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Just got HT from Dr. Reed in San Diego


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Last Thursday got my HT from Dr. Reed in San Diego. My brother and another friend both used Dr.Reed and had great results. I researched online, visited the major competition but went with Reed because of his work and style. I am a little concerned about going back to work tomorrow. I think it will be hard to hide the redness. Otherwise everyting went good. Not much PAIN just minor discomfort in the past couple of days sleeping and with the itching. Any words of advice. I will post pictures once I can figure out how. For now thanks for all your postings. It's easier to do knowing people are out there that have had a HT.

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Last Thursday got my HT from Dr. Reed in San Diego. My brother and another friend both used Dr.Reed and had great results. I researched online, visited the major competition but went with Reed because of his work and style. I am a little concerned about going back to work tomorrow. I think it will be hard to hide the redness. Otherwise everyting went good. Not much PAIN just minor discomfort in the past couple of days sleeping and with the itching. Any words of advice. I will post pictures once I can figure out how. For now thanks for all your postings. It's easier to do knowing people are out there that have had a HT.

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  • Senior Member

AC, How many grafts did you get and were they on the crown or front? Are you using graftcyte or salt water?


You'll get better advice if we can know more about your situation.


Can you wear a hat at work? If not, you may want to fess up to your workmates that you had a HT. It sounds like swelling has not been a problem for you. I looked a little Klingon-ish after my last couple of sessions. That can bring a few stares. Fortunately only my wife got to witness it.


I know this wasn't much help but if you post more info, you'll get better help. Also you can search on words like "postop" or "post-op" and find some good stuff.

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Congratulations on your recent surgery with Dr. Reed. He is an all around class act. I expect your immediate post op results are impressive.


It would be great if you could share photos of your immediate post op results and the number of hairs per graft you got.


Feel free to create a free weblog that you can then link to in your posts. This weblog will also enable others to give you feedback and encouragement.


Best wishes, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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  • Senior Member

Okay............."dead thread" patrol to the rescue!


FrontalRetreat.........be sure to mind the "posted" date in the upper left corner of each post. This thread was last active 10-14-03. icon_cool.gif


Pat- Go back to sleep in Hair Force One..........oh, and don't post while you're driving! icon_wink.gif



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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