes open".


Happy growing to you,



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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And as hairbank, Don't go back to the first guy that made you need a second . Furthermore was that comment ( may need another) heads up or heads up after. He "thinks " you will get a "good" result? Perhap Jessica could have told him what to do as he doesn't.

Anybody that wants to talk about this off forum P.M.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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No worries, Aquarius.....


I'm going back to Dr. Wong, who did an excellent job on HT #2 for me...............night and day difference in quality of work!


I agree................do your homework before getting in the chair. I wish I had researched further before the first HT...........would have completely changed my strategy and where I went.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Trob, It loks as though you weren't to bad off to begin with ( from a NW 6 prespective ) So things might work out just fine from this first round.

You might be happy with the results for quite a while before going back for a second round.

Stay poistive, I think you will be happy in 8 to 12 months.

Keep us posted.

It's important to remember that all Doctors have different approaches & techniques. So I am willing to wait to see the ultimate resuts produced by Dr. Limmers procedure's before I make any judgements on his work.

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i am happy with what was done, and only time will tell my result from this procedure - ill come back and update with photos.


i guess to each his own and individual perspective does come into play on this subject certainly. completely understandable.


i appreciate all of the comments, and glad i was able to contribute something to the forum. Everything for me so far has been just as advertised. I am hoping for a final result that i will be happy with.

If not, I would have another procedure done.


Hopefully if anyone is reading this forum and not sure to go through with it, my experience will instill some confidence. I know its very early, but my fear of the procedure itself is non existent. My transplant experience was great, and I wish I would have done it sooner.


Thanks all.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

A 1000g istn't going to do anything for you. At least that was my experiance with Limmer. Whats the point of doing a thousand when you could go for more and get better coverage. This was exactly my situation. Here I am eight years later contemplating another surgery. I can't believe after eight years this guy is still just pupping out 1000g a setting how pathetic. For the price you paid you could have gone with Hasson & Wong. I live in San Antonio. You should have contacted me. I would have shown you what A thousand grafts look like.

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Reminds me of DR. Evil.

One thousand grafts. (pinky finger touching lips.)

Consultant to Dr. Evil: That's not going to do crap , but I am remodeling my bathroom.

Dr. Evil : Okay one billion grafts.

Jessica; Should I stick it in the right place ?

Answer.....; Wherewhatever.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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