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Donor Area bleeding

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Hey guys I have been a silent member for this site for about a year now. Everyone here has made a world of diffrence for me getting an HT. I am 3 days post op and i still am spotting from one area in my donor staples. Dr. Ron Shapiro performed my HT and so far I couldn't be more pleased (besides the blood spotting). I talked to Jenna and she said if it lasts longer than 5 days post op to call back. Any experinces you guys and gals can share would be great, please tell me I am just over reacting. Once again everyone on this site I am thankful for.

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys I have been a silent member for this site for about a year now. Everyone here has made a world of diffrence for me getting an HT. I am 3 days post op and i still am spotting from one area in my donor staples. Dr. Ron Shapiro performed my HT and so far I couldn't be more pleased (besides the blood spotting). I talked to Jenna and she said if it lasts longer than 5 days post op to call back. Any experinces you guys and gals can share would be great, please tell me I am just over reacting. Once again everyone on this site I am thankful for.

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Welcome to our community.


It is possible that the bleeding you are seeing is from a scab that has opened rather than the wound bleeding. I know I experienced that for a few days post op from all three of my HTs.


If you have a vanity mirror or tri-fold mirror try to look at the area that is bleeding to see if it's coming from a scab or it looks like the wound is bleeding.


In the event bleeding continues, definately contact the clinic.



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  • Senior Member

Thanks Bill I'll have to check it out. I really hope thats all it is. Can you recall roughly how many days it took for the bleeding to stop in your case? Thanx

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  • Senior Member

Hey Arie, glad everything went well for you!


Welcome to the club!!


Anyway, it is pretty normal to spot your pillowcase/towel for a few days, especially if you shower right before going to sleep.


Another issue is your simply sleeping to hard on one side and your putting too much pressure on the wound/staples, etc... (This happened to me)


At this point in time, I would obviously continue to monitor yourself and continue to check in with Janna--- They do a great job of taking care us "big tough guys" after surgery.


I hope you will share some pics with us?


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I don't remember experiencing any bleeding after the first few days. But sometimes biggers scabs form and they could break and cause some blood. Scabs bleeding are normal but the wound certainly should not be bleeding anymore. This would indicate a poor closure. I would doubt at SMG that this would be the case.



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  • Senior Member

Wow its like an honor to get the two big "dogs" of this site to help me thanks a ton. I went there the next day for the wash and the doc looked at everything again said it looked great and clean and even added another staple to make sure things are "tightened up". From talking to Matt, the doc, and everyone that works there I was very comforatble with everything. This scab (hopefully it is) has a slow drip for the last three hours or so. I have a dressing on it and i kind of made myself a karate kid headband to hold light pressure on it. Its not a large amount of blood but it is still there. B spot i will be sharing pics at a later time. I am sure I'll bother someone to show me how later. But I am taking pictures daily. Not enough donor are pics from people, I ll try to start a trend, just kidding.

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Thanx guys. Well I ditched the Karate Kid head band cause the son of a gun just kept bleeding (i guess i never let it dry up by always adding pressure and icing). So i just put a few paper towels under my head and played Madden 08 all night, I love that game. this morning I have a huge crusty clot, but hay its finally stopped and for now no more bleeding. Cant wait to take a shower to relieve the pressure in the back of my head!

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You got it Bill I sure will continue to keep up the progress. I started a blog and will update it soon. I noticed theres not as many pics on donor area w/ and w/o staples. I believe the importance of this issue is sometimes over looked. I did check out some other web logs to see how the scabs look like and I must say I am pretty lucky from what I saw, not to say there was any bad ones that I saw. Dr. Shapiro did do an amazing job. I was freaking out for nothing. That little scab (on the right) was the worst of it and my girlfriend got it off for me (got off) icon_biggrin.gif. Thats 4 days post op. Trying to upload pic but says file is too big how do I fix that so I can up load my pic on this thread?

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Great choice with the surgeon. I was there 3 weeks ago and doing great. Everything you are experiencing is all normal. What are the details of your surgery? Looking forward to seeing some pics. Bill can help with the downsizing as I am a computer idiot. Keep healing my friend.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks NN,

Yeah great doc great staff. I got 2,054 grafts in the frontal third. I have not received the hair counts as of yet. I am a computer moron myself so I will have to get help with the pics. I will be keeping updates, cause as a previous silent member of the community I know how it feels when people stop updating their blogs. Its frustrating, it like watching a good movie and all of a sudden the power goes out...

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  • Senior Member

Did you guys/gals try to take off every little scab off the scar? I would imagine that thats not a good idea considering thats how the body naturally heals... I am still trying to get this picture downsizing thing right. i know you guys will be able to tell a lot more by pictures...

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Don't pick the scabs with your nails, but gently massage them in the shower with your fingertips to work them off.


Regarding pictures, the easiest and best way to post photos without resizing them is by following the instructions here.


If you want to resize your photos you'll have to use a third party application to resize them. If you rather have them resized send your photos to help@hairtransplantnetwork.com and I'll resize them and send them back to you.





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The first night you are expected to bleed, that's why I had a bandadge wrapped around my head to collect any blood from my donor, I got some blood onto the pillow too. After taking off the bandadge the next morning, I put a towel onto the pillow and still got some blood spots for the next 2-3 nights on the towel.

At around 5 days when you start showering, you should try to work aways some of the scabbing from your donor by firmly but gently rubbing your donor. After the staples or sutures are out, you can start scratching them away.

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Thanks stillhere,

I got lucky it was only that night after surgery. Thanks for the response about taking off the small scabs when the staples come out. At this point i am pretty much scab free besides the real small ones in between, and under the staples. Thanks a lot for your help. Now its time to put my head under the shower head as its been six days, kind of nervous. i know the grafts are in place but I think I'll go with the cup of water wash one last day, I hate saying goodbyes...

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