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Like all of you I'm here to get answers on my hairloss. I'm 23 right now, turning 24 next month. I've steadilly been losing hair for the past 3-4 years or so. However for some reason the past year I've been losing hair at a very accelerated rate. My hair loss is coming from the front (hairline) and just receeding back furthur and furthur. Strangely enough I even have a hairloss phenomena thats probably unheard of: I'm losing way more hair on the left side of my head than on the right side! The only bright side is the hairs in the back,side and even have of the front sprout out without a problem. The problem basically is my hairline receeded like two inches, and half of my crown is really thinning. All this said, I've just started to look into hair-loss remedies recently. I tried rogaine for a month or two, and had no success. I went to hairclub and had a consultation, but came to the conclusion there scammers. I looked into Hair transplantation and I know its really, really expensive. What do you guys think is the best way forward for me? Transplantaion? I'd really appreciate your advice.

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  • Regular Member

Like all of you I'm here to get answers on my hairloss. I'm 23 right now, turning 24 next month. I've steadilly been losing hair for the past 3-4 years or so. However for some reason the past year I've been losing hair at a very accelerated rate. My hair loss is coming from the front (hairline) and just receeding back furthur and furthur. Strangely enough I even have a hairloss phenomena thats probably unheard of: I'm losing way more hair on the left side of my head than on the right side! The only bright side is the hairs in the back,side and even have of the front sprout out without a problem. The problem basically is my hairline receeded like two inches, and half of my crown is really thinning. All this said, I've just started to look into hair-loss remedies recently. I tried rogaine for a month or two, and had no success. I went to hairclub and had a consultation, but came to the conclusion there scammers. I looked into Hair transplantation and I know its really, really expensive. What do you guys think is the best way forward for me? Transplantaion? I'd really appreciate your advice.

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  • Senior Member

Stay away from Rogaine. Get on propecia asap and stay on it for one year before you come to any conclusion of it's effectiveness. Although once you get on it, you must stay on it for the rest of your life or it's effectiveness won't last. After a year if your hairloss still bothers you, then consider hair transplant. Also, if your hairloss is limited to small areas, I would strong recommend getting FUE hairtrasplant not the traditional Strip hairtransplant.. It would be more expensive, but you won't have to deal with long strip scar for the rest of yr life.

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Welcome to the forum!


Your loss hair pattern sounds rather similiar to mine, actually. At any rate, the general consencus advice for "Oh shit, I'm really beginning to lose my precious follicles, wtf do I do?!" is to *look into* (different things work best for different people so its not an absolute that the following will be for you):


seeing a doctor and looking into starting propecia....this is the staple hair loss drug, and its main efficacy is in preserving and bolstering existing hair, with the potential for re-grouth with continual usage (i.e. 9+ months...also, it has the least effect, generally, in the frontal region...though, for me, it seems to have halted virtually all of hair loss!)


propecia does have side-effects, like all drugs, so look into them carefully (this forum has some good debates over it), and realie that for the drugs effects to STAY, you must maintain usage!


the rogaine 5% *foam* is another staple....you mentioned using it for "a month or two" and stopping....I can't say for sure if you continue using it you will see results, but I would def recommend getting back on it, using it for 6 months and re-evaluating....maybe take some before and after pics to judge progress (?).


nizoral or revita shampoo....this won't give you Elvis Hair by any stretch of the imagination, but the ingredients seem top top insofar as you can ask for a shampoo to help your hair.


as for a HT (hair transplant), impossible for me to say, and your best bet is getting a consultation with a Coalition Doctor...if none are viable due to location, many offer online-consultations; as well, if you post some pics here I am sure you will get some helpfull feedback as many HT-gurus dwell! icon_wink.gif


imo, take things very slowly with regard to getting a HT, be very deliberate, and soak in the new information I am sure you will find. best general advice I can give!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Regular Member

O.K, good points. However with Propecia, the side affect warnings I've read do alarm me. Especially the sexual side affect variety, lool. Now I guess what my question is now is: Is there a permenant solution for Hair loss? Is HT a permenant solution? I'm really not interested in using drugs, and products for my whole life. Also what do you guys think about procerin? Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

HTs are "permanent"; however, male pattern baldness, which you may very well have, is very much a progressive (sometimes frighteningly so) condition, which in turn makes things relatively complicated.


e.g., say you find a competent doctor willing to work on you and transplant 2000 units....you forgo using propecia and/or rogaine....fast forward 12 months, and the transplanted hairs have grown in and given you a nice aesthetic boost where you before had thinning or no hair....will you then look as you presently imagine you would with the said transplanted hairs filled in?


much more likely than not, the answer would be "no", as your MPB has continued to progress at a relatively quick rate as you haven't taken certain steps to mitigate it; now where do you stand? You keep on rinsin' and repeatin' the aforementioned, I suppose. Re-growth is a very very tough thing to achieve; this places an even greater importance on *preserving* existing hair....which, as in the hypothetical I provided, can go hand in hand with transplantion(s).


I would definitely recommend you read some of the bigger debates concerning drugs on this forum; personally, and this goes for most, I have experienced little to no side effects. I also have a strong beleif that the future will bring new solutions and that I will not be on Propecia for the rest of my life. Ultimately, I firmly weigh the positives of what Propecia does above longish-shot, unknowns.


Of course,I can't prove a negative and say that my future on Propecia won't result in X ailment; but, after having tested out Propecia, noticing no side-effects, I have stayed on the drug and have found it to be an integral piece of my hair loss puzzle. Either way, read up on the pros and cons and see what makes the most sense for you.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Again, welcome to our community.


As I stated on your other post, the only two FDA approved medications to help combat hair loss are finasteride and minoxodil. You may also want to combine the use of these products with Nizoral or Revita shampoo which contains ketoconazole which appears, according to studies, to have some effect on blocking surface DHT.


These medications MAY help you as long as you stick with them.


Clearly, however, you should research ALL medicines including side effects before taking them.


Know the risks ahead of time and make the choice.


That being said, side effects have been said to be rare and are reversible within a couple months upon stopping any medication.


Regarding hair transplantation...


Personally, I always advise to try the medication first since this is the only thing that MIGHT help slow down your hair loss. Since hair loss is unpredictable, getting a hair transplant at an early age is risky.


See the following thread:


Am I Too Young For a Hair Transplant?




I hope this helps get you started.



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