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Will trimming the new transplanted hair keep it from shedding?

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  • Senior Member

My new hair in my hairline is about 1/2 a centimeter now at 2 weeks.


I know that the next two weeks this hair will start to shed due to lack of nutrients/oxygen/blood flow/ etc.


If I were to keep them short will they require less nutrients/oxygen/blood flow/ etc. and maybe not shed?

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  • Senior Member

My new hair in my hairline is about 1/2 a centimeter now at 2 weeks.


I know that the next two weeks this hair will start to shed due to lack of nutrients/oxygen/blood flow/ etc.


If I were to keep them short will they require less nutrients/oxygen/blood flow/ etc. and maybe not shed?

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  • Senior Member

i dont mean to be rude, but this logic doesn't make any sense at all....


you will lose them regardless if you keep them short or not, sorry.


the hair sheds because of the trauma, not nutrients or blood flow, which is plenty in the scalp.

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Guest Baldie3000

THINinHOUSTON, from my reading and asking questions on this and other forums, I have learned that the transplanted hair sheds because of trauma to the scalp during surgery. There doesn't seem to be a way to stop it even though I've asked icon_frown.gif.


I guess it's just a temporary inconvenience people have to go through if they decide to get a transplant.



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  • Senior Member

Actually you can be a rare case as myself. I have kept over 90% of my transplanted hairs. I am at 3 months post-op and these puppies aint movin. I did start to use minox from 2 weeks after my ht. I kept my hair short as you asked and was using the minox twice a day and proscar once a day. It can happen bro, but it is rare. Like I said I Have all my ht hairs pretty much. I skipped the ugly duckling stage. I am going to post my 3 month progress very soon. I only have post-op and 1 month pics. So bro yes it is very possible,but rare.

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  • Senior Member

You can reduce the shock loss though. When I shaved after my HT my shock loss stopped. It's kind of like breaking a stick. The longer the stick the easier it is to break, but the shorter it get's the harder it is to break. Just my theory and it seemed to work.

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  • Senior Member

Im growing it out now!!! I just wanted the minox to penetrat the scalp better. I did get major shockloss on the crown!!! one pic shows it bigtime, but im praying it all comes back. Also wanted my hair short so my donor scar was being thouroughly cleaned and moisterized to not have infection and reduce scar size to pencil line

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  • 5 months later...


I am also in the houston area and looking for a HT. Yours look amazing! I have an appt with Dr. Arocha today actually. Would appreciate if we could touch base and talk. thanks in advance!



Originally posted by THINinHOUSTON:

Thanks I will post my 2 weeks pics soon. Hair is growing really well I dont want to lose it! Hope I am lucky like you. I had little to no redness on my frontal area so maybe less trauma will lead to less shedding? what do you know my next topic...

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  • Regular Member

In my experience most transplanted hairs shed; particularly if the patient doesn't want them to.


On the other hand, I did a fellow in July who had no hair in the front. I gave him the "crew cut" with the transplant, and he has kept about 65% of it all along. Obviously he is happy, and thinks I am really good...but I told him I had nothing to do with it. He is just fortunate, and will really be happy in 6 more months.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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