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Female that had my first transplant


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I am a female that had 900 grafts from my hair line to 3/4 back on my head. The procedure was done at the end of December.


I have had major shedding and I am looking really bad.


I am terrified that I will look worse from this transplant. Maybe I am over reacting and not being patient enough but I have see no growth. It has been 3 months and 3 weeks.


My doctor is reputable (Dr Beehner) but he says he hasn't had clients with so much shedding as I have had. He reassures me that I will regain the shedded hair plus the transplanted hair.


Please let me know if this has happened to you and how long it took before you looked better again.


Thanks for any encouragement and support.

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I am a female that had 900 grafts from my hair line to 3/4 back on my head. The procedure was done at the end of December.


I have had major shedding and I am looking really bad.


I am terrified that I will look worse from this transplant. Maybe I am over reacting and not being patient enough but I have see no growth. It has been 3 months and 3 weeks.


My doctor is reputable (Dr Beehner) but he says he hasn't had clients with so much shedding as I have had. He reassures me that I will regain the shedded hair plus the transplanted hair.


Please let me know if this has happened to you and how long it took before you looked better again.


Thanks for any encouragement and support.

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Hang in there. From everything that I've read here and learned from Doc's, 3-4 months is the minimum time for the new hairs to grow. The wait has got to be tough, but Dr. Beener has a good reputation so I believe you are in good hands. Good luck and keep us posted when the new ones start sprouting.



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I am not so sure that Monty is correct saying that women are not considered cantidates for hair transplants. I have seen women that have come through the hair clinic that I used and they looked great afterwards. You would be surprised at some of the celebrity women who have had a session or two.

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I believe women who have diffuse hairloss, are not good candidates. Actually, this is probably true of the majority of women with hairloss, if I am not mistaken. The reason they are not good candidates is because their donor hair is just as likely to fall out as any of their other hair. The donor area is not considered stable.


I believe there are some women who have male pattern baldness, who have stable donor areas.


Even so, women can use more drugs to battle hairloss than men can. Some hairloss drugs are feminizing and are off-limits to guys.


Hair transplants should always be considered a last resort, when drugs like Propecia or Minoxidil have not been effective, whether you are male or female.


Good luck, "Toofunnyman".

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Thank you for your replies. I am glad to hear that J Man has seen women who have looked great after their transplants.


Dr Beehner has done many women as have other doctors that I talked to in the process of finding a transplant surgeon.


I have been using Androcur, 5% minoxidil & 2% topical spironolactone for over a year and a half with no significant regrowth. These medications have retarded further loss but that is all so I opted for a transplant to fill in my sparse areas.


Thanks for your support. I really need it right now.

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You might try dropping the androcur and spironolactone and just use the Rogaine by itself. I don't know, but using all three seem to be quite a bit to use on the scalp. Maybe one conteracts what the other is supposed to do. Just a thought. Check with your doctor.

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I have been following the advise of my hair loss doctor.


Androcur is an oral antiandrogen and the topical spironolactone is only used at night. The minoxidil is of course twice a day.


Thanks for the concern. I am lucky that my doctor has been able to give me all the known medications for hair loss for women but unfortunately, the success rates aren't that good.


Hopefully researchers will figure out this hair loss conundrum soon so we can all regain our hair.

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There must be some of the posters or readers at this site that has experienced post op shedding.


If so, please share your experience and outcome.


Many thanks!

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Shoot...I had alot of shedding. I had shedding from old plugs put in years ago, from hair that would eventually have been lost anyway and ALOT of shedding from hair around the donor area.


The shedding of the old plugs and the hair that I would have lost anyway occurred in the very first day or two.


The shedding around the donor area continued for several weeks. I saw alot of hair on my comb from the donor area every morning for several weeks.

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DId you regrow the hair you loss to shock? Or did you need to implant more and more hair to make up for the shock loss? Or did you just resign to the loss and not do anything so you looked worse after the transplant?

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Well I'm only 10 weeks post op, so I don't know yet whether any of the shock loss hairs will grow back.


I've been told that the old plug hairs will grow back. After all, they are from the same donor area that my new FU's are from.


I've also been told that the hair around the donor area that I've lost due to shock will also grow back. But...time will tell

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Women can benefit from hair transplantation but I have not found it to be a rewarding as working on men. Women are much more prone to shedding, but usually the grafted hairs and a lot of the shed hairs will start coming in at about 4 months. At that time you will start seeing the benefit so just hang in there a little longer.

I transplant a number of women but try to create low expectations. It seems that you take at least one step back for every 3 steps forward. Also a result that would please a man does not necessarily please a women as they expect thicker hair. Add to this the fact that the donor area is usually weaker than that of a man. Hair loss is women is very different than for men and the reasons are poorly understood.

A lot of hair surgeons are enthusiastic about transplanting women but I don't consider myself in this group. Still, you don't want to deny women a procedure that often brings a very satisfactory result. Women just need to understand that results can be very unpredictable and need to accept this problem.

Spironolactone and other feminizing drugs are very weak hair preservatives and are generally considered not helpful in hair regrowth. The effective dose for spironolactone is high (about 200 mg per day} and its usefulness is questionable. For the hair experts, Rogaine is about the only real treatment.

Dr. Parsley is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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I stand by my statement that woman are not candidates for the surgery. Dr. Bernstein has commented on this and Spencer's book also mentions female hair transplant surgery as not being effective.

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  • 5 months later...



Has everything worked out for you? I am interested in having the procedure done and am a little discouraged by your experience.





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I wish I had better news to tell you but I am 9 months post op and my hair is worse after the transplant.


So doctors have said that a few patients don't see growth until the 9th, 10th or 12th month so I guess their is still hope that things could turn around.


I will let you know in 3 more months.


Good luck!

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Thank you for you reply. Your experience makes rethink my decision to go farward. I will wait to hear from you before going for the proceture. I hope things work out for you.


Best of Luck.



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  • 1 month later...

Toofunnyman, it's good to read of female's experience. I'm sorry it hasn't been more positive for you. How is your growth as you approach the anniversay of your HT?


I am one week post-op. My doctor said the same things as Dr. Parsley. He doesn't do many women because of the same reasons. However, he felt I was a good candidate. He usually does 1500 FUs per session, but does women in two sessions to minimize shock loss.


I am experiencing more shedding than I expected and am nervous after reading your posts. I get my stitches out in a few days and am anxious to hear what my doctor says about the shedding.

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  • 7 years later...

Hi.I see your post was made in 2002. I am a female with diffuse hair thinning (however it looks as if it is thicker in the back)who hs been treated with medication and lite therapy for about 4 years now. Only in the last 2 years is it no longer falling out. Because I had thinning of my eyebrows as well I just had my second eyebrow transplant that turned out well. I was considering hair trnasplanst to thicken out the sides, front and crown. It is 8 years later for you. Did it turn out well?

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