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Max Out

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Everything posted by Max Out

  1. Hey Friendly Forum, I have a question. I am a little over 2 weeks post 3rd HT and I have been using Rogaine for about a week now. This is my 1st experience with Rogaine and I decided to try it this time after i read about Shock Loss. Now, I didn't even know about shock loss at the time of my last 2 HT's (once again, thank goodness for education & this site!!) So i don't really remember if I had it or not, and that being the case, I imagine if it did occur, it must not have been that bad given how hyper-attentive we all are post surgery, right? So anyways, I have been using Rogaine for about a week (i'me continuing propecia which I've been on for about 6 years). And I am really interested in your opinion as to whether it is worth it or not. To be honest, I don't like it. I feel it makes my scalp goopy & itchy. I also have noticed a change in the texture of my hair. Before I begin Rogaine my hair was full, smooth, and soft. Now it seems more frizzy and dry even though I have returned to using the same shampoo & conditioner that I used pre HT and was extrememly happy with. (Which reminds me. I highly reccommend Mane, Tail, & Body Shampoo & Conditioner. It was originally created for horses but a top female model friend of mine put me on to it and it's great. And cheap and available at CVS, Brooks, etc for about $7 each for a huge bottle). But I digress... My schedule only really allows me to apply Rogaine once a day (as opposed to the reccommended 2x). So my question for my forum friends is: Is Rogaine really worth it? I mean I'd def. continue to use it if y'all had good experience and recommend I should. And I understand that everyone's experience is different blah, blah, blah, and I should do whatever I feel most comfortable with yada, yada, yada, but I mean I gotta be honest, I mean HT isn't exactly the most comfortable experience but the results justify the means I just am hoping to hear your guys' personal experience and opinions on the whole Rogaine after the HT thang!!!!! Thanks Again & I can't to wait to hear from everyone!!!!
  2. Thanks B-Money, I do understand and I'm glad I did find this site as well. And I can't wait until my next HT using one of the doc's from this site. Had I found it earlier, I would have done things differently...live and learn my friends.......liiiiivveeee annndddd lleeeeeaaarrrnnnnn!!!
  3. read the countless other posts relating the same story. It happened to me on both my last 2 HT's, and I expect it to happen this time too...trust me, don't be worried.
  4. hey Pat my boy, I understand about Disteffano, and once again for the record, I am def not recommending him or Dr. Phillips for that matter. As i wrote in my first post, the scar was more pronounced in the doner from the HT performed by DiSteffano. Actually Dr. Phillips from the Boz removed most of that old scar so the new one in the Doner area is (or will be) much less pronounced (in theory). As i wrote I didn't know about this site when i got all 3 of my HT's. Since i have read about the multi-blade technique and it made sense. SO i just wanted to make clear that I am not recommending any of the dr's i have used, I just wanted to relate my own PERSONAL experience. I noticed that a lot of people asked about peeps experiences in Boston, so I thought i'd tell my tale. For the record though, personally, the only reason I would not recommend Dr. Phillips from the Boz is ONLY b/c of the high price. I understand about the 30/70 thing, but in my own personal opinion, i'm ok with that.. But as i also said, my next one will proly be with one of the doc's listed on this site, so take that for what ever it's worth (which i guess may not b much)
  5. Kamin....To answer your question, Yes..well sort of... I mean I had my 1st at around 25 years old and there was a little noticeable loss not right at the hairline but right behind it (I actually only became aware of it when i saw a picture taken from above that showed the top of my head & was like ACK!!!!!)...i guess i was like a 3 on the scale or becoming it....But the main reason was $$$$. But the 650 filled in the noticeable hair loss areas...at 1st, after a few years I felt like i need another one, this time more in the front so i went with the next from DiSteffano...again, $$ was a limiting factor....and this time due to the 1/2 price deal at the Boz 1500 was the call....but Doc phillips also said about 1500 was all he would recommend (although I came to him with the 1500 # 1st and he agreed). I included some pictures in my last 2 posts and like i said those were taken 8 days post op, so what you see is mostly the hair i had b4 this last HT.... I was aware that this would be the case. I wanted to "stay ahead of my hair loss" so I would never really go through a Major Balding Phase. I have a ton of dense hair in my donor area, so this was the plan from the start. Like I said, so far so good i think. I mean this is just my experience so far.... umm...why do you ask, just out of curiosity? Do you think my plan has some flaws??? Just gettin a bit nervous for somereason.... LOL!!!! Bye the why, I love this site!!!! I'm so gonna be a contributer for a long long time!!!!! Woot-Woot!!!!
  6. Sorry i ran out of room!!! ..After the procedure with now after care....Bosley made me feel much better and seemed to really care about me after, Although i must say that the only reason i did go back to them was b/c of the 1/2 price deal. (I also didn't know about this web site yet either). So will i go back? I think i'll prolly check out the NYC docs or by the time i get my next (next year or two maybe) I'll be in FLA so the docs down there my get my bussiness. So like i said i'm now 8 days post op. I have been on propecia for years, I'm gonna try rogaine to battle shock loss. I didn't even know about it b4. So i'm not sure if i had it b4. I know i know, i shoulda done more research b4, but i'm on it now!!! So that's my story and i'm stickin too it....i'll keep you all abreast of my progress with periodic updates/pictures....
  7. Hey y'all. I have just joined the site. I just got my stitches out today from a 1500 HT, from...dun-dun-daaaaaaaaaa.....BOSLEY in Boston!!!!! Oh NO!!!! LOL... I know that the Boz gets no love on this site but this is my 3rd procedure (2nd from Dr. Phillips at Bosley-Boston) The first was a 650 from the Boz, the 2nd was a 800 from another infamous Dr. on this site, DiStefano in Worcester, and now this is my 3rd. I went back to the Boz this time and took advantage of their 1/2 price customer loyalty things, so my grafts were $4.75 each. I honestly have been very happy with my 1st Boz experience, & so far, my 3rd from the Boz is going just swimmingly. As for Dr. Distefano, I am happy with the results of the HT (although the scar in the donnor area seemed a bit more noticiable than the Boz...Dr. Phillips took care of that though on this last HT) BUT i felt the experience itself was a little less professional than I was comfortable with and I felt cut loose
  8. Hey y'all. I have just joined the site. I just got my stitches out today from a 1500 HT, from...dun-dun-daaaaaaaaaa.....BOSLEY in Boston!!!!! Oh NO!!!! LOL... I know that the Boz gets no love on this site but this is my 3rd procedure (2nd from Dr. Phillips at Bosley-Boston) The first was a 650 from the Boz, the 2nd was a 800 from another infamous Dr. on this site, DiStefano in Worcester, and now this is my 3rd. I went back to the Boz this time and took advantage of their 1/2 price customer loyalty things, so my grafts were $4.75 each. I honestly have been very happy with my 1st Boz experience, & so far, my 3rd from the Boz is going just swimmingly. As for Dr. Distefano, I am happy with the results of the HT (although the scar in the donnor area seemed a bit more noticiable than the Boz...Dr. Phillips took care of that though on this last HT) BUT i felt the experience itself was a little less professional than I was comfortable with and I felt cut loose
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