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A little nervous

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Hello Everyone!


I'm a bit freaked out at this stage. I had 2700 grafts done with Ron Shapiro in Minneapolis. I understand he is one of the best. The grafts are definitely growing. However, the density is still really inadequate. Will this continue to fill in? I realize I'm only at 5 months, but I'm really self conscious about it and hope it gets thicker. On top of that, I was on the plane today sitting behind a guy with a blatently obvious donor scar on the back of his head. I had a scary episode about three months ago when a stylist shaved the back of my head with a number 2 (even when I told her to look out for the scar). I still have a lot of thinness around the donor scar. Will that fill in as well?

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Hello Everyone!


I'm a bit freaked out at this stage. I had 2700 grafts done with Ron Shapiro in Minneapolis. I understand he is one of the best. The grafts are definitely growing. However, the density is still really inadequate. Will this continue to fill in? I realize I'm only at 5 months, but I'm really self conscious about it and hope it gets thicker. On top of that, I was on the plane today sitting behind a guy with a blatently obvious donor scar on the back of his head. I had a scary episode about three months ago when a stylist shaved the back of my head with a number 2 (even when I told her to look out for the scar). I still have a lot of thinness around the donor scar. Will that fill in as well?

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  • Senior Member

Hello there Reedo and welcome to hair transplant network


Im sure what you are experiencing is Normal.


but before i go on, i think it would be better if you had pics we can look at


we understand that u received 2700 grafts but that number is a little useless unless we know the ammount of hairloss u had


example if u was a nw5-7, of course 2700 is gonna be real thin


but if u were around a nw2-3, 2700 should be just perfect


you are only at the 5 month mark and u have alot of growing to do, growing only starts at probobly the 3 month mark, so u can say your only 2 month in.

you should see your results by 12 months but its maturity can be seen at up to 18 months.


and about the scar that u seen from the guy sitting infront of you.


hey its something that we give up to get more hair upfront.


im sure u were aware u would receive a scar, but alot of people would be happy to have a scar in the back for hair on top of your head

think of it like that


and hey dont be sad for the guy infront of you who wishes to show his scar

i guess he just grew tired of the hairtransplant process and man'ed up and said hey "i dont care what people say, im gonna live my life the way i want and not let my past affect me"

*and when i say he was tired of the hairtransplant process, he might of had the process done along time ago or was put in the hand of a butcher, BUT YOU were put in the hands of a top physician!*


hope i helped

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Relax , 5 months is nothing and you probably have seen very limited results.. It will take about 1 year to 14 months to see full results. It is impossible to determine what the final result will look like at this point.


Regarding the scar, at 1 year post op of my 2nd procedure, I could go down to guard 3 without any detection of it..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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hi reedo,the best advice i can give is try to forget youve had it done (easier said than done i know).wait for 7/8 months beleive me it really does change texture and thickness that late on.as for the scar f**k it!if its a nice scar show it off!im gonna make it my mission for men who have had work done to step up and say yes ive had hair moved so what?

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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You've gotten some good advice, my friend. You need to be patient........Dr. Shapiro is one of the best so I'm sure you'll get the maximum results for # of grafts placed. As for 2700, how big an area did it cover? Any idea the approx. grafts per sq. cm.? Even if you had some growth issues (which I'm sure you won't), Shapiro clinic is top notch and they would address it for you so rest easy.


As for the scar.......again, you had a very high quailty physician close and you'll have hair growing through the scar so I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Scars take quite some time to fully heal and everyone heals differently, give it some time. Personally, I have no trouble clipping down to 1/2" or so.......I'm sure yours will be okay.


At 5 months, your still likely growing big-time.......you will probably notice major changes the next several months so hang on for an exciting ride icon_cool.gif



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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It is legitimate to have concerns and we are here to help people. Telling someone to "shut up" is inappropriate. If you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say it at all.




You have received some good advice. Unfortunately, without knowing what norwood level you were before surgery, it will be difficult to determine whether or not 2700 grafts will be enough to give you enough density.


As already stated...5 months is way too early. Do not evaluate your results until you are between month 9-12, closer to 12.


More specifically...


1. What norwood level were you before surgery?

2. Where did you have the grafts transplanted? Front? Back? temples? Did you lower your hairline?

3. Do you have any pictures pre-op and immediately post op you can share with us? What about current pictures?

4. What are your expectations of surgery?


Don't be fooled. Though 2700 grafts would give you overall nice coverage and density on a NW3, your expectations are vital in determining how much is "enough" density.


I hope this helps get you started.



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Hey guys!


Thanks for the support and feedback! Aquarius - I'm sure your intention was to help (although I would have probably phrased it differently). I need to apologize for any negativity I may have expressed in my first post - I didn't mean to. I am in unknown territory here and am letting the uncertainty get the best of me. I have had time to do a little research and know now that I have a long way to go. I'm cool - THANKS!!!!!


1. I started with a NW 3 vertex - NW4.

2. The grafts were transplanted to my front, back, and lowered my hairline about an inch-an-a-half. I'm not sure of the number of grafts per square cm.

3. I will have to dig up some pre-op and current pix to post.

4. My expectations - I guess to have a similar result to some of the before and aftrer pix I have seen with a similar pattern of recession and similar number of grafts. If I need to, I will have a second session done.


Again, I want to apologize for any hint of negativitiy - I saw some horror story internet blogs before finding this one and they really freaked me out. You all seem genuine and I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR FEEDBACK!!!



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You have come to the right place for your concerns .

The people here are great,and wont bs you.

I also went to Shapiro after being butchered from Nuhart,and my expierence with Nuhart was probaly one of those horror stories you read about.

After alot of research the reason I chose Dr Shapiro is because of the tons of positive stories Ive read over the years and the consistent results You were and are in good hands so just give it time.

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At 5 months, you probably have not even reached 40% of your transplanted hair.


As the others have mentioned, expect a very nice explosion during months 6-8, with final growth results between 10-12 months.


You also need to realize that months 12-18 are important as well, with your transplanted hair softening and taking on a more natural look.


Like a few of the other top clinics, SMG does a great job separating the very fine 1 hair grafts that are used in your hairline, so as you mature, the results continue to be even more impressive.


I am 19 months out from HT#1 and I am continually amazed at how natural and soft my transplanted hair is at this point.


Keep your chin up and quit looking in the mirror every 2 seconds!!!!!!


(Oh and donor area shockloss will grow back eventually.. everyone is different and there is no rhyme or reason as to why it happens to some and not others)


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I didn't notice any negativity bro...no need to apologize.


I think it will be important for you to really understand specifically what your expectations are, not necessarily out of this surgery but overall. Did your doctor go over expectations with you, both from this surgery and your long term goals?


2700 grafts on a NW4 AND lowering of the hairline will not give you a significant amount of density. Of course, hair texture, number of hairs per graft, hair/skin color are all variables that will assist with the illusion of density. Clearly there will be an improvement, and you are right...you can always go back for more density.


I look forward to seeing your pictures.



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It was reedo - Things seem to come out different when they are in print. Your gonna be fine man.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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