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Pre HT Blood tests

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Hello guys,


Was just wondering where you had your bloods done before an HT procedure. I'm slightly uncomfortable going to my GP and explaining why I need them done. I dont think he is up to speed with modern HT methods and results and it would likely prompt a lot of questions and advice from him which id rather avoid!!


I'd be interested to hear where you guys went, particularly the UK contingent and any inspirational reasons/tales for needing the tests if you were not comfortable saying it was for an HT.



"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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  • Senior Member

Hello guys,


Was just wondering where you had your bloods done before an HT procedure. I'm slightly uncomfortable going to my GP and explaining why I need them done. I dont think he is up to speed with modern HT methods and results and it would likely prompt a lot of questions and advice from him which id rather avoid!!


I'd be interested to hear where you guys went, particularly the UK contingent and any inspirational reasons/tales for needing the tests if you were not comfortable saying it was for an HT.



"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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Never lie to your Doc. This is the one guy on eart you should be completely honest with. Go get the blood tests at your doc's office. Believe me this is the smallest part of the procedure. When you are in the chair for 10-12 hours you will laugh that you once worried about the inital blood work..

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ok- i can tell you so far in my peretty lengthy (though not as much as some of u vets on here!) research, I've only come across one doc (not a coalition member) who requested that- hence why I found it odd to say the least...


your guess is a good one, as i would understand that- as i said, it was odd only one doc has asked for that...found it a bit fishy.

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I am getting an upcoming Ht with Shapiro and they requested blood work that also included an Hiv test. My prior Ht in the 80's in Toronto required the same testing.






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I would have thought all clinics would require blood tests before the procedure. As Bill said, it is probably for the safety of the Dr. and staff.


Thanks for you feeback, looks like my best bet is to brave it at the GP's.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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gazzasgoin2, I had my HT's done with the Shapiro Medical Group. They did require testing that included HIV and HEP. I was not interested in going to my GP either so I grabbed the yellow pages and found a lab near my home. The doc will provide you with the script for the pre-op testing and that's all the clinic/lab will need to make the draw. I used Quest Diagnostics. Find a lab near your home.

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I would be curious to hear from some clinics as to why some require blood testing while others do not. I actually believe I may have had a conversation with Joe from H&W about this before...but I can't remember his response. H&W did not require me to have any blood testing done, neither did Dr. Katz. Dr. True, however, did.



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Pretty much, you are going to take the same precautionary measures with an HIV positive patient as you would with an HIV negative patient. It is surgery after all. Still, it is always best to have a patient's full medical history available prior to a procedure.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks Tom, NN, LL for your comments. I've looked into other clinics but I can't find one locally that does HIV & HEP tests. So looks like ive no choice but to visit the GP!!


Bill, interesting that certain clinics dont require the testing whilst others do. I guess its just down to the individual clinic's policy and their opinion of risks involved. I would think in this day and age it would be prudent to have HIV & HEP tests for all HT's for the safety of both the staff and the client.


Be interesting to hear Joes take on it.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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I would be afraid of a clinic that only required an HIV ; Hep test. That doesn't say much for their prodical. Bosley/MHR are notorious for using blood tests as a "bonding tool".

In the case of Dr. Shapiro, it might be a case of while your at it because he does a complete workup as this is surgery and wants to have data should things go awry beforehand. No harm there.

In either case you could have been recently infected and that would not show up for six months anyway as the elisia test is for anti-bodys not the virus. So....

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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"Pretty much, you are going to take the same precautionary measures with an HIV positive patient as you would with an HIV negative patient. It is surgery after all."


I agree. Also, there are many cases where a blood test will show a HIV negative result even though the patient is HIV positive. Usually this has to do with how recent the person contracted the disease.


In any case, safety and precaution should always be the Number 1 priority regardless if a patient has disease(s) or not.

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For what it's worth, I went to Dr. Feller for my consult and decided to put down the deposit that day to save my spot on a particular day. They gave me the option of going downstairs in the building to a lab to get the blood work over with.


I decided to do it and they gave me the write-up to hand to the lab (so not sure what exactly I got tested for). Might have been Quest..but I was in and out in minutes and never heard anything about the results (which means I obviously passed).

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Jersey, I too am going with Dr. Feller. Unfortunately the clinic need the results 14 days before the surgery and am travelling from the UK, arriving only a couple of days before. Otherwise the set up you describe would be the most conveinient way.


Good luck with the HT btw icon_smile.gif

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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Gaz... Actually had my HT on 2/22 so coming up on 5 months next week. Everything is going great. I've got a bunch of hair on my frontal 1/3 where I haven't had anything for years. I might post some updates soon or wait until the 6 month mark.


I'm sure you know you're in good hands. From the first few minutes of that morning when he draws the potential hairline until you leave, you'll know that he and his staff are going to do their best to make you feel comfortable and make sure you are happy with everything. After the 3rd erasure and redraw that morning (since I wanted some adjustments), I apologized for taking so long. He said "Don't worry, we'll be here as long as it takes to get it right"...That's one of the reasons he's a top doc.


Best of luck and feel free to hit me with any Feller-related questions about the big HT day.



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Jersey, nice one and look forward to seeing your pics.


I am quite excited although also a little nervous as the day fast approaches. Im sure its a familiar feeling for you all.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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