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input greatly appreciated for 2nd ht

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  • Senior Member

Hello there this is Tisab, again, well to be honest my name is basit...tisab backwards, just didnt want my name put out like that on the internet but for future references call me tisab, i got accustomed to that name on this forum


well ok let me give some background info before i post pics and ask for advice


well i am 20, turn 21 in June

well lets see i was afraid of losing hair and just jumped the gun and got a pretty bad job by some dr in florida. 500 grafts and it was old school tecniques

no one on this site knows him and yes i live in new york...and was dumb to go to florida but that was before i knew about this site

now that i been on this site for approx 4 months and soaked up alot of info*time sure does pass by quickly dont it?


i am currently taking rogaine for 3 months, and i see amazing results in the crown area and midscalp, my hair grew out thicker and hair growth, and it acts like a thickening agent so for example if i apply it and 3 hours i hair dry my hair, my hair looks thicker than if i didnt use the rogaine. i am currently not on finasteride, i want to get proscar but i can not get a prescription from my doctor...so that is why i want to choose a HT doctor and give some type of deposit now and he can give me the prescription, i dont want to go to my first doctor, i dont want to have to do anything with him no more


as of lately i havent been nervous to give out my advice as to those who are new to the forum and i give my input but i ussually dont say it in the most clear way, AND THEN THERE COMES Bill WITH MORE SUGGESTIONS AND PERFECT ENGLISH!! TAKING MY CREDIT!! I HATEE YOUU!!!! haha jp haha


when i posted for the first time approx 3 months ago, i posted that i wanted dr feller as my 2nd ht doctor

he suggested i get approx 1000-1500 graphs this summer coming(2 months from now)

and he said my scar was placed to low and if i would get another transplant he would place the strip above my scar meaning i will have 2 scars *this made me sad a bit cause yea...scars are bad and two scars are even worse*


well this is my current prespective, at first i wanted to get the HT done this coming summer, but i wanted to put it off. as of right now i plan on getting my 2nd HT at the summer of 2008


the reason i wanted this is because if i can push off my 2nd ht, i can push off my 3rd ht and ill be patient for my 4th ht.

it gives me the will that i dont have to touch up my hair whenever i see a little imperfection.


i have chosen to do smaller transplants as opposed to mega sessions cause...i just dont know i just think thats what i want to do...anyone think its a good idea or bad, experience anyone had

and when i say smaller transplants, i mean atleast 1500

i do not want to say its a waste to do less than 1500 cause some people need little fixes but those who are destined to go farther in the norwood scale, its a bad choice i think cause of the pain of the surgery itself and the time from healing and stuff


well here are the pics












I have more hairloss on the right side of my head. there is a big significant difference


does anyone know why one would have more hairloss on one side of the head as opposed to the other? my hypothesis would be something about exercise, like if your a righty, i heard the left side is more flexible and the right side is more where the muscles build and something to that sort, iono maybe you guys know


well and the 2nd to last pic is a picture of my hand...yes i have alot of body hair...lmao its funny i was laughed at for having so much hair as a child and now that is my problem is that im losing some on my top...ironic


well the picture itself is somewhat of a "MODEL" to show everyone that hair does grow unevenly, and that even hair that is not transplanted grows at different rates, so when you shave down your head expect full head results after a year, even if u dont have a ht, again, all hair comes out at different rates, haha i wrote some pointers but they are so small so i didnt want to bother, you guys get the point


and also i showed a picture of my chest. the reason i showed this is because i am considering to implement BHT into my fight againt MPB.

i trimmed my chest hair(like Bill and others have said i just like having a cleaner look) well i would say i am between a torso index 5-8 which would give me from my guessing atleast 3000 grafts. or around, can someone clarify if they know, i read the whole bht post but it doesnt clearly specify it


ok guys now here is where the big part is where i need your help.


my two decisions are to go dr Feller summer 2008 and get 1500 grafts, i do not want dense packing so i might get less, i want approx 30 cm square, i dont want to waste my donnor supply


my 2nd decision is to go to Dr True summer 2008.

i would get 1000 from my donar area and 500 from bht, i have came up with an idea that i keep the ratio of strip:bht to be 66%:33%

what do you guys think of this


if i were to go to dr feller i am afraid his results are gonna be so good im gonna go to him for future HT's and not go with my bht plan


And last but not least, the reason i chose to have BHT to help me against MPB is because i wanted to fill in my scars via FUE.


i wrote alot and i probobly have more to write but im curios on what you guys have to say

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  • Senior Member

Hello there this is Tisab, again, well to be honest my name is basit...tisab backwards, just didnt want my name put out like that on the internet but for future references call me tisab, i got accustomed to that name on this forum


well ok let me give some background info before i post pics and ask for advice


well i am 20, turn 21 in June

well lets see i was afraid of losing hair and just jumped the gun and got a pretty bad job by some dr in florida. 500 grafts and it was old school tecniques

no one on this site knows him and yes i live in new york...and was dumb to go to florida but that was before i knew about this site

now that i been on this site for approx 4 months and soaked up alot of info*time sure does pass by quickly dont it?


i am currently taking rogaine for 3 months, and i see amazing results in the crown area and midscalp, my hair grew out thicker and hair growth, and it acts like a thickening agent so for example if i apply it and 3 hours i hair dry my hair, my hair looks thicker than if i didnt use the rogaine. i am currently not on finasteride, i want to get proscar but i can not get a prescription from my doctor...so that is why i want to choose a HT doctor and give some type of deposit now and he can give me the prescription, i dont want to go to my first doctor, i dont want to have to do anything with him no more


as of lately i havent been nervous to give out my advice as to those who are new to the forum and i give my input but i ussually dont say it in the most clear way, AND THEN THERE COMES Bill WITH MORE SUGGESTIONS AND PERFECT ENGLISH!! TAKING MY CREDIT!! I HATEE YOUU!!!! haha jp haha


when i posted for the first time approx 3 months ago, i posted that i wanted dr feller as my 2nd ht doctor

he suggested i get approx 1000-1500 graphs this summer coming(2 months from now)

and he said my scar was placed to low and if i would get another transplant he would place the strip above my scar meaning i will have 2 scars *this made me sad a bit cause yea...scars are bad and two scars are even worse*


well this is my current prespective, at first i wanted to get the HT done this coming summer, but i wanted to put it off. as of right now i plan on getting my 2nd HT at the summer of 2008


the reason i wanted this is because if i can push off my 2nd ht, i can push off my 3rd ht and ill be patient for my 4th ht.

it gives me the will that i dont have to touch up my hair whenever i see a little imperfection.


i have chosen to do smaller transplants as opposed to mega sessions cause...i just dont know i just think thats what i want to do...anyone think its a good idea or bad, experience anyone had

and when i say smaller transplants, i mean atleast 1500

i do not want to say its a waste to do less than 1500 cause some people need little fixes but those who are destined to go farther in the norwood scale, its a bad choice i think cause of the pain of the surgery itself and the time from healing and stuff


well here are the pics












I have more hairloss on the right side of my head. there is a big significant difference


does anyone know why one would have more hairloss on one side of the head as opposed to the other? my hypothesis would be something about exercise, like if your a righty, i heard the left side is more flexible and the right side is more where the muscles build and something to that sort, iono maybe you guys know


well and the 2nd to last pic is a picture of my hand...yes i have alot of body hair...lmao its funny i was laughed at for having so much hair as a child and now that is my problem is that im losing some on my top...ironic


well the picture itself is somewhat of a "MODEL" to show everyone that hair does grow unevenly, and that even hair that is not transplanted grows at different rates, so when you shave down your head expect full head results after a year, even if u dont have a ht, again, all hair comes out at different rates, haha i wrote some pointers but they are so small so i didnt want to bother, you guys get the point


and also i showed a picture of my chest. the reason i showed this is because i am considering to implement BHT into my fight againt MPB.

i trimmed my chest hair(like Bill and others have said i just like having a cleaner look) well i would say i am between a torso index 5-8 which would give me from my guessing atleast 3000 grafts. or around, can someone clarify if they know, i read the whole bht post but it doesnt clearly specify it


ok guys now here is where the big part is where i need your help.


my two decisions are to go dr Feller summer 2008 and get 1500 grafts, i do not want dense packing so i might get less, i want approx 30 cm square, i dont want to waste my donnor supply


my 2nd decision is to go to Dr True summer 2008.

i would get 1000 from my donar area and 500 from bht, i have came up with an idea that i keep the ratio of strip:bht to be 66%:33%

what do you guys think of this


if i were to go to dr feller i am afraid his results are gonna be so good im gonna go to him for future HT's and not go with my bht plan


And last but not least, the reason i chose to have BHT to help me against MPB is because i wanted to fill in my scars via FUE.


i wrote alot and i probobly have more to write but im curios on what you guys have to say

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  • Senior Member

First disguise the poor hairline work, period.


Until that is accomplished, you will never be happy regardless of your density.


After that maximize you scalp donor-- due to the fact that people of your ethnicity can achieve excellent results with slightly lower density's, plan accordingly.


After that, use BHT to target your donor region, to either fill in your scar or provide some density.


My opinion, of course,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Don't hate me because I'm beautiful :P. Ok, old and terrible commercial! But I just thought of it!


B Spot is right...your first order of business should be to fix the poor hairline work. Other than that, as of right now, according to your pictures, I don't see any other work that you need to do.


As you said, you are young...only 20 years old, soon to be 21. Typically, 20 and 21 is way too early for an HT, ESPECIALLY since you still have so much hair. However, since you've already gotten an HT and the hairline looks unnatural, going forward with an HT to fix the hairline would be prudent. After that, I'd seriously wait it out and do nothing surgically. Consider getting on Finasteride ASAP. If your general practioner won't prescribe it for you, I'm sure if you discuss that option with an HT doc, they'd be able to help you out with that as it would be part of your long term plan for hair restoration.


If I can be of any other assistance, let me know.




P.S. Don't be reluctant to help others just because your English may not be perfect. I can understand everything you are saying, so I'm sure others will to icon_wink.gif

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  • Senior Member

Have to agree with my comrades on this one........fix the hairline and for now that's about all I'd do. As B spot said, you'll likely have the ability to accomplish more with less so take advantage of it to save for later when you may need the extra grafts.


The Doc who did your HT at age 20 should be forced to have a HT with the hairs being transplanted across his forhead spelling the word "L-O-S-E-R".


I'm sure Dr. Feller or True can take care of this for you. Get the fix up then go into maintenance mode! icon_cool.gif



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

Ditto here


The good thing is the hairline is not too bad as we have seen. I would have a couple grafts to fix the hairline and the rest to address your other area's. As far as BHT, jyust do research because I don't think the verdict is out on this. Dr. True or Feller will take care of you. I have had 3 Ht's with Dr. True.


Good luck and talk to someone about propecia



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

Thanks alot guys for the support and feedback, greatly appreciated.


i was just waiting for something before i posted and that was to choose a doctor and give him an email for the update


i was originally contemplating Dr True but because he did BHT but i beleived it may be a bit traumitizing for someone to get a BHT at a young age..iono


so i chose dr feller

i gave dr feller an email for a quote and everything. i havent got the email back(i just emailed him) but i guess ill be scheduled for next Summer.


if anyone can help me though i just want to know how many grafts i should get.


Feller originally quoted me for 1000-1200 grafts but i believe i only need approx 750. i seen Spex who acheived great results with Feller for 900 grafts and he had more area covered...iono does 750 sound good?

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I agree with Spex. It's best to let the doctor determine how many grafts you need. Comparing yourself to someone else is like comparing apples to oranges. You have different characteristics because you are an individual...just like we all do. Additionally, you may need more grafts to camoflauge the bad hairline work...so I'd stick with 1000-1200 if that's his recommendation.


Honestly, I would NOT consider BHT by any means at this point. IMO, BHT should only be considered for follow up work IF you run out of your donor supply. BHT is still considered to be in infant stages and has not proven to be nearly as effective as strip or even scalp FUE.



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