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heavy weights 1 month?

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Is it alirght to start lifting heavy weights after 1 month. If not why? It was a FUE proceudre although my post op instructions say that after 1 month its ok to lift light weight nothing about heavy weights. I would understand FUSS but FUE? Would it have any damage to the new hair / recipient area? That area is still light pink with very very little scabbing.

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  • Senior Member

with a HT, the main concern with working out is the scar stretching; the grafts are not an issue for they are achored after 8-10 days; so if you had a FUE surgery the scar is a non issue; I would say you could go at it; I would excercise caution and common sense, for the areas are still healing; but I don't think you can hurt anything at this point;

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Welcome to our community.


I agree that dhoose75's advice sounds logical howeverI agree with NG2GB that consulting with your physician is a good idea.


In my opinion, after any type of surgery, start any physical exercise lightly and with caution. Slowly progress back to your old regime while using common sense. If something doesn't feel right, go a bit lighter.


Best wishes,



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Different clinics will have different post-op instructions so while it is apparent that there are some differences of opinion as to what a patient should or should not do post-op you should follow your clinic's advice. Calling to be sure is smart but those post-op sheets are given to you for a reason.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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