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Just a new guy on the scene (Boston & The Boz)

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Hey y'all. I have just joined the site. I just got my stitches out today from a 1500 HT, from...dun-dun-daaaaaaaaaa.....BOSLEY in Boston!!!!! Oh NO!!!! LOL... I know that the Boz gets no love on this site but this is my 3rd procedure (2nd from Dr. Phillips at Bosley-Boston) The first was a 650 from the Boz, the 2nd was a 800 from another infamous Dr. on this site, DiStefano in Worcester, and now this is my 3rd. I went back to the Boz this time and took advantage of their 1/2 price customer loyalty things, so my grafts were $4.75 each.


I honestly have been very happy with my 1st Boz experience, & so far, my 3rd from the Boz is going just swimmingly. As for Dr. Distefano, I am happy with the results of the HT (although the scar in the donnor area seemed a bit more noticiable than the Boz...Dr. Phillips took care of that though on this last HT) BUT i felt the experience itself was a little less professional than I was comfortable with and I felt cut loose


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Hey y'all. I have just joined the site. I just got my stitches out today from a 1500 HT, from...dun-dun-daaaaaaaaaa.....BOSLEY in Boston!!!!! Oh NO!!!! LOL... I know that the Boz gets no love on this site but this is my 3rd procedure (2nd from Dr. Phillips at Bosley-Boston) The first was a 650 from the Boz, the 2nd was a 800 from another infamous Dr. on this site, DiStefano in Worcester, and now this is my 3rd. I went back to the Boz this time and took advantage of their 1/2 price customer loyalty things, so my grafts were $4.75 each.


I honestly have been very happy with my 1st Boz experience, & so far, my 3rd from the Boz is going just swimmingly. As for Dr. Distefano, I am happy with the results of the HT (although the scar in the donnor area seemed a bit more noticiable than the Boz...Dr. Phillips took care of that though on this last HT) BUT i felt the experience itself was a little less professional than I was comfortable with and I felt cut loose

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Sorry i ran out of room!!!


..After the procedure with now after care....Bosley made me feel much better and seemed to really care about me after, Although i must say that the only reason i did go back to them was b/c of the 1/2 price deal. (I also didn't know about this web site yet either). So will i go back? I think i'll prolly check out the NYC docs or by the time i get my next (next year or two maybe) I'll be in FLA so the docs down there my get my bussiness.


So like i said i'm now 8 days post op. I have been on propecia for years, I'm gonna try rogaine to battle shock loss. I didn't even know about it b4. So i'm not sure if i had it b4. I know i know, i shoulda done more research b4, but i'm on it now!!! So that's my story and i'm stickin too it....i'll keep you all abreast icon_eek.gif of my progress with periodic updates/pictures....


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Originally posted by Max Out:


The first was a 650 from the Boz, the 2nd was a 800 from another infamous Dr. on this site, DiStefano in Worcester, and now this is my 3rd.





I guess I'll ask this question because I know there must be someone out there (like me) that is just dying to know the answer!


Why such a small amount of grafts on each HT? I'm guessing that your hair loss wasn't bad originally. Is your native hair starting to fall out behind the HT's and you need to keep up with it? Just curious!

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Kamin....To answer your question, Yes..well sort of...


I mean I had my 1st at around 25 years old and there was a little noticeable loss not right at the hairline but right behind it (I actually only became aware of it when i saw a picture taken from above that showed the top of my head & was like ACK!!!!!)...i guess i was like a 3 on the scale or becoming it....But the main reason was $$$$. But the 650 filled in the noticeable hair loss areas...at 1st, after a few years I felt like i need another one, this time more in the front so i went with the next from DiSteffano...again, $$ was a limiting factor....and this time due to the 1/2 price deal at the Boz 1500 was the call....but Doc phillips also said about 1500 was all he would recommend (although I came to him with the 1500 # 1st and he agreed).


I included some pictures in my last 2 posts and like i said those were taken 8 days post op, so what you see is mostly the hair i had b4 this last HT....


I was aware that this would be the case. I wanted to "stay ahead of my hair loss" so I would never really go through a Major Balding Phase. I have a ton of dense hair in my donor area, so this was the plan from the start. Like I said, so far so good i think. I mean this is just my experience so far....


umm...why do you ask, just out of curiosity? Do you think my plan has some flaws??? Just gettin a bit nervous for somereason.... LOL!!!!


Bye the why, I love this site!!!! I'm so gonna be a contributer for a long long time!!!!! Woot-Woot!!!! icon_biggrin.gif

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Max Out,


Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your experiences. I do think that the "Boz" as you call it is improving - with some surgeons and offices doing better work than others. Of the big two national groups I suspect that the "Boz" is doing more consistant work.


Just for the record, the DiStefano Group in New England is no longer recommended or presented on this site due to their use of the multibladed knife for donor removal.


In my opinion, and in the opinion of many surgeons, this technique generally creates higher transection of the folicles in the donor tissue and thus is not optimal. Many surgeons who did use the multibladed knife in the past have long since discontinued using it.


Best wishes for great new growth.



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hey Pat my boy,


I understand about Disteffano, and once again for the record, I am def not recommending him or Dr. Phillips for that matter. As i wrote in my first post, the scar was more pronounced in the doner from the HT performed by DiSteffano. Actually Dr. Phillips from the Boz removed most of that old scar so the new one in the Doner area is (or will be) much less pronounced (in theory). As i wrote I didn't know about this site when i got all 3 of my HT's. Since i have read about the multi-blade technique and it made sense.


SO i just wanted to make clear that I am not recommending any of the dr's i have used, I just wanted to relate my own PERSONAL experience. I noticed that a lot of people asked about peeps experiences in Boston, so I thought i'd tell my tale.

For the record though, personally, the only reason I would not recommend Dr. Phillips from the Boz is ONLY b/c of the high price. I understand about the 30/70 thing, but in my own personal opinion, i'm ok with that.. But as i also said, my next one will proly be with one of the doc's listed on this site, so take that for what ever it's worth (which i guess may not b much) icon_razz.gif

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I saw your pics. You lucky dog. You should look like 10 miles of torn up road lol.I was butchered in Mass. Great state.Glad you found the site before you do anymore.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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Max--- i am glad that you are happy with your experiences, and given that the size of your sessions are so small, you should be in great shape for later on down the road. I am glad that you found this site, and I know without a doubt that you will change your approach to hair transplantation as time goes on. In reading this thread, I know that you felt Pat may have responded a little harsh, but you have to understand that this site reaches worldwide, and some of the physicians you have mentioned are not good doctors.It is important for people who view this site to know some of the unethical or outdated practices of ANY physicians in order to promote awareness and sharing. I question your treatment, your plan,and your choice of doctors. You seem to have been very lucky to come away with nothing more than a shot to the wallet.While I will never take issue with profit, the amount of money you have paid to receive what many consider inferior treatment, is outrageous. I personally received double your graft total for a lot less than what you paid to see a Bosley Doc, and that was with one of the top doctors in the world! I think it is a good thing you have found this site Max. You need to conserve precious donor hair as well as stopping cutting yourself open for miniscule sessions. As you heal, do spend some time on the site and soak up some knowledge, it will do you good. Again, I know some of this seems harsh, but we need to let people know that hair transplantation is a serious issue, and we cannot condone Bosley, MHR, ANYTOKENHAIRMILL, etc.. They will always be a step behind because profit comes first, and whatever interferes with profit is not good for business, including unethically over-charging you.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks B-Money,

I do understand and I'm glad I did find this site as well. And I can't wait until my next HT using one of the doc's from this site. Had I found it earlier, I would have done things differently...live and learn my friends.......liiiiivveeee annndddd lleeeeeaaarrrnnnnn!!! icon_razz.gif

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  • 3 months later...


Thanks for motivating me to respond on here!

I am a Norwood 5; have had 2 sessions. My first was 1350 with Dr. Beehner and my second was 2500 with Dr. Phillips.

I could have used this site prior to my first experience at Dr. Beehner's. He is very into ??blending' FU with grafts. He does good work along the hairline where the FU's are, but behind the hairline it looked like doll hair in my case. Along the hairline, I found the laser punch Dr. Beehner used in the FU area to be pointless. It created redness and swelling in the area that lasted about 6 weeks. Having now had the micro-slit blade to compare it to, the laser has a much worse recovery time. The micrografts also take longer to heal and are seemingly much more fragile than the FU's during the healing process. I had to constantly camouflage during my ??blend method' recovery, and I still had an acquaintance notice the plugginess.

I had a consultation with Dr. Beehner about the plug look I had to endure before I decided to go elsewhere. I felt chances were slim I would go back to him, but that in any case, he would at least know how I felt about the micrografts. He continued to insist that with two more sessions, spanning nearly 2 more years, the blend method would give me good results.

Looking at other options, and having met a workmate who had a procedure with Bosley which I found completely undetectable, I made an appointment at Dr. Phillips office in Boston. There was a consultant that met with me first (not so bad), and then I met with Dr Phillips.

I found Dr Phillips to be very professional and a bit of a perfectionist in my case. My hair was looked at objectively and not as some cookie cutter procedure I was being boxed into. Dr. Phillips determined my hair shaft was too thick and dark for the obsolete micrografts he was correcting on me. He mentioned the option of selective removal and re-implantation of the micrograft hair along with doing an FU transplant to make my hair undetectably normal again. I have had one session and will have one more. With just the one session, the grafts are essentially undetectable.

I have been pleasantly happy with the results of my procedure at Dr. Phillips' Bosley office.

To answer an earlier post, Bosley in Boston only does state of the art FU transplants using the stereomicroscopic dissection mentioned.

As Max has also said above, I don't want to recommend anyone in particular and don't mean to denigrate anyone here either. I am just relating my experience in hopes some may find it helpful and add a note of caution to research objectively before agreeing to a Doctor's recommendation.


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I'm happy for you that you have had a positive experience thusfar with Bosley's Boston office and Dr. Phillips. On thier website, his profile states that he has been with the organization and at that location for over 10 years. So it sounds like he is very experienced and a better choice than some of their novice surgeons.


I did another post recently about hair restoration practices "clustering" in particular geographic areas. I was born in the Boston area, still have family there, and had considered exploring services there. One would think that it would be a magnet for this specialty but this is not the case. The city itself is one of our most prominent and historic, the hub of a large and diverse metro region, and home to some of the most renowned healthcare facilties and prestigious medical schools. Yet with the exception of the two conglomerates and a couple of independent practitioners (whom I don't think are recommended on the network) it is underserved.



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Why pay double at a potentially second rate outfit when you could have one of the better couple of surgeons in the world, and for cheaper? I am happy about the fact that you are satisfied with your procedure, but I do not want anyone stumbling across this forum imagining for one second that Bosley or MHR are OK. I am not coming down on you, but you do not know what you are talking about, because if you did, you would have never risked your scalp, nor would you have been price raped. I also have a HUGE problem with you reviving a thread 3 months old, to bring up your sucessful Bosley surgery. I welcome your membership here but you will find anyone singing the praises of Bosley or MHR not well received.

Do yourself a favor and check out True and Dorin as they have offices in Boston, I guarantee they will be cheaper and will not waste your donor which is a notorious Bosley practice.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Well stated B-Spot. I was also a 'victim' of Bosley for a number of small procedures, including one as small as 50 (!!). I thought the idea of 'staying ahead of my hair loss' was a great idea, but I now realize that I was paying 2, 3 or 4 times the price for an inferior procedure and end result. I also now realize just how 'serious' the surgery is and how limited my donor hair is. I regret that I may have wasted some in their hands. Having said that, I've been told that I am definitely one of the fortunate ones in that my hairline is not too low, and nearly every hair did grow... they just don't look very natural.


The other day, I finally took the full step forward by going to Dr. Ron Shapiro to refine my hairline and add some needed density. The attention to detail, the precision (in both the donor area and recipient area) was unlike anything I had ever experienced at Bosley. I am holding off on posting my in-depth summary of my experience until I am able to show some high-res photos so that people appreciate the work performed.


I am thrilled I found this site and decided to take a quantum leap forward by going to Dr. Shapiro.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

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