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Hey hows it goin everyone. New guy here with alotta questions. Well first off I'm 23 and have a receding hairline, I've done alot of research into this and am fairly convinced it works, after speaking to ppl such as yourselves. It isn't that bad at this stage, after some tinkering I can give the illusion that I have a full head of hair, but I just want to have my hair back. I feel really down when I think about it. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly apprecieated..thanks.

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  • Regular Member

Hey hows it goin everyone. New guy here with alotta questions. Well first off I'm 23 and have a receding hairline, I've done alot of research into this and am fairly convinced it works, after speaking to ppl such as yourselves. It isn't that bad at this stage, after some tinkering I can give the illusion that I have a full head of hair, but I just want to have my hair back. I feel really down when I think about it. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly apprecieated..thanks.

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  • Senior Member

Hey C.L,


Welcome to the forums. Yeah a HT does work but you are at least 2 years too young to consider having one. I also had a slightly receeded hairline at 23 unfortunately it does get worse so I would recommend getting on Propecia and try to stave off as much as possible. You may be interested in trying out some concealers like Toppik or Dermatch to give you the appearance of a full head of hair.


Otherwise welcome, enjoy your stay icon_smile.gif and feel free to ask any questions.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Thank you very much for your comment, but saying I'm to young is discouraging. I've considered Propecia but they say it doesnt work well with receding hairlines, just crown balding (which thankfully I dont have, What works best for receding hairlines? If I do opt for surgery how many implants do you think I'll need?


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Hey CL,


Propecia can help with frontal loss, too. For me, I didn't regrow anything at the hairline, but it did help me maintain it for the last 5 years and I have similar loss to you--reeceding hairline. I just got 1300 grafts too bring my hairline down a bit. Also, FYI, I'm 31. As JakeVig said, definitetly get on Propecia and wait a few years to see if your hairloss stabilizes before you get a HT. Also, if you get a HT, you will have to make sure you stay diligent with Propecia; If you don't you may recede behind the transplanted hair and you'll be forced to get more surgery or look unnatural.

Ideally, it is best to wait until 30 to get a HT because for most men your hairloss starts to stabilize and you get an idea where your hairloss is headed. However, many people on this site have had surgery pre-30. Waiting until 30 is just safer IMO. Also, can you send some clearer pictures?

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Well im using a web cam and that's all i can spare for now but thanks. I took jakevig's advice and looked up Toppik. It looks really great and so easy. Has anyone ever used this product?

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  • Senior Member

Hey C.L.


Yeah many people on here use Toppik or Dermatch to give their hair a more fuller look.


Robert one of the active posters on this forum has provided detailed use and results of using concealers.


This is his experience using Toppik:



and using Dermatch



I don't use concealers anymore but I preferred Dermatch as I thought it was less messy and was more water proof as it only comes off with shampoo.


Yeah its true that Propecia and Minoxidil (Rogaine) are most effective in the crown area though I still believe your hair (and hairline) is going to be in better condition in future with the meds.


Basically a lot of people do have HT's under 30 (like myself at 27). The problem with having a HT so young is that you are pretty much guaranteed to sign up for HT's in the future. You also want to be very conservative as you wont have enough donor available to maintain a teenage hairline.


Hope this helps!

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Hey Buddy

I too am 23 and had my HT of 1500 grafts a bit over 2 months ago and in my state of mind I was going to do it, I had done my research, Thought it over and I have not looked back.

Dr Martinick and I talked about the future and did bring up my age but seen that I had a mature approach to it and we decided on a Reasonable hairline which im happy with and left enough donor hair so that at worst I may have a bald patch on the back of my head when im older which does not bother me at all.


I use toppik and its so easy and helps alot, I wore it out the other night I left it on to see what it looked like in the sun cause people say it looks weird and it does, looks like someone put flower through your hair (Can anyone confirm my thoughts?)


To me your hairline doesnt seem too bad, Some good photo`s with a flash would be good to get a proper idea

Hope this helps

We Can only Play the cards we are dealt



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Welcome to our community. I think the above posts by members are very good advice. Get on Propecia and take your time to do your research. Give it a good year to see what Propecia can do for you.


But you can take comfort in knowing that if at some point you need to restore your hairline it can be done masterfully by a top doc.


Best wishes, Pat

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  • Regular Member

Thanks to everyoone for the great advice. My question is does Rogaine or Propecia work best? Also with the Toppik, does it work as well for receding hairlines as it does for just thininng hair?

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Some good photo`s with a flash would be good to get a proper idea

Hope this helps


Please do not use a flash. It makes the hairline seem thicker (sometimes double) than it is in reality and it makes the hairline hairs appear more fine (if they're transplanted). For accurate photos use good room lighting like in your washroom with no ambient light from windows.

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Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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