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Should the same doctor be used for procedure two?

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  • Senior Member

What are the pros and cons of using a different doctor for a second HT? I am going back for a second procedure in a few months and wondered if possibly there was a benefit to sticking with the same doctor or a benefit with going with a different one which might complement the previous doctor's work with a different method. I have no problems with the first doctor I was just wondering if there was any thought or experience with this topic. Thanks


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member

What are the pros and cons of using a different doctor for a second HT? I am going back for a second procedure in a few months and wondered if possibly there was a benefit to sticking with the same doctor or a benefit with going with a different one which might complement the previous doctor's work with a different method. I have no problems with the first doctor I was just wondering if there was any thought or experience with this topic. Thanks


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member

If you are really happy with the results from the first doctor and he has a reputation of delivering superb all around results, I would be hesitant on going anywhere else.

I do believe though that different doctors do have their strong points so depending on what your looking for in the second surgery I would still go back and RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEACH and look at all the photos possible to determine if a change would be beneficial.

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  • Senior Member

surely this is common sense isnt it?if your totally satisfied with ht#1 you would be mad to chance someone you havent experienced performing ht#2?if you are not satisfied then obviously you will go elsewhere icon_rolleyes.gif

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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  • Senior Member

Balody, I think you might have misunderstood my question. I don't believe this is common sense since I am not far enough along yet to know what the results are from the first procedure. I have no reason to believe the results won't be good. However, I don't think I would necessarily be "chancing" anything by using a different doctor since apparently ALL of the collation doctors are of the same caliber.


I am asking this question assuming I will be happy with the results from the first HT. I have noticed that many people on this forum have had multiple HT's from multiple doctors. I know the geographic area usually isn't a factor since people travel across the country for the procedures. I wondered if having two procedures from two different collation doctors would blend the best of both worlds of two different methods of artistic ability and expertise or if sticking with the same doctor for uniformity is recommended.


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member

Good point ,but Ill probably get a little heat for saying this, but I dont belive every doctor in this coalition are on the same level. Yes they are ALL good at what they do but there are a handful of doctors on here in my opinion that blow the bottom feeders away.

The coalition is an allstar team of doctors but for every A-rod they are three David Ortiz and one Travis Hafner

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  • Senior Member

Please Grow Please, thanks for your honesty. What you said is what I believed was the case. I really appreciate someone offering their opinion and not sugar coating it. I totally understand it is just your opinion but since I am a novice at this subject I am gathering as many opinions as I can and look for recurring themes. I think we all agree the hair mills are bad. Without candid opinions (without slandering) this forum would not be as effective.


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member



I can tell you personally that I chose a different Dr. for HT #2 just because I had learned so much about HT's after HT #1 and knew more of what I needed. I did mega research before HT #2 and landed with Dr. Wong and have never regretted the decision for a second.


I had scheduled a 3rd HT scheduled for this past August, also with Dr. Wong, (Doc from HT #2) but had to cancel for personal reasons. I may still go for HT #3 and will go with him if I do. To me, the benefit is that he did the majority of the work on me (3886 grafts versus 1200 from HT #1), is familiar with my situation, he can blend in with his own work better than anyone else and, to me, he's one of the best of the best-----I was extremely satisfied-----so why look anywhere else?


Hope this helps!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

Your hair looks great I might add so in your case using different doctors looks like it complemented each others work.


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member

A patient who does his research will most likely find a reputable doctor. The research will also help that the patient set proper expectations in advance. If these expectations are satisfied, the patient has good reason to stay with his physician. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with going else where, assuming the same level of research is conducted.


One possible reason to see 2 docs is the availability of Strip and FUE. If you are patient with a great strip and 2,500-3,000 or so grafts, you may be delighted with the result and the doc. In fact you may be so pleased that you feel you only need a small 100-250 graft touch up. For me, such as small procedure is ideal for FUE. If the doc that delivered the great Strip result does not do FUE, I think it reasonable to consult a few FUE specialists for a small job.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

I think Mrjb can attest to staying with the same doc. Of course, he had a top notch surgeon in Dr. True.


Other than knowing that you are satisfied with prior work, The biggest benefit I believe would be that your doc would have a bit of a road map to success with your case.


The doc is familiar with your scar, hair characteristics and most important, your plan to finish what you started in terms of placement/design etc.


The key is to choose a great doc and communicate your desires and challenges as a team.





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  • Senior Member

Good points


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member

I had the same doc for HT 1 -3 . Yes, I could have gone to another for a MEGASESSION or whatever but the grass is always greener on the other side ( this does not apply if you are not happy with your surgery). So, I stuck with Dr. True and now I could not be happier in anyway.He delivered on his promise and then some.

There are many good docs out there so it does make it tough. The main point is to see a doc which might specialize in an area you need ( FUE, Repairs, etc.)



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

I'll probably stick with the same doctor after reading your points especially after he told me I would received a little bit of a discount for procedure two. I just wondered a few days ago if different doctors had different strengths and weaknesses and if using two different ones might blend the best of their strengths together. It is probably such an minuscule difference though when dealing with the top doctors that it wouldn't be worth starting over with a new doctor who isn't familiar with my hair, scalp etc. I just read a few times on here that certain doctors are known for more density and/or better hairlines.


I haven't been able to figure out why a doctor would provide less density if the donor grafts are available. I don't want the hair line of an 18 year old but I don't want a sparse one either that looks wispy like I am thinning. My hair is very thick on the sides and back so to have thinner hair on the top would look off balance. I have no reason to believe I won't have some good density once the HT matures but if I had one of the doctors that provides less density then I wouldn't be as happy as I would had I gone with another doctor that provided more density.


My doctor is conservative which I appreciate because I don't want to be sold a bill of goods. I am a NW5 and my hairloss has pretty much stabilized since I am 46. I had 2520 grafts placed in the front third in July. The doctor said I'd be really happy with the results and he said he packed the grafts in there pretty tight. In January I am going back for procedure two to address what to do next. I am either using the next grafts in the front to thicken it up or on the crown or a combination of both.


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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  • Senior Member

If a patient jumps between several doctors to complete his final hair transplant result, I would question the quality and depth of the initial consultation. It is this all-important visit at which the surgeon assesses the particular needs of the patient, the ratio between balding scalp and available donor hair, the patient's unique hair characteristics, his financial ability to complete the task, and, perhaps most important, the patient's psychological stability and maturity. A bond of trust is formed, a plan is laid out and both surgeon and patient "buy into" that plan. Obviously, sometimes things such as financial hardship (loss of job), marital changes, or illness can get in the way of that exact plan unfolding on schedule. How the patient wants to style his hair and how long he expects to be able to cut his donor area hair down to also factor into the equation of the plan. I have had people come to me who clearly wanted to keep the option to shave down their heads and wanted FUE, and I gave them a list of doctors who enjoy doing large sessions using this modality, as I usually limit my FUE sessions to around 400-500 grafts. People needing scalp expanders to cover large areas of burn damage I likewise refer to a hair surgeon who has this in his repertoire. But 95% of the patients who have a first session with us stick with us and complete the plan we set up at that first consultation visit. When the patient leaves from their first surgery, we give them a 4-page handout titled "Expectations," which explains what to look for and when, so their expectations are realistic. Each surgeon, no matter how exalted his reputation, has occasional cases where the donor scar is wider than he would like or the growth is less than desired, and those patients occasionally do end up in another surgeon's office, but, if the doctor-patient relationship is good, he will return to his original surgeon and that surgeon will "make good" on reaching the original goals one way or another. But it's important for that second surgeon to be a little understanding of what happened and lot lambast the previous surgeon's reputation to the patient or on the internet, as that same surgeon almost surely has some of his patients doing the same thing and showing up in other doctors' offices. We only see other doctors' unhappy patients, we don't see all the happy ones who are sticking with that doctor. Obviously, if a surgeon is consistently butchering patients, you maybe have an obligation to speak up, but that's the exception today fortunately.

Mike Beehner, M.D.

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