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range of motion re: donor area?

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I'm hoping to have my first HT procedure with Dr. Cooley in Charlotte, NC at the end of the year. I was wondering about the donor scar area and what kind of range of motion impediments are there post op (and how long it lasts). Looking down, up, side to side, etc? I'm concerned about stretching the scar/stitches with everyday movement. Also wondering what kind of tightness is typically present and how long it can last. Can anybody share their experience?

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  • Regular Member

I'm hoping to have my first HT procedure with Dr. Cooley in Charlotte, NC at the end of the year. I was wondering about the donor scar area and what kind of range of motion impediments are there post op (and how long it lasts). Looking down, up, side to side, etc? I'm concerned about stretching the scar/stitches with everyday movement. Also wondering what kind of tightness is typically present and how long it can last. Can anybody share their experience?

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My experience was that the donor area felt pretty good after the stitches were out, at the 10-day mark. My doc told me to try to avoid looking down too much and to keep my chin up, to prevent stretching the scar. The first night was the only night with alot of discomfort, everything gets better from day 2, but the tightness lasted pretty much until the stitches were out, for me.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


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You'd be better off speaking to Dr. Cooley's office to get their take on this directly. Each clinic has different pre/post-op instructions and you want to follow them carefully. It really is in your best interest to do this (not to discount member suggestions mind you).

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Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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for me, between my swelling and the stitches, my donor are was pretty tight for a good 2 weeks.


i even had trouble smiling and laughing, as it would hurt my donor scar.


What I would suggest to anyone going for a transplant, is to thoroughly do scalp massages on the donor area before. this will help relieve the tenseness


i would suggest not going to the gym or lifting anything heavy for a good month or so

Anything worth doing is never easy

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