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The deed is finally done!


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Thanks for the encouraging words, all of you.

But I am not hurting. I am looking for another position within corporate America, but I am also exploring self-employment options. Seeing as I knew this was coming for a while, I have been saving diligently, plus I had 9 years at the company, so I got a very healthy severance. I can afford to take a long time off and develop my self-employment while also looking for another corporate job. But I have the luxury of being selective about which offers I entertain (assuming there will eventually be some coming my way!! icon_rolleyes.gif).

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Even though there's not a whole lot new to tell, I thought it was time for an update, since tomorrow will mark the 7-week mark. God, it's hard to believe it's been that long already. I remember thinking every single day of the first week seemed so looooonnnnggg, but now the weeks are just flying by.


I started seeing some signs of new growth at the 5 week mark, and I know now that I wasn't just seeing things. Two weeks later, I am definintely seeing new sprouts all the time. They are thin and curly (REALLY odd, since my hair has always been as straight as it gets), but they are straightening out as they grow in. I am far from having any sort of coverage, but I can now count a few dozen, rather than just a handful. The downside is that I've also experienced some folliculitis as well. I've had four pimples, and I just popped those without any consequence. My slight case of shock loss seems to have ended, remaining VERY mild (thank God!).


Immediately after surgery, I (like most HT patients, I assume) spend endless hours staring into the mirror. After the transplanted hairs shed, there really wasn't much to look at... until now. Since they started coming back in, the love affair with my mirror is back in full bloom. I love hunting down new sprouts and checking the length of those that have been around for a while. Who says watching grass grow is not exciting?!?!

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Good question, solid, and a funny answer, I think. It looks so completely natural that even I can't tell the native hair from the transplanted hair, except that now I have hair in areas that were previously completely smooth bald! It's really amazing, and at this point (7.5 weeks out), it's been long enough that I am starting to forget exactly where my natural hairline was, and it gets harder to remember with each day as new hairs keep populating this once barren field. But the skin in that area looks absolutely no different than it did prior to surgery... and no one on Earth has examined it as closely as I have. It just amazes me that I can't even tell the difference on my own head!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey guys


Completely off-topic, but going back a little bit to a previous tangent in this thread. Just wanted to let you know that as of Oct. 20th, I am once again joining the ranks of the employed!! YEAH!


Layoffs are inherently nerve-racking, but especially for a true-blue Taurus like me, who cherishes stability and predictability. However, I don't think I could have asked for a better chain of events in my layoff situation. First, I have so thoroughly enjoyed my 7 week sabbatical. It's going to be really hard getting back into the grind. But I am also so thankful that I managed to find a better position with another company in such a short time. I know that is not common and I just happened to get very lucky. And now, not only am I sitting the an almost completely untouched severance check, but I am starting my new job at a 23% increase in salary! I am actually glad now that I got laid off. It was scary at the time, but for anyone else who may be in a similar situation, hang in there. It's not always a bad thing. I landed in a much better spot.


Now, as for my HT progress, which I haven't updated in a while... I REALLY need to get my hands on a digital camera and take some progress shots. It's amazing how quickly and fully my new hair is sprouting out. And I am only at 9 weeks post-op. I can't believe it! I am so excited to see what another few months will bring.



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Congrats, we are all happy for you. You sure are one lucky guy.. after reading your story, now I am starting to think that maybe i should 'switch' ! New Job ! New Pay ! New HEAD !!!

what more can you ask for? eh ?




Signature:Please click here to vote for the doctor you would go to if you needed a hair transplantation today!

Disclaimer: I am not a qualified medical professional nor do i work for any doctor, hence these are my personal and honest views. Hopefully I will benefit someone as I had benefitted from this awesome forum.


My HT blog - 2600 - Dr. Feller: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/blog/68/


photo album: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/albums/135

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Good for U buddy!I'm glad things work in your favor. icon_smile.gif



Also,are you going for another HT and if so,are you staying w/ Doctor Rose or choosing another doctor?What about Doctor Sharpiro or Doctor Charles?

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Thanks, solid and PD. I really feel very lucky. PD, if you're unhappy where you are, I would say start looking. Hell, I had been with my previous company for 9 years and had just settled into a routine. Had it not been for my involuntary departure, I probably would still be there, when such a great opportunity was there for the taking. Don't miss yours!



Also,are you going for another HT and if so,are you staying w/ Doctor Rose or choosing another doctor?What about Doctor Sharpiro or Doctor Charles?


I have no plans in the near future for another HT, but I don't really think I'll need it for a while, if ever. Propecia has virtually halted my hair loss, and I am staying on it. If I do go for another HT at some point, I will very likely go with Dr. Rose again. I think he's done a fantastic job and I have an established relationship with an expert surgeon. I see no reason to switch.


By the way, I have been so focused on watching the new hairs sprout in the front that I haven't really been paying much attention to what's been going on with my donor scar. But here's a testament to the great job Dr. Rose did. This weekend, I was showing my boyfriend my newly sprouting hairs when he asked to see my scar, which he also hadn't looked at in some time. He was brushing back the hair in my donor area, and he said he COULDN'T FIND THE SCAR!! And he knew exactly where to look. I had to find it myself and then show him before he could spot it. That's just amazing to me!

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I know... I've been bad about that.

I planned on getting a digital camera, but I didn't think I'd need one so soon. I thought I wouldn't see any regrowth until the third month, so I was holding off, especially given my employment situation. Now that that's resolved, I'll spend a little bit of that severance check and get a digital camera this week and get some updates on here. That'll give me an excuse to figure out the camera, too!



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Teddw2ds, I don't want to tell you how to spend your money, but I still might go strip to take one shot at making this old strip scar look better and to fix a pluggy hairline. I'm thinking why not give a top doc like Rose one go at it before going FIT,FUE to fix it.He could fix the hairline and maybe help the scar. Also no one can say for shure how the FIT,FUE will grow in the scar.

OH Sorry I got off track..get out the cash and Go buy the camera, I want to see your scar..LOL

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At this point, it's not a matter of parting with the cash, but rather a matter of choosing the right camera. My God, I had no idea how many options there are out there. It's truly overwhelming. I have lots of research to do before settling on a particular camera.


But, with no further delay, here at last is the photographic demonstration of nearly 3 months post-op (11/06/03 will be the 3 month mark).


It's still not a great shot, but I think you can see the beginnings of improvement. I will try to update this at least monthly from here on out, now that there is actually some growth taking place.




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Hi Teddw2ds, yes I know what you mean. I thought I would run out and pick up a new cell phone no big deal. Yea right...LOL..too many I can't pick..


Your pic's look like your head is starting to really take off on you. The next's few month's should be fun.


When you get a chance post a pic of your donor site if you can.


Thank's for all the time your putting in to show us what a transplant is about.

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I finally was able to upload another third photo that really shows the detail well. Sorry for the large size, but I wanted to get a close zoom.


This was also taken 10/26/03, and I've marked the area (in front of the red line) where there previously was no hair. The only exception is where my hair is brushed over to the side on the left.


Oddly, the hair on that side is growing back in faster than on the right. also, much of what you see here is from those hairs that never did fall out after the HT, but you can also see some smaller, shorter ones that are really startin to come in now.




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Thats a great pic.. good progress too! Good luck ! I hear 5 months is the time the appearance changes a lot... so the real serious growth is still in the offing..




Signature:Please click here to vote for the doctor you would go to if you needed a hair transplantation today!

Disclaimer: I am not a qualified medical professional nor do i work for any doctor, hence these are my personal and honest views. Hopefully I will benefit someone as I had benefitted from this awesome forum.


My HT blog - 2600 - Dr. Feller: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/blog/68/


photo album: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/albums/135

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Thanks for the encouragement.

I am just too excited for words.

I knew for two years that this is what I wanted to do, and now I have no doubt that I made the right decision. I look at what's grown in already and it just brings me such joy to see it, yet I know that it is only the very beginning.


On my next update, I will also include some closeups of the donor scar, but it's barely visible. I couldn't be happier with the way things are going.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Here is the latest photo.

It's been about three weeks since the last photo, and hairs are still coming in like crazy.


I forgot to get donor scar shots, but I'll do that soon (I'm still borrowing a friend's camera). Also, now that I actually have some growth to document, I will be putting all of these on a website soon.



(1535 grafts with Dr. Paul Rose on 8/6/03)


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I don't know if it's the lighting or what, but the differance between your almost 3 month's and 3 month's and 10 day's pic's is a big one. I think your realy taking off now.

Looking good...Enjoy...it should be fun from here on out...

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  • 1 month later...
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Tedd ,


Hows your hair been growing ? any updates? photos please ??




Signature:Please click here to vote for the doctor you would go to if you needed a hair transplantation today!

Disclaimer: I am not a qualified medical professional nor do i work for any doctor, hence these are my personal and honest views. Hopefully I will benefit someone as I had benefitted from this awesome forum.


My HT blog - 2600 - Dr. Feller: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/blog/68/


photo album: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/albums/135

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, PD


Yes, I should have new photos up within the next couple of days. I took some around mid-december, but they accidentally got deleted, and I haven't had a chance to take new ones since then.


It seems like the bulk of my new growth has already come in, but in some areas, I am still seeing a considerable number of short hairs, so hopefully that means they are still sprouting and will continue adding to my density.


The donor area is completely indetectable. I contemplated going with a #2 blade on my last haircut, but decided #3 is working just fine for me, especially in winter. In summer, when I usually keep my hair extra short, I may go ahead and try the #2.


The only real side effect that I experienced with my HT was shock loss, and I am happy to report that at this point, almost 5 months out, that is almost completely gone. Thank God! I was really worried about that in the first couple of months, even though everyone said it would eventually grow back. It did!


When I get these new photos up, I think you'll be amazed at how much denser things have gotten.



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Here it is. It's hard to believe it's been 5 months already, but wow what a difference. I didn't even fully realize it myself until I saw the pics side by side, but obviously the last month and a half has been a time of tremendous growth for me, and it's been truly exciting.


I'm now to the point where it feels like I have one continuous hairline, instead of bare patches that I have to try so hard to minimize. That's a great feeling!


When I was home for Christmas, I noticed my twin brother constantly staring at my hair. I'm sure he's wondering how in the world we can have the same genes (we're identical) and yet have such different patterns of hair loss!! I just grinned and didn't say a word.




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