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HT reversal

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  • Senior Member

Some guys have done it, except there is no way to have a completely smooth scalp, because you have been making surgical incisions there. I should say it is impossible to have a "perfect" scalp, it may or may not be smooth... some guys have gotten dermabrasion, laser resurfacing etc. But the scalp will probably always have some minor irregularities. A lot of your success will rely on just how bad your transplant was, how many grafts you had done, and what your definition of success is.


PLEASE make sure you have discussed this with several of the top doctors. Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire, by picking an incompetent surgeon. Be careful because their numbers are legion. Also, doing great repair surgery is a different skill than doing great virgin transplants. It helps if your doctor does great transplants, but that doesn't mean he is experienced in doing repairs or reversals.


Many doctors will recommend that you don't reverse your transplant, but revise it with more grafts and correcting the grafts you have. This may or may not be an option, I am just giving you a heads up that some doctors will advise against revesing your transplant. If you are convince that is what you want, be prepared to keep looking, when a doctor tries to sell you on additional grafting instead.


There is a new method of harvesting single grafts individually, that can take donor grafts from anywhere on your head. If your donor supply was maxxed out, you should be aware that there is a new development in transplants that can harvest hair from all over, including body hair. Are you up to speed on that? (FUE) Even if you don't want to fix your transplant by adding additional grafts, FUE may or may not be the best way to reverse your transplant (it is less invasive than older methods). FUE would just remove the follicles, whereas older methods of removal use larger punches (which may be warranted in extreme cases, however). FUE should be a consideration for you to include in your decision-making process.


There is some information on undoing a transplant around the internet, you need to do searches in the various forums, search on Google etc. What is your approximate location?


This is a tough situation to be in. Keep asking questions. I wish you luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Arfy,


I don;t want to intrude here, but I'm wondering how you've been doing in your efforts to rectify the problems caused by Puig. Please, I mean no pressure; I know this is just your business alone, but you've been such a great contributor of FACT and probably helped as many on this site as any member ever has. I just find myself thinking often about your generosity in light of the terrible injustice done to you. I know you've had a little work done, and my own hope is that cloning may be a reality one day. And then, those who've been abused as you have by the garbage of this world, can walk among others without even a fleeting thought about what others might think.


Any news you feel comfortable sharing?


PS: You were my principal guide as I began to explore the internet world of transplant information and I will never forget what your generosity has done for me. I am eternally in your debt, friend!


Thank you!




My Surgery With Dr. Sharon Keene


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I have benefitted enormously from your posts, as we share some HT experiences. I remain hopeful that your recent surgery will improve your appearance and other aspects of your life.





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  • Regular Member

I'd be interested in knowing - have you had any more procedures since '91? How old were you then, and what do you believe your were on the NW scale? Have you taken Propecia, used Minox since then? Just hoping for a better illustration from your experience of what else to consider for my own transplanted future. Thanks.


Chaos, panic and disorder...my work here is done.

Chaos, panic and disorder...my work here is done.

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  • 5 years later...
  • Regular Member

I know a guy who gad a lot of graphs removed by Dr. Cole in Atlanta, his head is smooth but after 2 months there are red marks where the plugs were removed. They are supposed to go away with time.

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  • Senior Member

WhatsUp- You are bumping a bunch of threads from like 6 years ago. I doubt that these guys are still lingering on those individual threads waiting for an answer.

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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