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Dr. Joseph L. Williams, 8months later,what would you do?


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I am a very recent patient (11 days ago)of Dr. Williams. This was my first transplant. I decided to "take the plunge" after watching the wonderful results my good friend, and client (I'm an attorney), has enjoyed.


Dr. Williams performed the transplant on my friend approximately 8 months ago. I have seen the progression over the 8 months, and the results were so impressive that I decided to make the investment with Dr. Williams.


My experience with Dr. Williams and his staff of professionals has been very positive. Dr. Williams was very thorough in explaining the procedure. He encouraged my questions, and even gave me his cell phone number.


In short, of course I'm still anxious about how my transplant will turn out, but I feel extremely comfortable with Dr. Williams' abilities, his demeanor, and his candidness. Perhaps most important, I truly believe Dr. Williams cares about all his patients and strives to do the best work possible.


At this point (11 days post surgery), I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Williams. I can't imagine being treated any better.


Now, I'm playing the waiting game and hoping for the best. Early indications are that all went very well, and I'm anticipating full satisfaction.

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Pat, I personally think your actions a little harsh. Unless you had more to go on, I think you were wrong in ousting this doctor from the Coalition. As you know from my prior posts, being a trial lawyer I am no friend of the medical community and believe that a not small percentage of their profession have questionable ethics. On the other hand, any doctor or any other professional for that matter can and will at time make mistakes. The very best will make mistakes. Once somebody has proven their worth and been allowed into your "coalition", your dismissing them from the coalition on the complaint of one person is wrong, in my opinion of course. The internet is a powerful tool and I seriously doubt any of us would want to be put under its microscope or would survive its scrutiny without being scarred to some degree. Now you may have other information, as you implied there were some emails, but I'm just letting you know how I feel about it.

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I am not taking sides , and trust me I know what its like to go threw a less than average procedure. On the Dr's behalf yes it was a poor job and he is held accountable for it. BUT, as long as he offers to fix it at no cost and give him his money back for the first procedure I really see no need to trash the guys reputation. He did come on here like a man and admitted his mistake. Just like I have said in the past these Dr's are not god and can make error's as well. Doc I really dont think anyone on here trashed your rep that hard, it could've been alot worse for you. Just do the right thing by your patient and this will blow over.

1045 FUT "hairline" with Dr Feller on Nov 05

825 "hairline" with Dr Loria "saw so so results" on Jan 01

MHR 325 "hairline" micro/mini 's 1999 "big mistake"

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I have to commend Pat on taking the stance that he did. It took courage and I'm sure a lot of thought. I believe the actions he has taken are in the best interest of this community as well as all individuals out there who are seeking a source for unbiased and accurate information.


I can understand the unfortunate situation of Dr. Williams as well. This puts him in an unwinning position. It is too bad that the inconsistent work of an assistant can bring such hardship to so many people.


I certainly can empathise with embarrassed's situation also. As someone who has done extensive research and is about to have his first procedure, I am a bit nervous knowing that there are still unknowns that can complicate and seriously undermine, even ruin the quality of life that we are seeking to improve.I have to thank embarrassed for bringing this matter to public attention. We are all better served because of it.


From all this mess, I believe that PAT was most impressive.

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I support Pats decision. I think a clinic is resposible for the work and the staff they choose to hire, lets face it we are not fixing a flat tire, this is someones life. I do appluad the doc for standing up and admitting the mistake. However he is responsible for the work he trusted the tech to do. Lesson is if you hire shotty staff they will take you down with them.

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Every one is emphasising the poor growth on one side, but I'm still thinking about that donar area pain. Possible nerve damage? Possible patient exageration? What is it?


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I have to agree; what the hell exactly are we expecting from these Drs? Perfection? Forget it. From what I can tell, this Dr. did all as expected and now because of one guys minor issue, people want to crucify him. That's bullshit. When's the last time any of you carried out every aspect of your mission flawlessly every single time including the portions under someone else's span of control? Stop crying. How's your waist line? That's soley under your control fellas but I'll bet most of you, while worrying about your hair, have let your flab practically cover up your noodle. How do you think your girl feels about that? Kinda harsh but screw it; you stand on a soap box pissing about someone else and demanding perfection you better be ready get your sqeeky wheel oiled.

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Undoubtedly there is significant turnover among techs with all of the HT doctors. Personally, I could not imagine doing that type of job, day after day, year after year, even if very well compensated. Or lets put it his way, every tech is going to have bad days and when they do any of us are at risk at any surgeon's office of getting a bad HT, just like any of us are at risk of buying a car that turns out to be a lemon. The issue in my book is whether the doctor steps up to the plate admits his mistake and compensates for the injury. He should not be drummed out of the business unless he, himself, is incompetent.

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I had my first hair transplant 20 years ago. I had three ops and two scalp reductions. I came to Dr. Williams about 4 years ago , and have had two procedures since then. I recently came into his office to see about a third procedure, and since I have a lack of donor hair, he advised me against it. I appreciated his honesty where as some doctors would have just taken my money. I am so happy with my results because of him , if you would like to contact me further feel free to do so at : tcan7@cox.net. See enclosed pictures and judge for your self. Tony C.


My Preop (April 2003)before procedure at Dr. Williams







My Post Op ( May 2005)After 2 Ops with Dr. Williams





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I don't feel like Pat is being too harsh. He sets a high standard for the Coalition, and if anybody's going to trust in it, it's standards must be upheld. He's giving Dr. Williams another chance to redeem himself.


As mentioned earlier, the biggest factor is not even the money. It's the fact that donor hair is a finite source. You don't have endless chances to get it right.


Dr. Williams- It looks like you have done some good work on other patients and they are happy. If Pat checked out your work and decided that you are/were operating at a high enough level to be on the Coalition, then you must be. But each patient is person, with a life to live, and consistency is a must.They have to live with it, day in and day out. Don't take this whole thing as a "witch hunt" mentality. If you do what you can to take care of him and be honest about what happened, or what can happen, I think you will earn respect and your results can speak for themselves.

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as per ts808 and troy, this is a forum of standards to live up to, demanded by Patient Customers. to quote myself earlier


'This is a forum to be shared by Patient Consumers and Doctors who want to share their expertise, and provide excellent service to these prospective Customers. The Doctors MUST inspire confidence other wise they have no customers. They understand how important their reputations are here on the forums, cause this is THE foremost advertising venue.


Great work = Great reputation = Customer confidence = Great Business$$ = Pride and Ego for being of High Stature amongst colleagues and wanna be patients.


There is a reason that these Great Doctors are booked months in advance. A very high rate of success is nearly insured, and if not then you would know that ethically they would do what they can to continue Customer Confidence for you and others.


This website promotes the Truth behind these Relationships of Customers and Doctors.'

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I just had a brief back and forth via email with Dr. Williams when choosing a surgeon back in January. I live in Vegas for 1.5 years and hear all good about him until now. I never made it to see him because I fell in love with Keene and Hasson, chose Keene.....just because based on a complete toss up it would be easier for me. I've seen Dr. Williams patients here, they look good.


What I see a problem with is embarrassed1, should have taken this approach: I hate the procedure you've given me. I need my expenses paid to go to Vancouver for a consultation and subsequently have a procedure done there. Total cost with accommodations....could be up to 20K. From Dr. Williams standpoint.....cheap!!!!!!


If I were Dr. W, I would even go there with embarrassed1. The mention of technician failure and their subsequent firing or parting of ways is the smoking gun. C'mon, was the consultation with that tech? Was the the check written to the tech? Was the sub par work by the tech reviewed during that procedure in stages?


If it were me embarrassed1, I mean if I were the surgeon, I'd pick you up in a private jet, get you to Hasson, hold your f#%*en hand, and buy you the best Prime steak in Las Vegas. because being part of this here community is worth a whole lot more than that.


5,000 refund? Small amount of money. Good thing there's no lawyers on here that chase ambulances that could cloud the mind with visions of revenge.


Go to Hasson embarrassed, pronto. Take care of this. Your life is too valusble to spend another second with this.


God is great. Pat is great, not quite as great but great.

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I am not going to take any sides here because many of you have already expressed your opinions and they are not any different from mine, but I do want to bring up one thing. Why is everybody after Dr. Williams now??? (believe me I don't support of his poor results at all), but I am just curious. Because other docs have produced equally horrible (or even worse) results in the past. If anybody who has been reading this forum for past 6 months to 1 year, you would remember that there were two separate cases of patients who received really bad results, and their doctors were Dr. Epstein and Dr. DeYarman. At the time few people showed sympothy to the patients, but nobody pointed any fingers at the docs. Everybody's opinion was the patient was not a good candidate for HT. I thought I would bring it up just to see if anybody remembers.

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kg, I am not familiar with Dr Epstein's or Dr DeYarman's situations, however, I think the worse part of this was how Dr Williams did (or actually did not) handle the patient's issues and concerns. C'mon, the patient tries calling the doctor's office for two weeks and the doctor's excuse is that his "administrator was out sick for part of the week". That's a lame excuse. Hey, doctors can make mistakes, but it should not require the patient complaining on an internet forum before the doctor addresses the issue. That being said, if Dr Epstein and Dr DeYarman handled their situations just as poorly, then they should be treated in the same amnner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
  • Senior Member
God is great. Pat is great, not quite as great but great.

I dunno. All my prayers to God yielded no new hair, while Pat's site let me to Dr. Hasson in no time. Your call.


My blog.


HT1: 4063 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 12/9/03


HT2: 3537 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 5/15/06


Total grafts: 7,600

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So how come this darned thing came up in recent posts for me? I wasn't searching for it . . . I just logged in this morning to peruse the latest posts and this one was up top. Strange.


My blog.


HT1: 4063 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 12/9/03


HT2: 3537 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 5/15/06


Total grafts: 7,600

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So how come this darned thing came up in recent posts for me? I wasn't searching for it . . . I just logged in this morning to peruse the latest posts and this one was up top. Strange.


Don't know...I'm not the website programmer icon_wink.gif. Sorry brother...don't know what to tell ya. Don't let it spoil your day bro icon_biggrin.gif



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