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Permanent Thread on Abbreviations and Explanations?

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  • Regular Member

As a relative newbie to this site (which has been invaluable for my decision to move forward with my HT and which doc to choose), I think it would be helpful to have a permanent topic at the top of each forum that lists the most common abbreviations and explanations.


While many of you are fluent in HT speak, some of the terms are like a foreign language to us (dutasteride anybody?)


The vets input, guidance and concern is extremely appreciated by new members/lurkers and they could possibly make recommendations to Pat on which terms need to be added or updated as time goes on.


Here's my list of items that I think would be beneficial to have seen in one place before I started viewing all the threads:


#1 cut, #2 cut etc.

Body Hair Transplant (BHT)

Coalition Doctors


Dense Packing


Diffuse thinner



FUE vs. Strip




IMHO (and the longer versions of this that I still don't get icon_smile.gif




Norwood (NW) scale



Ultra Refined HT

Widows peak


Ultimately, it would be Pat's decision to add/delete/update. Perhaps Pat could set up an e-mail link on the abbreviation/explanation thread for someone to request that a definition be added (whether it's because they don't know it or think others could benefit from it). If there is something already similar, maybe we just need to put it at the tops of each forum to find it easier.


What do you think?

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  • Regular Member

As a relative newbie to this site (which has been invaluable for my decision to move forward with my HT and which doc to choose), I think it would be helpful to have a permanent topic at the top of each forum that lists the most common abbreviations and explanations.


While many of you are fluent in HT speak, some of the terms are like a foreign language to us (dutasteride anybody?)


The vets input, guidance and concern is extremely appreciated by new members/lurkers and they could possibly make recommendations to Pat on which terms need to be added or updated as time goes on.


Here's my list of items that I think would be beneficial to have seen in one place before I started viewing all the threads:


#1 cut, #2 cut etc.

Body Hair Transplant (BHT)

Coalition Doctors


Dense Packing


Diffuse thinner



FUE vs. Strip




IMHO (and the longer versions of this that I still don't get icon_smile.gif




Norwood (NW) scale



Ultra Refined HT

Widows peak


Ultimately, it would be Pat's decision to add/delete/update. Perhaps Pat could set up an e-mail link on the abbreviation/explanation thread for someone to request that a definition be added (whether it's because they don't know it or think others could benefit from it). If there is something already similar, maybe we just need to put it at the tops of each forum to find it easier.


What do you think?

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  • Senior Member

#1 cut, #2 cut etc.


This refers to the length of hair after a buzz cut with clippers.

"?? #0 (no attachment) - 1/100 inch,

"?? #1 - 1/8 inch

"?? #2 - 1/4 inch

"?? #3 - 3/8 inch

"?? #4 - 1/2 inch

"?? #5 and #6 - special tapering attachments

"?? #7 - 7/8 inch

"?? #8 - 1 inch


Body Hair Transplant (BHT): This refers to transplanting body hair (legs, chest, back, etc.) to the hair in hopes of growth. Currently, this practice is extremely limited and should only be used as a very last resort.


Coalition Doctors: List of hair transplant surgeons that meet pre-determined criteria relating to quality of work and overall value to the patient.


Concealers: Products that when applied to hair or scalp give the impression of more hair than is actually present. These include, but are not limited to, Toppik, Couvre, Dermatch and others. The limitations of such products is basically water of some sort (rain, swimming, sweat) which can cause at least one of the products to "run" or smear.


Dense Packing: Variable according to each clinic's abilities but generally is considered to be the ability to place follicular units at greater than 40 grafts per cm2 into bald or balding scalp.


DHT: Dihydrotestosterone. The by-product when 5 alpha reductase enzymes (type I and type II) interact with testosterone. This is the cause for general male pattern baldness. DHT is also the culprit responsible for benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).


Diffuse thinner: Thinning of hair in a region of scalp that is more dispersed with less of a demarcation between thinning and non-thinning hair.


Finasteride: Active ingredient in Proscar and Propecia.


Proscar: Originally came on the market in 1992 to treat symptomatic BPH, (enlarged Prostate), and to improve urinary flow and symptoms associated with the condition. Proscar has been prescribed to more than 1.2 million men in over 100 countries.


Propecia: Propecia was first given FDA approval in the United States in 1997 and is a 1mg version of Proscar. The only difference is the dosage and the name.


Dutasteride: Dutasteride is a newer drug intended for the same purpose as Proscar. Being a completely different medication Dutasteride targets both enzymes that convert testosterone in DHT whereas Finasteride targets only one. Currently having been available for four years there are no long term studies to show potential for side effects. Dutasteride is also known by it's market name of Avodart.


FU: Follicular Unit. The natural grouping of hair in the scalp with one to five hairs.


FUE vs. Strip: FUE is the process in which a tiny punch, usually .7mm to 1.2mm, is used to harvest individual follicular units for transplantation into the scalp. Contrary to initial reports it does leave scarring that can prevent head shaving, which was the main selling point.


FUT: Follicular Unit Transplantation. This is the general vernacular referring to strip transplantation.


Graft: Reference for dissected hair bearing tissue being transplanted. The general nature of the term refers to only the context of the discussion that it is in as grafts can be used to describe plugs, mini-micros, or follicular units.


H&W: Hasson & Wong. Hair transplant clinic started by Dr. Victor Hasson & Jerry Wong in 1997 in Vancouver, BC Canada with satellite consultation offices in Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon. Originators of the Lateral Slit Technique.


IMHO: In My Humble Opinion


IMO: In My Opinion


Megasession: Dependent upon which clinic you speak to but generally above 3000 grafts transplanted in a single session.


MPB: Male Pattern Baldness



Norwood (NW) scale: This is a hair loss classification scale introduced by Dr. O'tar Norwood in 1975 and is the standard by which all doctors measure and classify hair loss in men.




Rogaine/Minoxidil: First came on the market with FDA approval in 1988 with a 2% stength of Minoxidil,(active ingredient) by prescriptoin only. 5% was approved by the FDA in 1996 for over the counter, non prescription use. While many men and women use this medication it is described as being cause for conditions such as red scalp, inflammation of the scalp, itchiness and flakiness not to mention inconvenient as it must be applied twice daily with a greasy after effect on the hair. Currenlty, there is a foam version that is similar to hair mouse with mixed reviews.


Shockloss: Defined as loss of hair subsequent to a hair transplant procedure. This can be permanent, caused from damage to surrounding hair due to intrusive hair transplant surgery and/or techniques. It can also be temporary as a result of an interruption if blood flow to the follicles.


Ultra Refined HT: Hair transplant performed with microscopes to dissect excess tissue away from separated follicular units and implanted with the smallest incision possible for the resulting "grafts".


Widows peak: Obvious "point" of hair growth usually centered in the frontal hairline. Commonly referred to as a triangle of hair or point of hair that stands out from the frontal hairline.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Regular Member

Jotronic- Excellent job! Very detailed and much appreciated (kinda like those H&W HT's I always hear about icon_smile.gif.


Do you think something like this should be made permanent at the top of each forum? This way newbies won't have to always be searching through tons of threads. Thanks again.

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  • Senior Member



If this were done then I wouldn't get my typing practice inicon_smile.gif Yeah, it's a good idea and thanks for suggesting it. Maybe Pat will pin it to the top of the forum. Most if not all of this info in on the rest of the site though (I think).

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

That was a great list Jo


I think I am going to blow it up and sell it on ebay.. It's like a new langauage





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

Jersey - Good thread! Defining HT'ease - the language for those who are follically challenged icon_cool.gif.


Nice job on the definitions........Joe!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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