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Dr. Dominic Brandy


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Remember the key to a successful business is...


A great marketing plan.


High quality business's fail due to a lack of marketing




Low quality business's often are very profitable due to successful marketing.


In business classes I learned you are as good as your marketing plan.


Often this is the case.


This is nothing against Dr Brandy, but I have my suspicions....be careful !



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I think I've heard enough about Brandy to know that he should be avoided like the plague. I thought JohnC's post was a joke when I read it. I hope it was, or I certainly hope JohnC doesn't go there.



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I hope you aren't serious about Dr. Brandy. A recommendation from one physician is not enough information to make a judgment about Dr. Brandy. It is not often that so many posters on this board are so clear that a particular surgeon is a poor choice. The link Arfy posted should be enough reason to not let this Dr. touch your head. Why in the world would you not see one of the surgeons who clearly has the respect of both patients and other transplant surgeons?


Dr. Brandy's site mentions nothing about FU transplants. He also talks about surgery done under "magnification," but says nothing about using high powered microspcopes that are used in state of the art procedures. And he uses stencils and acetate grids? These are gimmicks. I really don't mean this to be denigrating, but I think you could benefit from learning considerably more about what constitutes state of the art among hair transplant surgeons. Dr. Brandy's self promotion on his web site sounds like pure fluff. When I read his promotional material it was like reading something from some crazy alternate universe.


I hope you'll heed the warnings that have come from so many of the transplant veterans on this site.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a procedure two weeks ago with Dr. Brandy. I had read some ugly posts before seeing him. I am a nurse so I knew all doctors have skeletons. With a limited choice of doctors in my area (West Virginia) I figured I would check him out for myself.


I went prepared to ask some tough questions about scars, complications, etc., but I wanted to be open-minded as well. My consultation went really well and Dr. Brandy and his brother Jerry were both very open and honest in answering every question that I had.


The day of my surgery I felt prepared for the worst but expected the best. Two weeks later I think I got the best. Time will tell. Everything was extremely meticulous. The placement design, scar in the back, everything. Some one called me the first several nights. Dr. Brandy called me the first night. It has been a good experience so far. My frontal scabs are long gone. The back is still very sore. I guess that is to be expected. I think I made a good choice. I'll keep you posted.

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Dr Brandy (aka swood),


Please stop playing on those Library computers...when you have true before/after pictures to share, report back.


Thank you



[This message was edited by NW on August 07, 2003 at 07:25 PM.]

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Hey Guys,

I thought I was doing someone a favor by returning to the site with good news about my experience, but is sounds like you don't want to hear anything good about Dr. Brandy. If you want to alienate positive feedback, you're doing a good job. Bye.

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Some doctors have permanently ruined their reputations, by permanently damaging a lot of patients who had turned to them for help.


Dr. Brandy has earned his bad reputation, even if he has success stories as well. If he wants to know why he is reviled by patients, he need not look very far.

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  • 2 months later...
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I was a patient of Dr. Brandy's after he was recommended to me by several people who had had terrible results from other surgeons. Brandy did a great job of repairing the mess. When it was time for my surgery I chose him after an exhaustive search. The surgical suite that Brandy runs is like a well oiled machine. Patient care is superb! The best thing is that my results were great. I used to lose sleep and have nightmares because I was so distressed over my hair loss. Now I never give it a second thought. No one, not even my mother, has ever guessed I had anything done and she notices everything. I had nothing but hairline work and my results look every bit as good as the GQ guy and I am a nobody. Maybe Dr. Brandy's only vulnerability is that he will take on the most difficult and challenging cases that are out there. I have met people that were as bald as a cue ball have wonderful results...listen I do not mean to ramble. I just know that my experience was great and I think that everyone should know that. I know a lot of patients with similiar experiences.

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I know for sure of several people that were not "challenging" cases that he took on....rather, they were untouched patients that he damaged. Your post will not help him at all..everybody is too smart here.

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I find it interesting that after you got slapped around a bit on this forum, new members suddenly started to pop up claiming youre a great surgeon. I would bet whats left of my follicles that these new posts are in fact from you or your office. Im sure you have people browsing the big forums to find negative publicity on you. It is unlikely that past patients of yours would just happen to stumble upon this forum and read these posts on you for 2 reasons:

-If they knew about this forum they would NEVER have gone to you in the first place.

-If they were past happy patients of yours what would they be doing browsing the looking for HT info all of the sudden if they had not done so prior to the procedure?


We are not fools Dr Brandy.

Unfortunately for you, forums like these are becomming more and more popular and soon doctors like you will have no more patients to butcher.


El Guapo

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Listen Bud...from the outset I have expressed sympathy for everyones opinion. That is certainly not the way I have been treated in kind. Just to respond to your illogical syllogistic rational-- you said; "It is unlikely that past patients of yours would just happen to stumble upon this forum for two reasons"

-If they knew about this forum they would NEVER have gone to you in the first place.

-If they were past happy patients of yours what would they be doing browsing the looking for HT info all of the sudden if they had not done so prior to the procedure?..."


Well, that is exactly how it happened. I have not been in touch with Brandy for years...like 5 years. I did a web search to see if he had a website because I am thinking of have some more work done and this forum came up as part of that and I started to read it. I think that you would agree that anyone would find it very interesting.

You also said: "We are not fools Dr Brandy." Well you may not be, but your conspiracy theories are highly imaginative. All this talk of faked photos on his website, faked forum comments is just bizaar to me. I posted my website and even used my real name. I am sorry that the fact that I had a good experience and shared it makes you paranoid. I very thankful to the people that have congratulated me with a warning and I respect that. I said before that I think that everyone here is well intentioned. I am beginning to believe that may not be true.

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I missed where you posted your website info. Does it show before and after pictures of your results? I think that would go a long way towards increasing your credibility with the group.


From everything I've read and experienced, I believe you can do much better than Dr. Brandy, if you need more HT work. I hope you'll continue reading here and consult with some of the doctors who have produced positive (maybe even miraculous) results for many of us.


Mr. T

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Mr. T,

You can find the homepage info by clicking on my name and then more info, but this is it http://hometown.aol.com/jgaspar/

I did not put this together to show my hair, it is about me and my family (wife and horses!) My hair is pulled straight back and I have a pretty long ponytail. The picture is not very clear and I may post some others. I was really happy with my hairline. I started my transplants wehn my receeding hairline was not that noticeable. At least thats what my wife said. I was pretty upset but I made a really good dracula on Halloween. Anyway, now some of my original hair has falen out and I only have the grafts left, yet I really do not look like a guy losing his hair.

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I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had HT work done by Dr. Dominic Brandy in Pittsburg.


Considering a procedure. Thanks.


I was very satisfied . . results holding up 6 years later. I am cinsidering another sessions. My hairline looks natural.



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How about posting some before and after pictures of your HT along with your details.. age, Norwaood class before, number of grafts, etc.? It sure helps to lend credibility to your comments.




Mr. T

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I dont come on this website too often, but whenever I see something about brandy I feel compelled to relate my experience.



He saw fit to do 2 hairlifts and a strip HT on me when I was around age 21 and a NW3-4. In retrospect I was way too young to do surgery on. Furthermore, his hairlift procedure is one of the most illogical surgeries there is (I am now a physician and know about such things). Finally, he used this stencil template for the recipient sites for the HTs. My grafts are in perfectly symmetrical rows (think of a checkerboard pattern). Thank you Dr. Brandy for making my head resemble a doll.


Anyone that goes to Dr. Brandy is taking a HUGE RISK. There are many other alternative surgeons out there who will give you better results. I hope you are reading this Dr. Brandy. If I didnt value my life so much, I would likely be in jail for beating the crap out of you.



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