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Exactly 2 months postop and growing back most of my shock loss hairs. When should I start seeing and feeling some real results? I had over 2100 FUE on July 25, 2006 and wearing my mirror out! Troy give me some advice!

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Exactly 2 months postop and growing back most of my shock loss hairs. When should I start seeing and feeling some real results? I had over 2100 FUE on July 25, 2006 and wearing my mirror out! Troy give me some advice!

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  • Senior Member

Patience.....patience.....patience. Trust me, I know waiting sucks but at the 2 month mark you really haven't started growing. Everybody's different, if you're in the majority you should start to see new growth within the next month or so...............but the new HT hair comes in very fine and takes a few months to become noticable.


The best is yet to come................hang in there. Where did you have the grafts placed? Any pics to share?



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Thanks for the feedback hairbank and I know you are right about having patience. Unfortunately patience is not one of my stronger characteristics. I had the grafts placed high on my hair line to mid scalp (2100 FUT's) My donor area was very good and I have a high pitch on both sides of my head. Typical male pattern baldness: Frontal, midscalp area. I grew a lot of fine hair using the same program you are currently on. I hope this helps my denisity once the transplanted hairs start to kick in. I plan to post pic's after six months. Dr. Glenn Charles performed the procedure and he appreciated the fact I wanted a more mature hair line. Thanks again for the feedback and I appreciate other dialogue you have posted.... Later!

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  • Senior Member

I second those comments. Waiting does suck but at three months you should start seeing some fine hairs coming thru. But it still takes a few more months after that for all the hair to start growing as well as thicken up and become a significant cosmetic improvement. I am just past 3 months and I can see a lot of fine hairs growing but they are blond, wispy ones and not much of a cosmetic improvement yet....so just hang in there and throw away the mirror till month 6! lol

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  • Senior Member

I'm going to butt in here real quick regarding MSM (even though the question was directed to Spex). I get my MSM at Sam's Club. The brand name is Members Mark and I think it's about $18.00 for 300 1500mg tablets. Not sure if it's the best, but it works for me.

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