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Sorry to bother you but I registered on hair loss help "hlp" today and only said I would wait to get a transplant from Armani because there are nofue results and I named some people that didnt agree with Armani .

When I tried to private message these guys three of there accounts were deleted after they had been posting for a long time . Now since I made one halmless comment he has deleted mine also and left me a message about he wont tolerate any negative comment about ARMANI .Too much at stake. I find this very fishy unless he works for them somehow.

If Im out of line let me know but I just wanted to wait to see results from him . . Are there grownout Armani fue results on here . I saw tons of postop pics but no grownout ones.how come all the other doctors have fue pictures and not him. please direct me to pics thank you

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This seems to be a hot topic right now between this forum and HLH. HLH has made it personal by attacking Bill, but he's a class guy so he won't say anything about the whole thing that's negative. As for the pics, apparently there are none yet since he's only been doing FUEs for a short time, but there should be some 3 or 4 month pics available by now theoretically. There aren't though.

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Hi Dear...i have neither seen the actuall result of armani nor met him but Know about him through a trainner from uk.Our center train the doctor in the Hair transpalnt surgery,so that doctor came to our hair trnspalnt institute for trainning.Previously he was booked with Armani for tranning but finnaly he decided to come over here.He told me about his previous appoinment with Armani and told me that he is consider the good surgeon in the area,before that i was not even aware of that name.

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I can't speak for your experience over at hair loss help because I didn't see the thread.


However, unlike many of the cheerleaders over at hair loss help, I am not a big fan of Armani. In my opinion, there is a plethera of issues stemming from performing large megasessions on young patients with minimal hair loss to enormous graft over-estimates for FUE.


In my opinion, if you can't find grownout FUE results, that should be a red flag.



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I know one thing Farrell opened me and my fathers eyes about going to Armani. He showed me there is something really fishy going on with him and Armani.

He also lied about not pming me .He want me to disclose who I am because hes filled with this paranoia now that everybody is working for some other doctor and deletes everybodys account take goes against Armani.

Since I cant post over there Im willing to disclose who I am on here if hell do the same. Im just a repair patient ,who is he?

Those guys over there believe everything he says. He does the same thing over there .Charges every doctor and he even charges for them to advertise the handheld laser which is a joke and even a newbie like myself knows that.

I dont care what anybody charges but he acts like this site is the evil empire. He loves that a couple of haters over there are bashing you.

Extreme jealousy ,thats for sure.

For a guy that looks like somebody dropped a teaspoon of pubic hairs on his head ,he should understand that SOME of us dont want that to happen to us,and need to ask the tough questions

Anyway Im glad he deleted me and pushed me away from Armani .

Im sorry that I brought my expierence over here ,but people should be aware that Farrel is up to something over there. Not sure what it is because hes a very bright man but its obvious hes not totally legit. Hes got a big power trip going on.

It wouldnt suprise me if those guys bashing you didnt work for him since he believes some of us work for other doctors. He said it out his own mouth whoever accuses a person of working for someone first is more then likely doing it themselves Well if his words are true then he is himself,since he accused me.

Thank you sooo much for opening my eyes about this Armani guy. I cant afford to lose grafts or money. It also seems funny how it took ALL these fue doctors years to be able to extract 1500 fue grafts in a day,but within a year Armani can rip out 4500 in a day, post no legit after photos and guys still go there on a blind mission. WOW

Put you ALL your money where your mouth is Farrell and tell us who you really are and what hlp has become,and why,since you want to know about little ole me. I bet youll just lie once again.

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The sad reality is that a number of members over at hair loss help do not see the great value in the services we offer. But I've pretty much said everything that needs to be said in order to shed light to our physician evaluation process, funding of our community, etc. People are either going to see the great value of the services we provide or they are going to dog it.


You are welcome to share your experiences and frustrations here so there is no need to apologize for that. However, in the interest of balance, fairness, and truth, I have given Farrel the permission to come here to defend himself. It is only fair.


Here you can read more of my thoughts and opinions of Dr. Armani



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I have nothing to hide Ill respond before him since I only got 2 posts in over there Farrell you banned me for no reason at all ,You did it in a slick way,saying good idea take your time ,then you deleted me . I found out when I was going to respond thank you to you.

Also Im a nobody , a

young broke kid that needs repair. To my knowledge there are no other fue doctors in Canada so wouldnt it be smarter to bash US doctors if that was my agenda.

I think your mad at me because I said that one of your iahrs doctors kind of screwed me or because I mentioned Bushy who I saw you have had heated debates with .

I also realize that your site is your living since at a normal job you would be fired if you were posting all day long so I understand why you need Armanis money,and why you dont want anything remotely negative said about him .

Im not going to debate with you since you so smart and cunning . Your a master of deception from what Ive read and I cant compete wit that .

You feel Im a doctors sidekick I fell your a scam with a website that has some good posters and some that work for you .

You can say what you want now .I have nothing further to say. Your a liar and you know it.

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Oh yeah I promise one last thing guys.

Farrell Ill be waiting for you the spindoctor,to come on here at make more false accusations and try to flip everything on me .

I wont be mad at you since like you said Theres alot at stake. I understand why all of a sudden you want to come on here. You shouldnt have banned me for NOTHING we could have talked on your paid site. X5 laser haha Are you kidding me? Ok Im done no matter how many lies he says Watch what I say Hes a HUGE Armani backer and in posts wont show either way but in his actions through pms ,powertrips and deleting accounts shows his true colors. Hes a loyal Armani scam artist that will probably come on here and even shoot down Armani in a subtle slick way to get us to think hes legit WATCH WHAT I SAY. If he doesnt come on here then that tells just as much a dummy like me called you out. Either way Im watching you boy

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Hi, yet another post that is slightly concerning, mainly more so because im an Armani patient whose had 4000 FUE 2 months ago.


I am eagerly anticipating the results and naturally want to defend Armani cos he was a great guy, he's given me a great hairline shape but now all i can do is wait and see what sort of density i get.


I pray for the best results and am a little concerned when everybody has been saying they havnt seen many results from him. I did do a little search on hlh and seen around 8 blogs or sites dedicated to a fue procedure performed by himself. About 5 or 6 had pics up to around 4-5 months which looked alright considerin it was early and a couple which were around 10 month to a year which looked really good.


I don't know what to think at the moment but i guess i could class myself as a guinee pig and shouldnt need to wait too long before i can give any pure evidence myself. I just hope i can

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Sorry but this whole Jimmyjam things sounds abit fake to me.

Someone is trying really too hard to discredit someone else.

Bill, I really don't think these types of threads add much to this site.


I would even bet that Jimmyjam's IP address is very similar to another disgruntled poster who started a different thread a few days ago.

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byehair I saw were were negative with jorge also about his complaint .I would have said this over there but can you read He banned me for NOTHING.Im pissed thats it. I spent all night reading Farrels posts and know how smart he is and saw how he can spin things . I posted alot to try to cover all bases.Go look on hlp and tell me why you would think Im fake. I didnt say anything to get banned but mentioned some names.I was nice to Farrel at first.I only posted twice. Bet all you want check all you want Farrel allowed me to post and I was civil.

You sound fake and Ill check but what have you contributed. I was lead here and hlp by a guy I work with. He encouage me to post questions because I was considering Armani.

Anyway your entitled to your opiniuon

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You have now shared your experience and your side of the story. Farrel has made it known that he has no intention of coming over here and defending himself since he states you are lying.


In the interest of fairness and truth, I am going to have to ask you for evidence that Farrel made the above claim about Dr. Armani. Please send this proof to me privately as public one-side rants are unproductive and unfair.


If proof cannot be provided, I will be forced to lock, remove, or modify all content that references these claims.


Please check your private message for more information.



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I knew it .He lied over there and I came here to defended myself . How can I prove it when he blocked access to my account. Hell have to come clean . He has ALL the power. Anyway I have nothing more to say. Im sorry I used your forum to vent .Ill still browse his forum from time to time .I just WONT ever believe anything he says. Am i still welcome here to educate myself.

I was told my my buddy I would have problems if I didnt kiss butt over there and he was right.

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I've asked you to discuss this with me privately. Please check your private messages and we can continue discussing your concerns.


But until proof can be provided, this thread has been locked. If evidence can't be provided in due time, this entire thread will be removed. Please also do not start a new thread on this topic without my permission.


You are welcome however, to participate and ask any questions you would like about Dr. Armani, hair loss, or hair restoration.



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