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Starting My Journey !!!!!

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Hello all I am new her obviously but have been an avid reader on this forum for quite some time now. I am 31 years old and have been losing my hairline and thinning since I was 25. It has been very hard because I am in a band that is very well known and in the public eye so for the past 6 years I have been trying to figure out ways to still wear my hair cool but at the same time cover up the problem. It finally got to the point now where I can't hide it anymore and finally decided to get a transplant done. This site has been tremendous in helping me decided what doctor I wanted to go with. After consulting with and investigating several doctors over the past months I kept going back to the same one over and over again.....Hasson and Wong who is obviously very well know on this site. I talked with Mike Ferko who was probably one of the most down to earth guys. I liked how he talked to you like your one of his buddies and not just some number he is trying to sell. I could tell he cared about my situation and knew what I was going through because he went through it himself at one point. My procedure is booked for this October with Dr. Wong, where I will be getting 3500 grafts to rebuild the hairline and area behind it. I will keep eveyone posted on my progress and will try and put some pictures up of my hair now as soon as possible. I that by telling my story it will help others get through their hair loss dilema. Do your research and don't be afraid to travel. I am flying across the country into another country to get this done because I believe in the work and feel I dont have to worry about the end result. Talk to you all soon

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Welcome to our discussion forum. You've selected an excellent doctor and I know he'll do everything he can to help you meet your hair restoration goals.


Feel free to create a free patient website to share your journey, photos and document your progress.


You have some time, so be diligent with your scalp exercises and that should help loosen your scalp.


All the Best,



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