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Young man[25] need advice

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Hi All

I am 25 year old from India.Now in USA. I have been loosing hair for past 5 years[not too much]. I considered transplantation when I was 23 .but I couldn't do that because of financial problems[i am glad now since I didn't do that .I was not knowing anything about hair transplantation.].I have been seeing this site for past 7 months. I was under the impression that I am losing hair only on temple. But today I visited a MHR clinic. the guy who inspected my scalp told me that I am losing/thinning hair in the crown also.That shocked me.I have no family history of baldness in crown.My father is bald.He ia norwood 3[ or 3a] . my uncle also blad .He also norwood 3.

MHR guy gave me a lot offer to transplant this with in 1 weak[ approximate 800 grafts for $6000 including tax etc..I will post the detailed story soon]

I planned my transplantation journey as below

1)Wait two more years with propacia[i ll be 27 and I have plan to marry at 28] and transplant in temple [not to bring the hair line below just to add thickness]


2)I am expecting more loss [continuous loss/receding behind the transplant ] if that is Sevier/ unnatural then go for 2nd HT at 32 or go at 35 depending up on the severity.


3)Conside a third SP at the age of 42 or 45.

I have lot of hope. I planned well and leading a positive life [follicular journey].But Today I am totally lost after hearing that I am losing hair in the crown .I examined my crown in mirror . It was very tough to check.But I found some thinning in crown[left side of the crown] .It was not noticeable .But I could see the thinning in light.


Now I changed my total plan for transplantation because I have no idea where I am going . I am totally depressed. Dear friends please help me .What is the hope for me?

How should I see my life positively?

What is my norwood scale ?

When can I go for transplantation?

Hair loss is the only thing bothers me .Now I am just existing not living. Your experience and advice will surely help me .

I have posted my photos at


These were taken from my webcam. I will post photo from my Camera soon



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  • Regular Member

Hi All

I am 25 year old from India.Now in USA. I have been loosing hair for past 5 years[not too much]. I considered transplantation when I was 23 .but I couldn't do that because of financial problems[i am glad now since I didn't do that .I was not knowing anything about hair transplantation.].I have been seeing this site for past 7 months. I was under the impression that I am losing hair only on temple. But today I visited a MHR clinic. the guy who inspected my scalp told me that I am losing/thinning hair in the crown also.That shocked me.I have no family history of baldness in crown.My father is bald.He ia norwood 3[ or 3a] . my uncle also blad .He also norwood 3.

MHR guy gave me a lot offer to transplant this with in 1 weak[ approximate 800 grafts for $6000 including tax etc..I will post the detailed story soon]

I planned my transplantation journey as below

1)Wait two more years with propacia[i ll be 27 and I have plan to marry at 28] and transplant in temple [not to bring the hair line below just to add thickness]


2)I am expecting more loss [continuous loss/receding behind the transplant ] if that is Sevier/ unnatural then go for 2nd HT at 32 or go at 35 depending up on the severity.


3)Conside a third SP at the age of 42 or 45.

I have lot of hope. I planned well and leading a positive life [follicular journey].But Today I am totally lost after hearing that I am losing hair in the crown .I examined my crown in mirror . It was very tough to check.But I found some thinning in crown[left side of the crown] .It was not noticeable .But I could see the thinning in light.


Now I changed my total plan for transplantation because I have no idea where I am going . I am totally depressed. Dear friends please help me .What is the hope for me?

How should I see my life positively?

What is my norwood scale ?

When can I go for transplantation?

Hair loss is the only thing bothers me .Now I am just existing not living. Your experience and advice will surely help me .

I have posted my photos at


These were taken from my webcam. I will post photo from my Camera soon



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  • Senior Member

Slow down there my friend. First of all, if you've been reading this site for 7 months, you would know that you should stay away from MHR. Second, 6,000 for 800 grafts is ridiculously high priced.


Consult with one of the recommended surgeons on this site.




2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Originally posted by For_Indai:

Now I changed my total plan for transplantation because I have no idea where I am going . I am totally depressed. Dear friends please help me .What is the hope for me?

How should I see my life positively?

What is my norwood scale ?

When can I go for transplantation?

Hair loss is the only thing bothers me .Now I am just existing not living. Your experience and advice will surely help me .


I felt like you lost a hand or leg in some accident. Sorry to say that but you need to change your way of looking at your hairloss. Depression will lead to more hairloss.


You don't sound like you are reading this site for 7 months. Your norwood level is 2. You don't require any hair transplant at this moment. Some recession in temples is quite common at age 25. Thinning at crown can be treated with medicines. Rogain and Finasteride work well for crown. They may stop your hairloss completely. You will get generic propecia(Finax or Finpecia) in India for a very low price.

Ravi Vide

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Hi For_Indai



there is no need to get a hair transplant at all. I don't even think its even a NW2 yet. You still have plenty of hair.


I am 22 and i am prob a NW2 to NW3 and i am only considering a hair transplant, but have not taken any action yet as i still think i am ok for now.


A lot of people at at 25 would be very happy with the amount of hair you have.


Believe me, if you get a HT now i think its a waste of money as you still have plenty of hair.


Many users on this community website don't get a HT unless they have lost a major amount of hair on the front of the hair, please look at their photo albums.


I too was thinking the same as you are, but when i started visiting this website, all the patients and users are very helpful and i found out that male baldness is a natural part of life and no one will have all their natural for the rest of their life. So losing a little of hair should not deter you from being a happy and normal person.


Since i am almost at a NW2 or 3, and at 22, i wouldn't even get a HT to restore my full hairline as i know my hairline will recede more and by planning for the future you may want to be conservative.


Sorry for the long post, but this is just what i learnt from all the great people in this community, and just hoping to help you understand what my opinion is about your situation.


The next time you walk out on the streets , you will see many people will be a lot worse off at your age. So i think you are very lucky and should be happy staying the way you are now.


Cheers from Australia

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Thanks Gorpy,Jagdish,jojojo1. I am so happy to read your responses and advices..Thanks again for helping me.


Gorpy,I have not yet decided to go for HT. I planned to go after 2 years. Just had a consulation with MHR. I read a lot about MHR and Bosely. I will never go there.

Do you think will it be advisable to correct my hair line after 2 years?

I have updated photo from my camera too.


Jagdish, hope you are doing good after the surgery.Yetserday I was just panic when I came to know I am loosing hair in my crown[i never expeted or anticipated that] Looking at my new photo can you tell me whether I am really losing hair at crown?

I have no family history of hair loss in crown[father and uncle are nw3]

I noticed that my hairloss pattern is similar to you and I can go for the transplantation at the age of 27[after 2 years] to correct my hair line. Since I saw some loss in crown. I cant even think about that. I am wondering if I start losing hair in crown and front I will reach a NW 6[ I cant imagine that..it kills me] .If that happens how will my HT looks like?


Jojojo1,Thanks a lot for your post. I am happy to be with the amount of hair I have now .But only worried about my future loss. I wouldn't mind if I start losing my hair after 35. But now it seems hard for me to accept. Let us hope to have a great hair and happy life somewhere in future.


Please find my updated albums at




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For Indai,


Right now you have the hair that most of us could only dream of having. Priority #1 should be keeping it.


The above publishers are right. You don't need a hair transplant. What you should do is get a prescription for finasteride and use Rogaine in your crown. Then stop worrying and get on with enjoying life.


Best wishes, Pat

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Your hair still looks good. Immediately start Finasteride and Minoxidile and see how it works for you. I am sure they will control your hairloss. Worrying about future will spoil your present.

- Jags

Ravi Vide

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Thanks Pat and Jagdish,

I will try to get a prescription for propacia.

I dont like to use rogaine in my temple becuase of itching and it creates some white dust like particle in my temple.People started asking me about that and I stopped.I think I can still use that in crown.

I dont know how to control my wory about future loss.Most of the time I thnik only about this matter.Will I be able to keep my hair like this till my 30?

Hope I should be able to forget all the things and get along with the life.

Thanks for all your support



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  • Senior Member

You look like you have a lot of hair bro. Not that I can't empathize with you, but you might wanna get on a Finasteride/Minoxidil combo and go with some concealers like Toppik or Prothik if it bothers you that much.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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indai, you have many many years before you will even appear to be loosing your hair.


You don't have any thinning on the top & your hairline is strong.


I have seen the crown of a friend that looks like yours and has not changed much in 10 years.


Your face is still framed nicely by your hair & it is not affecting your appearance in a bad way.


My advice is to do nothing but enjoy all the hair you have.

Have you ever heard of Dismorphic?

Here is the definition from wikepedia,


( One of the most common psychological conditions associated with cosmetic surgery is a condition commonly referred to as Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD is a distressing body image condition that involves excessive preoccupation with physical appearance in a 'normal' appearing person. This condition is often associated with intrusive thoughts of body dissatisfaction, avoidance of exposure to body images situations, such as mirrors in public places, and excessive body checking and comparisons with others. Thus, in its extreme form it can be quite debilitating and cause a great deal of anxiety and dis-satisfaction. )


You look fine, go off get married, have many children & forget about your hair.


As far as propecia I would recommend that you DO NOT TAKE IT!

It can cause you to shed more hair at first,

there can be side effects & you must continue to take it once you start.

You should not take this drug, you are fine without it.


It can hurt your sexual functions, you don't want that do you?


Talk to a counselor not MHR.


Good luck my friend!

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Thanks a lot EmuSteve , Folicaa.

EmuSteve ,I am almost okey with my current hair.I always worries about my future hair loss and appearance. I may be worrying a lot.



Thanks for understanding me my dear friend. Your sentence "I have seen the crown of a friend that looks like yours and has not changed much in 10 years" gives me 100% confidence. Not that I am too much worried about my crown loss. I have no family history of crown hair loss. Both my uncle and father are bald [some where NW 3]. I have already predicted my hair loss pattern based on them. But suddenly this crown loss put me in darkness and swept away all my hopes. Now I strongly believe this is not due to MPB[i remember one of my photo shown a small white spot exactly at the same place when I was 13yrs old].Let us pray for the best.

Regarding "Dismorphic" I don't know about that .I will do research. But I accept I think too much about hair [i was not satisfied with my higher hair line for last 8 years] ,It may be psychic disorder.

I will still give a try to propecia to control my frontal loss. Regarding the sexual side effect [it is only 2% I heard ,.let us pray it will not affect me]

Thanks once again for helping me.



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Guest wanthairs



Firstly I would kill to have hair like yours. The last time I had that much hair I was about 13 years old.....Even when I had only half the amount of hair you do I thought I looked great and had loads of women and good luck in life.


Dont even think about a transplant for many years to come. My hair transplant doctor told me to take propecia every other day not to have nay side effects and have it work just as good so I do that. Additionally I use 5% rogaine foam and nizoral shampoo......


Good luck, dont worry check back with us here in about 15 years time.......

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Regarding "Dismorphic" I don't know about that .


That comment is Not to be taken to seriously.

We all have something about us that bothers us,

our nose, or ears or whatever.


What I am trying to say is that hairline fits you well.


Also the salesperson at MHR who pointed out your crown is just trying to sell you.

Prey on your weakness so to speak.





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Welcome to our community.


You have already received excellent advice from the members of our community.


I feel the same way.


Looking at your pictures, you do NOT need a hair transplant. I completely understand your emotional state, however...I've been there before.


The best thing you can do is consider Propecia and Rogaine 5%, the only two FDA approved medications. This is your best line of defense to prevent future loss.


In the meantime, try to relax and don't let hair loss negatively impact your life. There is more to the man (or woman) than hair.


By the way...


I'm glad you found this community when you did...


Many clinics out there will gladly take anyone's money who is willing to pay...even if operating on a patient is highly unethical. In my opinion, MHRs decision to operate on you given your age and early level of hair loss is unethical. NOt to mention that $6000 for 800 grafts is significantly overpriced.





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