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So I'm a 22 year old guy who has been losing hair since I was 18. I'm to the point where I gotta try something or else I'm just gonna shave my head (which I don't really wanna do). My hair is getting pretty thin and my hair line is getting pretty far up there. If I could stop my hair loss I'd be happy, but I'd love to grow a little back and I'd like to stop it before I need a HT. What is everyones recommendation to start out with?

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So I'm a 22 year old guy who has been losing hair since I was 18. I'm to the point where I gotta try something or else I'm just gonna shave my head (which I don't really wanna do). My hair is getting pretty thin and my hair line is getting pretty far up there. If I could stop my hair loss I'd be happy, but I'd love to grow a little back and I'd like to stop it before I need a HT. What is everyones recommendation to start out with?

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  • Senior Member

Propecia/Proscar and Rogaine! It really the only option you should consider right now. That will help stabalize/stop the hairloss and at such a young age some may even come back although i wouldnt hold on to to much hope for that. Hey try shaving. 1st its the style now and 2nd you cant knock it till you try it. I actually didnt try it before my HT and i now regret it because i now shave it and dont mind it. I just have a ginormous scar on the back of my head now.

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Welcome to the HTN website.

I agree with dakota3-

Your best defense at this stage is a good offense!

Propecia and Rogaine work by different mechanisms and are synergistic (1 + 1 = 3) when used together. Getting on these meds early assures you the best chance of keeping the supply/demand balance (with reference to the long haul-) in your favor should transplantation become an option you wish to exercise in the future. I would suggest that, at your age, you utilize the information from forum members here, and TAKE YOUR TIME researching your options as well as male pattern hair loss in general. The decision to commit to surgery should not be entered into lightly, and, in that connection, should you decide to try that route (medications, that is, which I strongly recommend), give those medications AT LEAST ONE YEAR before moving to even consider the surgery. Again, please realize that my recommendations are in general, and the best eval and advice is to be gleaned in a face to face consult with a recommended hair transplant surgeon near you.

You are ahead of the game as it is being as proactive as you are at a relatively early age.

Keep us informed of your progress.




Timothy Carman, MD

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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  • Regular Member

1) Get on Propecia ASAP

2) Start using Rogaine 5% twice a day, it does work if applied correctly


3) Stick with them and don't give up, the first 3 months,you will feel like nothing has chaneged,give it 9 months,it worked for me.


Nioxin shampoo is also a good cleaner.


just don't lose hope,the combination of these two FDA approved is the best thing you can possibly do.

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