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Robert's past role as a Patient Advocate/Moderator

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I want to thank Robert for moderating our forum over the past year and providing live help on all our websites to hundreds of hair loss sufferers. He made a lasting and positive contribution to this community.


The constructive, civil and supportive tone that he set for our forum and community has enabled posters to feel comfortable in seeking help and sharing their experiences. Yet Robert was also firm in not allowing those with hidden agendas to abuse this educational forum with covert advertising.


However, given Robert's many outside responsibilities, including a heavy course load, he is not able to continue to devote the time and attention needed to provide all the support this community requires.


I do hope and expect that Robert will return to participating on this forum as a satisfied patient of Dr. Jerry Cooley.


Those of you who go back a year or two may remember that Robert (aka "SocialDrinker") was selected by the members of this forum as the winner of our free hair transplant contest. The state of the art Ultra Refined Follicular Unit procedure was donated by Dr. Jerry Cooley and his staff in North Carolina.


Robert became a "true believer" when his hair grew in and soon after became the moderator of this forum (See his Blog for his restoration experience).


Again, Robert thanks for all the help, advice and good will you contributed to this forum and on our sites.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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  • Administrators

I want to thank Robert for moderating our forum over the past year and providing live help on all our websites to hundreds of hair loss sufferers. He made a lasting and positive contribution to this community.


The constructive, civil and supportive tone that he set for our forum and community has enabled posters to feel comfortable in seeking help and sharing their experiences. Yet Robert was also firm in not allowing those with hidden agendas to abuse this educational forum with covert advertising.


However, given Robert's many outside responsibilities, including a heavy course load, he is not able to continue to devote the time and attention needed to provide all the support this community requires.


I do hope and expect that Robert will return to participating on this forum as a satisfied patient of Dr. Jerry Cooley.


Those of you who go back a year or two may remember that Robert (aka "SocialDrinker") was selected by the members of this forum as the winner of our free hair transplant contest. The state of the art Ultra Refined Follicular Unit procedure was donated by Dr. Jerry Cooley and his staff in North Carolina.


Robert became a "true believer" when his hair grew in and soon after became the moderator of this forum (See his Blog for his restoration experience).


Again, Robert thanks for all the help, advice and good will you contributed to this forum and on our sites.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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You and I go back a while on this site. I hate to see you go as moderator. You've really came a long way and your knowledge has helped many...including myself. Thanks for everything and we hope you stick around and contribute some.


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Good Luck Robert, you will be sorely missed here. I looked forward to your comments. They were always very helpful.


I also very much appreciate the time that you took to see me when I had my consult w/ Dr. Cooley. I was impressed by your generosity and strength of character.


I know that you will be successful in whatever route you take in life.


Good Luck!!

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Pat, GuitarPlayer, Brando, B spot, thinking, and Bill,


Thanks for the kind words, guys. They mean a lot. I very much plan on sticking around, though under the name "RobertS" from now on as you can see.


I just had my second procedure done this past Friday (Feb. 3) with Dr. Cooley to further bolster and refine my hairline. As I expected, it was nothing short of amazing. I'll be updating my blog and photo album with photos and a more detailed account of how it all went down.


I'll have some great photos up no later than Friday, as my camera was "stolen" by my mother over Christmas and I have to get it back. I really can't wait to show off how clean the recipient area is. It's only Tuesday and I have only the slightest hint of redness. I wish I could attribute it to being "Superman" with super healing powers or something, but as Brando and other Dr. Cooley patients will agree, this is the norm with the clinic.


Again, thanks for the kind words. I'm looking forward to sticking around and swapping hair stories for a while to come!


I want to send out a special thanks to Pat for allowing me the privelege of moderating these forums for the past year-and-a-half or so. It has been my pleasure and an honor to be able to be a part of something that has helped so many out there.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member


You had another procedure on your hairline? Man that's awesome! Dr. Cooley's the man. I can't wait to hear about it and see the pics. I'm glad you're sticking around and providing us with your comments.

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