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Post Transplant Ridicule

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I'm starting to get cold feet about a transplant(FUT) with a very reputable doctor I've scheduled. I'm mostly concerned about post surgery ridicule from friends and family. Now that very natural outcomes can be achieved is vanity and ridicule still associated with it? What is the public's acceptance and what can I expect? I'd greatly appreciate any comments. Thanks, Bushwhack

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I'm starting to get cold feet about a transplant(FUT) with a very reputable doctor I've scheduled. I'm mostly concerned about post surgery ridicule from friends and family. Now that very natural outcomes can be achieved is vanity and ridicule still associated with it? What is the public's acceptance and what can I expect? I'd greatly appreciate any comments. Thanks, Bushwhack

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  • Senior Member

Hey Bushwhack,


What is wrong with having pride in one's appearance? I think the people that should be ridiculed are the ones that let themselves go to pot and give up. If your vision started getting worse would you go around with poor vision or do something to enhance it? I look at a HT the same way and if someone thinks it is vain it is usually out of jealousy because you had the guts to do something they can't. In a year or so people will have forgotten all about it anyway and in my opinion a year of awkwardness is worth a lifetime of hair. Go for it.


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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I completelly understand your apprehension. I havent had a ht yet, but when I do get one I will probably where a hat when I go in public until it looks decent. Maybe just shave the whole thing down pretty short. I dont know your situation (i.e. totally bald on top or still have native hair) but it sounds like from what your asking that you wont be able to hide it (i.e. wear a hat to work). I know I would be feeling the same way, but shit, I would say at LEAST 50% of the women in my area have fake tits. then theres the botox, weave-shit they put in their hair...so why cant a guy who just wants to have hair on his head get something done about it? These women dont feel the slightest bit awkard going from having complete flapjack-tits to looking like Dolly Parton over night. They basically wear a sign that says NEW TITS (i.e. tiny little tight tank top with BRIGHT glittery 'Bebe' logo over their tits...I literally saw a girl who goes to my starbucks evvery morning do just this. It was SO obvious she got them done. she didnt care. she flaunted it because she knows it gives her more leverage with the opposite sex. So, why should a guy who just wants to have hair again feel bad?


Im not making light of your concern, as I share it myself, but Im just speaking my mind about the situation.

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That is why I have been promoting that it is up to many of us that are getting refined work done to display it. Ofcourse that doesn't mean walking around with a H&W hat or Shapiro t-shirt but I believe that we shouldn't all hide in silence either. The more people that understand what can now be accomplished the sooner it will be respected and possibly one day it will be no bigger deal than whitening teeth.


Breast implants were once seen as something that only strippers got done where as now it is more widely accepted. People still call getting a HT --getting plugs. Little do they know.


We only live once and I believe that if people are unhappy with something they should make a change. I had a friend that had such horrible teeth it totally depressed him. My wife talked me into helping him out financially because he was unable to afford to do something about it. What a drastic improvement. He looks 10 times better and is always happy. Complete turnaround.


I will be telling more people once my results are more finalized. So far only my wife and her mother know. Even though I still have a long way to go, they are very impressed.


Bushwhack3--all you have to do is lay low for about 3 weeks and then things won't be detectable. Ofcourse this depends on your situation with native hair, but I was back in the public eye 10 days post op.






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I pulled out of an HT a year and a half ago. I regret it now immensely as I look worse and that time is gone forever. I am looking at doing one now with a different doctor and will not look back.If balding is bugging you now, it will forever!!. It is up to you to do it when you are ready, but don't let any external factors dissuade you. DO IT FOR YOU AND DAMN EVERYONE ELSE.

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People will bust your chops. When you start looking better, dont be surprised if it alienates some of your old friends who are less secure and were comfortable with you being bald (or headed that way). This could very well change the pecking order in your circle.


Of course HT is fixing an age-inappropriate defect so its not pure vanity like when an otherwise hot girl gets oversized implants, lip implants, liposuction, etc.


On the scale of vanity, its more like getting a tube of pimple creme for (your) acne.

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You know, I've kind of been an outspoken advocate of the "screw it, stand up and be proud of it, in your face, blah blah blah" side of this issue. But I have to be honest: I initially was apprehensive about the whole "people knowing, what will they say or think, will I be embarrassed, etc" thing. Right up until I had the surgery I still felt those things. So, I'm not some super confident, don't give a damn, in your face, kind of guy as some of my posts may have intimated. BUT, after the surgery when I saw myself back at the hotel, I was so excited, and truly exhilarated, to have that "I'm going bald" monkey off my back that at that moment, those apprehensions just faded away. It wasn't thru any super strong character traits on my part (as much as I wish it was). It was just a natural occurrence I think that the excitement of what I had done FOR ME vaporized those insecurities about what people might think. I was so pleased and excited I went without hat from Van Couver to Baltimore and from then on out. If anyone asked, I told them exactly what I had done and explained the whole process if they actually wanted to know. So, what I'm saying is you might be surprised with yourself. You might just come out of screaming "hell yeah, baby. Look at me" while you're still pink and funny looking. You never know.

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IMO, cosmetic surgery is more socially accepted now. That is the way it should be too. If your family and friends know your hair bothers you and that you are doing something positive about it, I doubt you will get any negative comments. If others outside your inner circle tease you, well frankly, that's just lame. You're doing surgery to feel better, so do not worry about what the "uncool" might think. It is all for YOU. icon_smile.gif

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Fair point


Which is why I remained discreet during all three of my surgeries. Nobody knew or knows today.


The results are 100% undetectble ( unless people on here were to look close up and magnified with a trained eye which is a bit ridiculous) . All I have been gettting is more and more compliments on my new haircuts.In addition more attention socially from the opposite sex .It has been a 2.5 year transition so nobody has been curious other than people who havent seen me in a while. I tell them I have been on Propecia id they ask



Yes, it was tough at times to conceal it in the post op phase but anything worth having takes time and effort



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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It's all relative my friend. Nobody mentioned sex except the others. Social life and sex is different.


Would you rather hear about my boatbuliding hobby. icon_smile.gif


P.S. I never pay for sex ( directly, of course we all pay )



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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no...no boat building. I like the stories of the woman slaying mop better. now I dont even want to see the pictures of your hair. it will ruin it for me. I have this comicbook image of a big walking head of hair walkding down the street with a bunch of short skirts screaming and chasing it.

its ok. if you have stories of womanslayinghair, do tell. I enjoy.

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Only in America


cheers NGTGB





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member

Hey Bushwack,


Before I had my HT all my family and a large part of relatives knew about my plan of having an HT. Most of them were positive about it. Some of them declared me a fool for having surgery, but I just laughed at them because I knew they would say stuff like that.


The advantage of people knowing about it is that you don't have to hide it from them.


One of the disadvantages however is that most of them don't understand the process of HT.

After 2 months post op most of them still ask where my new hair isicon_smile.gif while I already told them that it will at least take 3-4 months to see any noticeable results.

All of the people that knew I had a HT wanted to see my head...


My personal experience with the HT is that almost everybody that knew about it responded positively and understanding. I think it is socially more accepted in my culture to have an HT, because there are a lot of HT patients they know about.

Also there are a lot of people I know who now seriously consider HT... So in a way by being open with your HT you can help hairloss sufferers in your direct environment, this also increases the level of social acceptance.



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this is so relative to the individual. Obviously if you are in a situation where you cant hide it (like wearing a hat to work or around for a while) then you have NO options, except to lie and make up some story...If not, then it is totally relative. Are you the type of person that likes to be open and tell others things, or do you prefer to maintain a certain level of privacy? You dont have to tell ANYONE. If thats what your comfterable with. Isnt that PRECISELY the reason we get hts', to feel more comfterablein our skin?


*one cavieat: if your a norwood 7 and people walk up to you and say..."uh, did you gain 10 million new hairs?" then thats a different story...no comfort in privacy there.

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bushwhack,i am in the corner of "fuck it be up front about it"but then i was a norwood 5/6 and couldnt really have kept it secret if i had wanted to.but lets face it most of them new hairs have gone within 2 weeks and then the process is so graduall no one seems to notice anyway.to be quite honest i think i would have been more upset if no one had mentioned it, be it ridicule or compliment.lets face it you spend thousands on something to change your looks you want someone to acknowledge it.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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