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Hair Transplant scheduled for Jan 4, 2008 with Dr. Alexander


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I just had a 1788 graft procedure done on Thursday the 20th. I have had literally no pain at all. I took a Vicodin after I drove myself home the first night but no pain meds since. I am one to hate needles but during the procedure I only felt the first one or two numbing shots. I actually fell asleep while the Doctor was punching holes for the grafts and again while the nurses were placing the grafts. Nothing to worry about, be sure to follow your after surgery routine.

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Whatever you do ...don't worry.


I'm 24 days post-op so it's all fresh in my mind.

You most likely will be given a valium ect.and this will really relax you.

I felt almost nothing...really.


You feel the needle pinches and the next thing you know you're donor site is removed and your just loving life knowing the worst is over and your head is being filled with new hair.


I'm not kidding you i've had worse dentist visits then this thing.

Keep in mind everyone is different...but i'm sure some others guys will back me up on this...it's alot easier then you think.


The next day you'll have some pain/soreness maybe..the pain killers wipe it out.

Look up and down this site...there are no horror stories...not even close.


For roughly 10 days post-op you'll be a little uncomfortable...no big deal.

Showering is a little different during this time...again..no big deal.


FOLLOW the docs orders...you'll be fine.



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You're in good hands with Dr. Alexander. Had mine with him on 12/5 and everything has gone exceptionally smooth. The prodecure's a piece of cake. Sitting there the whole day does get a little uncomfortable. Put the pillow under your back. You'll be in a little pain that evening but nothing major. The next day was a piece of cake for me and didn't even do any pain meds. Best of luck.

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Personally I think a lot depends on your pain thresh hold. The shots in your head for strip removal hurt like hell as far as I'm concerned. Car accident broken body type pain? No, of course not. But stung like a bitch none the less. Enough to keep me from doing it? Hell no. I also had pain the night of and the next morning in the donor area; about equivalent to a really bad headache; nothing to really freak over. It is exactly like More-Hair said: a little pain yes, and you'll be "uncomfortable" for about 10 or 12 days after that. Well worth it in my opinion.

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Congratulations on selecting a first-rate hair transplant surgeon to perform your surgery. You will be in the best of hands.


Regarding pain, it is difficult to say as everyone has different levels of pain tolerance. Some have reported that hair transplant surgery is "a walk in the park" while yet others have reported varying levels of discomfort.


Personally, though I would never consider any surgery to be a walk in the park, pain was minimal. Keep in mind that the most difficult day will be the first day after surgery. Take your pain medication as directed and this will minimize the discomfort.


See more about pain during hair transplant surgery.


Best wishes for restoring your hair,



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The think the application of the pain meds vary from doctor to doctor, there is some kind of vibrating device they used when I was numbed recently that did not exist when I first went under the knife, the difference in the pain associated with getting shots was like night and day, I didnt feel a thing this time around.


Of course, I attribute alot of this to the vibrating thing. It really does help tremendously, also, waiting for a Valium to settle your nerves was the other key to making it almost a pain free procedure. Post op the only soreness, and it was negligible was where the incision was stapled. All in all recovery can be real fast after surgery, this time around it was like nothing happened in the healing dept as well. Very, very slight discomfort at worst. Session size and pain tolerance makes all this information somewhat subjective, but thats my take

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