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Your Growth TimeLine


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Hello HT'ers


I had an HT on Nov 23, 2140 on the top around

the hairlne to about a 1/3 of the way back.


How long did it take you to start to see growth from your new hairs?

My Doc, Dr. E. said around 12 to 14 weeks. I take Proscar in quarters, and Rogaine 5% at night.



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  • Regular Member

Hello HT'ers


I had an HT on Nov 23, 2140 on the top around

the hairlne to about a 1/3 of the way back.


How long did it take you to start to see growth from your new hairs?

My Doc, Dr. E. said around 12 to 14 weeks. I take Proscar in quarters, and Rogaine 5% at night.



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Want it back,


Growth starts at about 3 to 4 months but don't really expect to see anything significant until month 5 or even 6. Twelve months is what is considered necessary for the transplant to fully grow in - maybe longer.


It's kind of slow-going at first but when it starts to happen and you're doing the "jig" in front of the mirror every day looking at your new best friends that show up everyday it'll all be worth it.


We may just have to think of a way to change your name to "Gotitback" when it does!


Hang in there, buddy!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I have often counselled patience to relatively recent HT patients here. As I have discovered, sometimes it is the "doctor" who should take his own "advice".


One would think that it is in the first few months following an HT that one's patience would be the most strained. After all, he just spent a scad of money for the procedure and he still looks just as bald as he always did.


I found out that isn't the worst time for impatience.


I was lucky enough to see early growth; new hairs began to sprout on my head at about the 7-to-8 week point. I'm a few days shy of my 5-month point and I'm seeing hairs sprout all over the place, now.


Here's the thing: standing in front of my mirror shaving, I can see the new hairs sprouting all over the place and it tickles me to death. But, if I take a couple of steps back from the mirror, or if I catch my reflexion under harsh, indistinct light--like in the kitchen window at night--all that new hair "disappears".


Against all intellect, I couldn't help wondering if this was "it". That it was never going to get any better than this. I fired off an e-mail to Doctor Cooley's office, explaining my current state. His head nurse, Ailene, told me that they receive a great deal of similar questions from their patients right at this stage of their HT's--the 4.5-to-5 month point.


She explained that, even at 5 months, most of the hair you see is still at the immature stage and hasn't reached its final thickness and growth. Moreover, there is still plenty of hair that hasn't "broken the surface" yet.


It takes at least three cycles of growth, or approximately 9 months before an HT patient begins to see enough growth to estimate the final result, and as Robert said, it will be a year or even longer to actually see the final results.


Bottom line: one needs to have patience for almost a year--and the waiting doesn't get any easier after the first couple of months. One has to get through the "Is it ever going to grow?" stage, and then through the "Is this all there is?" stage.


Good luck with your HT, friend. It sounds like you're about to enter Stage 2. Just be patient.

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I am at the 1 year mark and my growth was substantial in months 6 on. I experienced some growth in months 4-6 but really started to sprout later.


Once it starts it goes wild, I had 2140 grafts so right on with you!!! I am sorry was a NW5A now it is great to say that I have my hair back.


Good luck, patience and meds all help with the process.



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  • Senior Member

Thanks guys, I am at week 8 and read this with great interest! It certainly has been an anxious time waiting for new growth...I think mine is starting now which is a great sign I hope...BTW, wassup TMan!

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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  • Regular Member

I had my HT on Nov 18th, just 5 days before you. For details, go here. Under close examination I noticed mine started popping up at the 9 week mark. Fairly typical I guess. It's only 10% to 20% sprouting so far, and they are somewhat thin, But like Hair Apparent said, it just keeps getting better.


Hang in there. You should be seeing some growth real soon.

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