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I need advice from the "husband"

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My husband is 21 years old. He start losing his hair bout a year ago, it isn't severe, but it bothers him a lot. He asked me if he could have a hair transplant, kind of half joking half serious.


So I was thinking for his birthday --- maybe Christmas, I'll surprise him with a hair transplant. But I don't know if that will make him happy, or that will insult him ... "-_-

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My husband is 21 years old. He start losing his hair bout a year ago, it isn't severe, but it bothers him a lot. He asked me if he could have a hair transplant, kind of half joking half serious.


So I was thinking for his birthday --- maybe Christmas, I'll surprise him with a hair transplant. But I don't know if that will make him happy, or that will insult him ... "-_-

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At 21 just starting to experience loss, he's really too young to consider it at this time. I'd recommend you use the "find" feature on this site and search for information on Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) and/or Minoxidil (Rogaine) that may help him maintain what he has and possibly regrow some.


Hope this helps.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Alyxis, Welcome!

And might I say your husband did a great job picking you for a wife! icon_smile.gif


What a nice surprise that would be!

You are very thoughtful.


Unfourtunately, you probably won't be able to surprise him exactly. icon_frown.gif

The reason is that he will half to be proactive in the process.

If he does get serious about getting it done, the best thing you can do for him right now is to get him to start reseaching on this forum & eleswhere.


Picking an exceptional Doctor is the first task.

He will find one here.

Next he will need a consultation with the Doctor of his choice.


That being said members of this forum & ethical Doctors will usually not reccommend a hairtransplant for a 21 year old.

He could post pictures here & wee could give him our opinion.


Please do not go to one of the Hairtransplant clinics that are advertised on tv!

These are the places that will give a 21 year old a Hairtransplant irresponsibily.


Most of us have alraedy had a Hairtransplant & some have had multiple HT's.

So there is a lot of great advice & info here!


As far as making him happy or insulting him, I think you need to gently lead him here next time he mentions his hairloss to you & let him decide.


Good luck you wonderful girl! icon_wink.gif

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Welcome to our community!


This is a great place to start your research for your husband and I recommend you direct him here as part of your birthday present to him rather than shell out money for a hair transplant.


I also commend you for being open minded and sympathetic to your husbands struggle. We all do have our struggles don't we?


I've posted a few threads on this topic that I recommend you and/or your husband take a look at:


Am I Too Young For a Hair Transplant?




What should I consider when researching hair transplantation?




I hope this helps.



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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by AlyxisPaige:

My husband is 21 years old. He start losing his hair bout a year ago, it isn't severe, but it bothers him a lot.


Is there anything that possibly brought this about... stress, heredity, diet? Twenty one is pretty young for this. Has he seen an MD? That would be my advice. I agree... pretty cool of you to come here.

'06/2500 w/Dr. Keene

'07/1500 w/Dr. Keene

My Hair Loss Weblog

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Many people start hereditary hair loss at early ages...it's very common.


Though I don't think it's ever a bad idea to consult with a doctor to get a professional opinion. I'd suggest a dermatologist though, since many general practioners don't seem to know a lot about hair loss.



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It's genetic. His dad got it .. both 2 of his older brother got it. They call it a "McDonald Head" where it looks like McDonald sign on their fold head.


They all started losing their hair at early 20s.


What I meant as "surprise" is like an appointment with a HP doctor ... something like that. I know I can't just have him show up with a doctor ready to get his head on the busher...lol. He thought about trying Rogain ... I don't know what can I say to make him feel better that I don't think he needs anything. I think he looks handsome and perfectly fine the way he is. But he is very fond with his hair. That is his biggest thing. And how that it's gone ... he's very very self-concious.


And plus now that he's in military and he has to shave his facial hair off ... that makes him feel worse. But the good thing is I heard that our insurance from the military cover 1 plastic surgery, which HP is considered one.

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I'm not sure if you read any of the links I posted...so I encourage you to read them and/or him to read them.


But I plead with you...


Do not encourage your husband to get an HT now...it's not the time.


He should try medicine first....Minoxodil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia).


An HT is NOT a cure for hair loss...it is surgery that removes hair from the sides and back of your head and places it on top. But what about future hair loss? He'd have to continue to go back to get more and more hair transplants to "keep up with the loss", which is not a good strategy. There is the whole issue of density verses coverage. Donor hair is limited and needs to be used wisely.


Just starting to lose hair, and at 21, he's better off trying to control the loss through medicine. In about 5-10 years, reconsider the surgery option. But encourage him to stay on the meds.



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Don't get him a HT at 21, when he's just starting to lose his hair. If hairloss continues he'll be left with a hairline and nothing behind it, and then he'll have to get another HT. And then, eventually, he'll run out of donor hair and really realize what unhappiness is.


Get him on medication, wait 10 years, then revisit the topic.

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LoL! icon_biggrin.gif Broken Condom, Thats pretty harsh, damn military guys, it's like being in high school again! That don't help his confidence.


Well if he comes on here maybe that will be his screen name! icon_smile.gif

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I know you have your husband's happiness and wellbeing at heart with your surprise, but hair restoration requires much patient education. I believe your husband will need to do his research before choosing a hair transplant and, at the tender age of 21, I think he may come to the conclusion that medical (NOT surgical) therapy is his first step in restoring/maintaining his hair. Perhaps you can refer him to this discussion board. Certainly hair loss can be a sensitive topic but, if your husband is really bothered by his hair, he may get some relief in knowing there are certain meds (Propecia, Rogain, etc) than can help to stabilize his loss.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Rest assured, he will not be the only one in bootcamp who is loosing hair so he should not feel alone. Having support from others is good for his self esteem and being in the military will get him used to a shaved look which is popular these days.


HT is out of the question while he is in the military and will need to shave his head. The jokes would only get worse as he will have a visible scar on the back and sides of his head and no hair growth for several months after. Save him from this!





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