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Amazing laser comb


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I've been "secretly" using a laser comb for just over 3 weeks now. I was trying to wait at least 2 months before making my first post of results. However since this topic is being debated now I'm posting today.


First of all from everything I've read about laser therapy for hairloss I felt I was a good candidate for it. Supposedly a laser comb is best on areas that have some hair or at least some peach fuzz. I get a lot of hairs that grow long, but the individual hair shafts have stayed very thin over the years. I also get some small hairs that grow for only a few weeks or months and then fall out.


I started using a laser comb (the one I have is actually a brush with 6 lasers in it) that I bought for a total of $116.45 including the shipping. For that price I felt it was worth a try especially considering I came to this site some months ago looking into getting body hair transplants to thicken some areas. That would have cost a heck of alot more and be more uncertain than testing a laser comb.


So here's what happened so far.


In just one week I could already feel my hair becoming softer and more manageable. First I thought it was too early for that and maybe I just had a few decent hair days, but the softness kept improving.


After 3 weeks my hair is definately softer and more manageable and looks healthier and has a more full look to it. This alone is worth using the laser comb. Aren't we all trying to get our hair to look thicker?


I can also see some of the tiny hairs that usually fall out shortly after they begin to grow to now be getting longer than they have been since I can't remember when. I even have 2 or 3 hairs growing in front of my transplanted hairline and I haven't seen that in a few years. I hardly get any hair fallout at all now.


I can't wait to see how it progresses after a few more months. For the ones on this site who feel it doesn't work, you really should try it. For $116 it's worth testing. Some of you spend more than that on cover up products and stuff.


I've been posting here long enough for you to know this isn't just some advertisement. I'll keep you updated on my progress.


I do use proscar and nizoral shampoo, but I've been using both of those and ONLY those for over 10 years. I do feel that they've kept my hair intact as far as continuing to keep the fine hairs coming back after they fall out, but after 10 years almost any sudden new growth in areas that didn't have anything for those 10 years is not going to be because of those 2 products.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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FDA approval of a devise is very different than FDA approval for a medication. It only means that it is safe and will not cause harm.


Having said that I find the Laser treatments very "interesting". They seem to make the hair appear thicker in some patients. I have seen this occur. But it seems to be in those who have very fine hair.


I think if it is painless and has achieved FDA approval; it may be worth looking into. I believe most have a limited money back policy? You would quickly know if you could be committed to doing the treatment as directed. If you are not compliant it would not work, like any medication or treatment.


I don't know if I would invest a large amount of money but I do find it interesting.


Just my opinion.....



Ailene Russell, NCMA

Dr. Jerry Cooley's personal assistant and clinical supervisor for Carolina Dermatology Haircenter. My postings are my own opinion and may not reflect Dr. Cooley's opinion on any subject discussed.


Dr. Jerry Cooley is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Gentlemen (and ladies - now that Ailene is in the discussion icon_wink.gif).


Let's remember to keep this a friendly discussion. There is nothing wrong with the varying opinions being shared on an open discussion forum. Let's all try not to take things personally. As of now, I think all is well...so we shall continue.




I'm not sure exactly how you can say I am being closed minded. I'm saying I want proof that laser therapy works before I can safely recommend it. It's what we do here on this forum with hair transplant doctors all the time.


Would you recommend an unknown clinic to someone before you feel confident that they produce quality results? I hope not!


Folica...you are thinking inside the narrow window of personal experience. I may not know for sure that Propecia is doing anything for me, but there is plenty of public evidence out there that shows it does work. Same with Rogaine.


You keep suggesting that I should try laser therapy.


Do you think now that I am an Associate Publisher of this community, that I should try every product out there in order to try to prove it's efficacy? That's a bit silly.


This doesn't make me closed minded. It just means that I am not going to be a guinea pig.


Let me say this...


My mind is open to any and all products that come out...


But I want proof that a product has the potential to be of some benefit before I can safely and ethically recommend it to others.


I would not be doing a quality service to patients if I sent them out to try laser therapy when there is little to no real evidence that it works to stop hair loss or regrow hair.


Regarding FDA approval, Ailene is correct. FDA approval works differently for medication than for medical devices. Propecia and Rogaine were approved for safety and efficacy. It appears that laser treatment was ony approved for safety.


One more thing...


I agree that further investigation of low level laser therapy would surely be helpful.


In some of my spare time I will see what I can dig up on laser therapy. If anyone else wants to rise to the challenge as well, I'm sure it would benefit this community and discussion.




I know you are not marketing the product and kudos to you for taking initiative to try the product. I am glad to hear that your hair is more manageable and appears more full. Please keep us posted on your progress. We'd love it if you could provide photos that document your progress as well.





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Ladies and Gentlemen,


One thing we have to remember is that Propecia and Rogaine aren't black and white medications either.


Propecia and Rogaine work for many to help retain existing hair. Less commonly they both can strengthen and make healthier miniaturized hairs. Some might call this "regrowing" hair.


There is no miracle cure...maybe there will be one day.


So when we are talking about laser therapy...we shouldn't be talking about an all or nothing thing either. We have to remember that if it works at all, it will most likely work like the medications listed above.


That being said...if it works, I'm sure over time there will be publicly documented proof that it works just as there is with Propecia and Rogaine (which is how I can ethically recommend it even though it may not work for everyone).


Perhaps this thread will be the beginning of REAL patient PROOF. Since BeHappy is already on his way...perhaps he'll document his experience with photos.



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Bill, First off of course I want to keep things friendly. icon_smile.gif see!

By saying you are being closed minded is not an insult, it is an observation.


I don't expect you to be a guinea pig for anything, even though laser therapy is considered harmless.


I just thought you are the type of guy who doesn't wait around for proof but investigates & comes up with thier own opininon based on thier own experience.


Sorry If I mis-judged you...


Let me put it in a friendly way.

You have a lot of respect & your opinions & advice are valued.


If I tried the Laser & gave my opinion, it would not be the same as you giving yours.


So really, I am complementing you on the trust & respect you have gained here if anything.

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Ofourse keeping it friendly is and always has been my preference. However, small jabs might sometimes be met with an equal blow. Just as we all want individuals to substantiate their claims of alternatives, I believe that posters should be more accurate and somewhat factual when making their statements about the mainstreams also. If someone is going to make reference to people being silly or foolish for trying alternatives for their hairloss issues, they might get more respect from me if they are at least somewhat knowledgeable about the subject matter.


I'm glad to see that you have indeed desribed how Finasteride and Minoxidol actually work. They DO NOT grow or regrow hair. I wish they did. icon_smile.gif






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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it's always friendly unless someone start with insults ( you guys don't do that)


Propecia did grow hair for me stopped the falling. No doubt in my mind.. I never said I wasn't sure if it worked for me?


Minoxidil can regrow hair, this is documented from many sources including docs on here ( i do not use it)


Let's not get too technical with miniturization as we all know hairs are always there just extremely regressed and small. That is just a technicality.


Now, with that being said, it won't give you dense regrowth, we all know that..


Guys, I am eagar to see Behappy's progress because you know my thoughts on Lasercomb.


My question for you guys is if it is such a viable option, how come the best docs balk at it??


Lastly, I might add I have been using Revita for 2 months almost and seeing some positive results. No doubt it is a quality shampoo for my type of hair.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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The debates just to debate really are counterproductive for all, so I will try to keep this my last post on this thread. On another thread Mrjb you just posted "I've taken saw palmetto.. it did nothing for me so personally I questions it's ability to make a difference in hairloss." This is what I was talking about in above post. This type of statement is slightly irresponsible to a viewer that it might work for. There are studies that show that it does help with hair quality albeit not to the percentage that Rogaine and Propecia do. I will readily admit this. Let's say that Finasteride for example might help 15% of those using, what if alternatives helped 2%? Isn't it still possibly worth trying?


Also I again have to point these things out.


1. You want to see photos of Behappy's progress or will be skeptical.

2. You state that Propecia grew hair for you and stopped hairloss. Can we see evidence? Isn't it fair of us to ask for this?

3. Success with Revita shampoo? Can we see photos? Isn't it fair of us to ask?

4. You have had successful HT's with Dr. True? Can we see proof? Isn't it fair of us to ask?

5. Do you think that docs that pay good money to be recommended on this site might be upset when you state that they are not among the BEST because they either recommend or do not discredit lasers? Please do a search because some of the top docs do infact support the possiblities of lasers.



I will avoid the technical aspects of Minoxidol and Finasteride because some choose to just overlook the facts anyways.


I'm sorry to be somewhat of a smartass in regards to this topic, but truly believe that if claims are being made, it is only fair to show evidence, whether it be alternatives or mainstream meds.







Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Yo guys, ( Thats the Italian coming outa me! )

Don't make me come over der! icon_biggrin.gif


I just want to make clear that I am not a proponent of the laser.


I was mearly suggesting that someone who is well respected, knowledgable & has his head square on his shoulders conduct a study on it.

(I am not available) icon_biggrin.gif

So we can have our own evidence one way or another by someone everyone trusts.


For making that suggestion, I get called silly.


If I were anywhere near you Bill I would slap you silly! icon_smile.gif


The Italian coming out again...

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I cannot produce documentation that Propecia worked for me as I do not professionally document my hairloss on a a regular basis. To be honest, I wish I did take more photo's but who knew I would get 3 Ht's??


As far as the shampoo, I do like it but I cannot see how I can prove that? I have not stated it is a miracle cure by any means rather a good shampoo



At the end of the day, I look at the source and the consistent ability for treatments to deliver results.


What are the treatments that educated Top PHD's recommend?


What are the treatment which produce consistent results in clinical trials?


This is my opionion on the subject. Every Miracle cure has the same ingredients ( including Saw palmetto). They never worked for me & are marketed in a very unethical manner. If we look on hairloss websites they list at least 10 "herbs" which may help hairloss.


Here is a great read on Saw Palmetto which speaks my stance (it is on Hairlosstalk)




Saw Palmetto: Zero Clinical Data for Hair Loss


There hasn't been a single reputable study done showing that Saw Palmetto has any effect on treating hair loss. One study can be found in PubMed, but it was run by the makers of a saw palmetto product, and was publicly labeled as "Bunk" on 20/20 in January 2003 on nationwide television because it only included 10 participants and lasted only 6 months. Insufficient test group, insufficient test period, and run by someone standing to gain financially from it.


Saw Palmetto: It's Not About Money



Many herbal enthusiasts have used the argument: "Saw Palmetto really DOES work but the medical community wont spend the money to test it because they can't patent an Herb." This is false. The lack of Saw Palmetto clinical data has absolutely nothing to do with its status as an "herb" or an inability to patent or market it. You can find over 100 clinical studies, and mountains of scientific data showing Saw Palmetto's effectiveness in treating prostate problems. Zero such studies for hair loss. Coincidence? No.


Saw Palmetto: It's not an Alternative to Propecia


Saw Palmetto is not a "natural alternative to Propecia". There are two types of 5 alpha reductase that combine with Testosterone to form DHT. Propecia blocks one of them most effectively, reduces serum (blood stream) DHT levels, and has shown to stop hair loss in 83% of men. Well what about Saw Palmetto? It actually has been shown to block both types of DHT, and this is where all the confusion centers. Just because something can block DHT in a test tube, does not mean it can reduce levels of it in the bloodstream, or stop hair loss. In a clinical study, Saw Palmetto was given to test subjects, and it had no effect on their serum DHT levels. This means it didn't inhibit DHT in the bloodstream effectively like Propecia does. This is the key. As a result of this study, many have hypothesized that Saw Palmetto works for the prostate by some other mechanism than DHT reduction. Propecia and Saw Palmetto are similar in some ways, but completely different where it matters most. As such, they should never be considered "alternatives" to each other.


Saw Palmetto: It's not Safer than Propecia


Saw Palmetto is not "safer" nor does it cause "fewer side effects". People report just as many, if not more side effects, from excessive unrelented hair shedding, to hormonally related side effects like acne and testicle pain, to emotionally related side effects and even estrogen related side effects like breast growth. We advise caution in using any hormonal modulator, and strongly advise against using one that isn't even going to help your hair loss.


Saw Palmetto: It's Widely Used in Snake Oils


The whole misunderstanding with Saw Palmetto is a huge factor in why Snake Oil companies continue to thrive off consumers. You've still got guys going around on the hair loss sites saying that Saw Palmetto is an acceptable alternative to Propecia, and agreeing with them are nearly 60 recognized scam companies and snake oil salesmen, selling Saw Palmetto based products. Saw Palmetto and a host of other herbs are the foundation for nearly every snake oil on the market today. Coincidence? No. Throw a little saw palmetto in with a little bit of rogaine and you've got an "FDA Approved Growth stimulant and DHT Inhibitor!" Truth mixed with misinformation. They all use the same argument, as well: "If even a tiny bit of evidence was found that shows it inhibited DHT, it MUST WORK FOR HAIR LOSS!" Wrong. The number of confused people has risen so high on this issue that some reputable products have even included Saw Palmetto, simply because they know the public expects it to be there. It's not there because of its effectiveness.


Saw Palmetto: Absolutely No Assurances



We can't tell you if Saw Palmetto will work for you. We can't tell you what your chances of success are. We can't tell you why you've been shedding since you started it. We can't tell you how much to take, and we can't tell you if there are any long term side effects or potential drug interactions. Why ? Because nobody knows. There is no data on it. All the basic necessary information for any hair loss treatment, is completely missing when it comes to saw palmetto. How are you able to determine what amount to take? Do you know for sure that 350mg will inhibit enough DHT to help your follicle? How did you come to that conclusion? These are questions we ask of Saw Palmetto proponents, and we never get a straight answer. This is why clinical data is so important. It answers the questions that need to be answered.


Our Advice?


If you're going to take a drug that affects your hormone levels, at least use the drug proven to work in 83% of men. Propecia. Using the drug called Saw Palmetto instead, doesn't make any sense. The unexplained shedding, the side effects, the months and months of wondering if it will work .. just doesn't seem worth it when there is a completely clinically proven version available in the form of Propecia.




I 'd rather stick with proven high percentage winners that what' if's or maybe's


what can I say?



P.S. Sorry guys no pics to share. Have to respect my privacy for professional reasons



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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No worries brother! I have thick skin and can take constructive criticism. And if you are ever in the area, I'll even buy you a drink icon_wink.gif!


I just thought you are the type of guy who doesn't wait around for proof but investigates & comes up with thier own opininon based on thier own experience.


Honestly, I thnk it is very dangerous to form opinions solely on the basis of personal experience. I certainly do investigate subject matters, however, but I like to move beyond personal experience.


If I based everything on personal experience, I would say that Rogaine doesn't work period! I can make this claim based on my personal experience because it didn't do anything for me when I needed it the most. But you see, that contradicts what Mrjb has observed experientially.


The evidence now suggests that even though it didn't work for me, it worked for someone else. So I can conclude one of two things....Mrjb is a liar (well we know he is anyway icon_biggrin.gif) or that the product CAN work for some and not for others. Of course, I like to go beyond the scope of two conclusions as well.


Same goes for laser therapy. So far I haven't seen any convincing claims. If/when I do, I will be able to draw new conclusions.




I think we have to define what "regrowing hair" means...because I believe we are all talking about the same thing.


There is some evidence that suggests that the miniaturized hairs never fully disappear. I don't know if this is fact or not...so I can't comment for sure.


However...given that...


One could define regrowing hair as any miniaturized hair coming back to life.


Based on that definition - Propecia and Rogaine CAN REGROW HAIR!


But if the hair follicle truly dies and is gone...then these medications will not make the follicle reappear.


The evidence suggests that these two medications (Propecia and Rogaine) work much better on hairs that are not too far along in the miniaturization process.


I hope this clears things up a bit....or who knows...maybe I made it more confusing icon_biggrin.gif



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I have lots to say, but as stated earlier these debates often prove fruitless. I surrender.




I'm Canadian and love beer! icon_smile.gif Thanks for being the voice of reason. Not sure if you did clarify or confuse but sometimes when you post it does have a sense of calming. That is why you are the right guy for the job.




Very nice gesture my friend. Ofcourse I've got some good one liners to add but will refrain.







Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Very nice gesture my friend. Ofcourse I've got some good one liners to add but will refrain.



Now I am freakin curious! Shoot with the one liners! icon_smile.gif

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My pleasure bro. Let me know if you're ever in PA! Drinks and dinner on me.


Do yourself a favor though...hold onto the Propecia or throw it away. I know you mean well, but I don't know if even giving away your Propecia (conditions or not is legal. God forbid you give the Propecia to someone (unopened or not) and they have a problem. Just looking out for you bro.




Same applies to you brother...if you are ever in the area...drinks and dinner are on me!


I'm glad my presence is calming. A healthy discussion is good...as long as we remember we are all on the same side and want the same thing which is...


Lots of Women!!!! Oh wait...I mean...


Education and Healthy Hair for all icon_biggrin.gif




P.S. JOBI is included on the drinks and dinner offer as well!

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I was trying to stay away from taking pictures because it gets to be too much of a hassle to load them into the computer from the camera and then upload them somewhere. I don't want my hair to be my life.


However I WILL take some before pics tomorrow because I do want to be able to show if it actually works or not.


Be advised they may look a little ugly. I had some transplants long ago that never turned out right. I have a definate line of hair at the hairline from the HT, so if any new hairs grow in front of that you'll be able to tell easily.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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You mean you don't want to be a "hair restoration junkie" (quote from Pat) like some of us?


I know what you mean...certainly you don't want hair loss or hair restoration for that matter to consume your life. But I do feel it's helpful to chart your progress with pictures as that's sometimes the only way you can see if there has been any change. More often than not...even the proven products don't make a huge difference. After all, there is no miracle cure.



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