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MoP sHoTS: pOrN 4dA'bAldInG mAn...


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How long have you been considering a HT? Looks like you've been a member, of this forum anyway, for about 6 months. Your are obviously very educated on the subject, dedicated to the research/docs/results etc.. You've got your fav doc, what's holding you back? Could we get a peek of your hairlessness situ?




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Most of them have cool haircuts too, that doesnt hurt ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Originally posted by MrJobi:

Most of them have cool haircuts too, that doesnt hurt ..

I agree Jobis


they can afford to have cool hair style's with ALL of that hair. I suspect many other guys would like to have cool hair styles

but can't because they don't have the density to pull it off.

Check out Evolution, you can't even SEE his scalp anywhere. People talk about hair/skin color playing a role but with this kind of density I don't care if he died his hair: black, white, purple, rainbow; whatever you can't even see his scalp it's so dense.

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Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:
Originally posted by wylie:

You really need to review how to use the CAPS LOCK key

my hands twitch...



That will be cramp icon_biggrin.gif

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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At least you could say .. I don't care to answer that right now, or the question isn't appropriate, or something, or at least acknowledge that a question was asked. When someone asks another member a question and it isn't even acknowledged, makes it seem like this is an unfriendly or "clic" kind of place. I'm just curious about you and what you'll do that's all.




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I didn't mean to intentionally ignore you or anything.


I guess I just don't want to post pics right now.

What I will do/won't do and the unknown variables that "hold me back":

Im a diffuse thinner.

My hair loss isn't so bad yet that it is *unbarable* to me.


is why I haven't done anything about it yet.

There aren't that many examples of diffuse thinners either on this forum or on many clinics web sites.


I would eventually like to adress my hair loss as I feel a definite improvement to my situation can be made. I have had online consultations and have been told permanent shock loss should not concern me in the slightest


still; it is somewhat of a risky proposition. Especially if I have to take two step backwards (cosmetically) for a few months before I can move forward.

I just wish there were more examples online of diffuse thinners who went in and THICKENED things up a bit.

That is what I want done+lower and round out my 'v' shape hair line. My biggest reason for wanting to get a ht isn't so much coverage as it is my lack of styling options. I've had the same lame ass hair style for like 7 years now and Im FED UP with it!!!

Hence, all the interest in styling options on post-plants....

Another unknown variable for me-as is to everyone- is the extent of future loss. Im only 28, my crown appears to be slightly thinning in following a NW5a pattern, which isn't that HUGE of a crown, but let's say I go and get 5K grafts thrown on top now. Then later I might have some big ass balding crown and not be able to get descent coverage back there.

Also, it's not as though if I walk into a clinic for a consultation that they can tell me my EXACT # of donor grafts, from my understanding they won't even have a *rough* estimate of my grand total until my strip has been excised and dissected, then based off that they will estimate what my remaining donor holds.


I will probably eventually (sooner than later) get a ht as I know I won't be happy bald later in life and I would like to get it done while I still have some native hair to help thicken things up.


Another unknown variable are the meds. Rick055 succinctly summed up my sentiments exactly on a recent thread where he stated that HOW does one even know if the meds are working for them? If you don't re grow hair (which most men don't) then how do you even really know if the meds are having a material impact on your hair loss or if your *slow* thinning pattern (which I have) is just slowly running it's course? I look at pictures of my hair 7 years ago and I really can't see any differences. So in an additional seven years I might not even know if propecia is doing ANYTHING for me....


So that is my situation. Probably MORE than you wanted to know...

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Thanks. You make some good points and now I understand why your holding off for now. I don't know how diffuse you are thinning but I think maybe we may be similiar.


Here are 2 photos, before and post op.


The first one you can see I'm pretty diffuse all throughout the top, but it stops at the crown.



The 2nd photo is 3days post op. Have to wait and see how well it fills in but the v areas as you described were rounded off too and we softened/lowered the hairline just a tad a bit.

3day post


Your fairly young too so another good reason for you to be careful at this point but sounds like you'll be ok if you have good donor supply.



Also, it's not as though if I walk into a clinic for a consultation that they can tell me my EXACT # of donor grafts, from my understanding they won't even have a *rough* estimate of my grand total until my strip has been excised and dissected, then based off that they will estimate what my remaining donor holds.


If they have a densometer they should be able to assess roughly if not fairly accurately your strip amount I would think. Anyway, thanks for sharing and feeding my curiosity.




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WoW! You read that whole thing! icon_razz.gif


Your hair is wet in the pre-op pic. Was the thinning not transparent when it was dry? Looks like you did have quite a bit in jeopardy as well.

post op pic looks very nice.

So, you are a diffused thinner as well?


That is nice to know.

Who did your ht? How far along are you now?

How did the doc adress any concerns about permanent shock loss?

Regarding the densometer: I did not know that.

How does it work and is it fairly accurate?

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Refresh your browser, I fudged the link the first time.


Here's some info on the densitometer but just a guess if any particular doc has one.



I am 10 days post with your favorite doc. Yanked the staples out this morning. I'm not ready to post pics or create a blog but will eventually. I don't think I have issues with permanent shock loss, but time will tell. It's been very slow for me, started at about 26 and I'm 46 now so it's been minimal and steady. No bald spots except for the receded hairline.


Remember though, I had 900 grafts on the hairline 10 years ago so in the before pic the 2 tufts wisping back on the front sides are those. Without those I would have been pretty vacant up front, but .. these were poorly done and pitted so hence a new softer hairline.




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I am 10 days post with your favorite doc

uh oh, shouldn't have told me that, now Im going to hound you to death!!! icon_redface.gif


yeah, I saw the pre-op pic and adjusted my post above.

looks like you did have quite a bit in jeopardy as well.

how many grafts did you have done?

do you have any pre op pics where your hair is dry? What did the GREAT HASSON say about shockloss concerns?

on meds?

before YOU thought I was ignoring you.

now your gonna wish you never got me started harrasing you with questions! icon_mad.gif

Oh, did the GREAT HASSON strobe your noggin' with a densometer?

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No meds for me. I don't want to be caught on a Gilligan 3 hour tour with Ms. Alba, and after a month she moves to the other side of the island because I have no meds. She would wonder why life is so stressful with her all alone that I am diffusing so rapidly. I like permanent cures if possible.


I'll look for some dry pics but not sure if I have any that would show it the way it really was. We did 4300 grafts. During the procedure he said he could've done 5-6000 and get it all. I asked if he couldv'e gotten that many from the donor and he said he could've. I believe it because I have almost no tension now.


He mentioned shockloss in the sparse area but not in definite terms. I didn't experience it with the first HT at all and even though my top/central hairs are thinner than the rest they've stuck with me for 20 years of thinning.



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"He mentioned shockloss in the sparse area but not in definite terms."

meaning NO CHANCE of permanent shock loss, correct?

WOW! 4,200 grafts for that area is going to make your hair SUPER dense.

Im jealous.

No Meds: this is interesting and has been discussed a lot lately.

so what did the GREAT HASSON say/feel about you not being on meds and having a ht.

Your REALLY lucky that you have such slow hair loss with no meds. I think that is pretty rare.




did you jump the gun on the ht so long ago, since your hair has stayed with you for so long?

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He did mention possible shockloss in the top section if we had done an "overall" with the 4300 that we had. That's not the reason I chose to stay up front instead though. My main concern covering up the shabby hairline form the 1st HT. Then I thought it best to complete the whole front area, get it dense as possible this time. If I decide to do another I can go really dense with the rest and not worry about the shockloss there.


They did ask me about Meds, a couple times, but I will not do them. Other than that he had no concerns at all about not taking them.


I don't think he used a densitometer on me, if he did I was probably face down on the chair but I didn't see one.


I did do the excercises but started only a week beforehand and not real often to tell the truth. Just a few minutes when I remembered. I did do them more dilligently and often 2 days and night/morning before the procedure. They said I was ok. Not great but not bad.


I don't think I jumped the gun 10 years ago no because I did do my research and knew it was a lifelong commitment. I only had 900 on the hairline and at that time that was all I needed and my donor has always been a weedpatch and still is. I felt pretty safe, but I suppose at age 36 it was a small gamble though I took an educated guess with the genetics I mostly take after on my Maternal Grandfather. He diffused but never went bald.



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Here you go, I found a couple winners. Ignore the dark areas. I was playing draw hairlines with number 2 pencil that night.


dry diffuse I

dry diffuse II


In normal indoor lighting I was fairly ok. I don't wear my hair like it is in these pics, it was more "down" and tamed against my head and therefore "thicker".


If you look close you can also see the old 900 HT. Looks like little tree trunks sprouting out with all the "4s" right on the hairline. Now if you look past those as if they weren't there you can imagine my natural state of thinning over 20 years. My hairline would have receded up past those areas. Very few natural hairs there in the 900 grafter on the sides .. but the very front area has the natural diffuseness. very few transplants were put there, mostly on the sides.



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thanks Rambler!

Im really glad we got to talking.

That is pretty amazing that the GREAT HASSON was able to get 4200 and thought he could easily get 5K ---6k (!?!?!?!?)


you didn't really do scalp exercises? WOW!!!

did he mention how many grafts he thinks you have left?

I wear my hair much shorter than yours and think I have a significant more amount of density; but not for long. Your going to have one mega-mondo-mop in a few months time.

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He didn't mention how many I have left "in the bank" so to say but if he could've pulled out another 2000 then, then I would imagine I would be good in the future for at least that and maybe 3000? If I do a 3rd I think that should easily cover it and be done, but I don't want an extra tight scalp either so I gotta be careful.

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