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Propecia vs Avodart


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I am considering switching to Avodart from Propecia. The reason being my genetic dispostion to baldness cannot be held back by Propecia. I have been taking Propecia daily for several years. My crown which Propecia claims to be most effective with is still gradually balding. While perhaps at a slower than without the drug which I should be grateful for if I compared my current hairloss to my fathers hairloss at the same age. Propercia does not claim to be effective for hair on top and in front which in my case has been gradually thinning for several years. I am at the stage of hairloss that I really want to keep the hair I have left on top and in front if at all medically possible. I heard Avodart can maintain or reduce hairloss in the front top and crown hairline and is more effective than Propecia. I was wondering what other members have heard or experienced using this Avodart. Also does anyone know if there are any side effects other than the risks associated with Propecia and are there any risks for birth defects from sperm from an Avodart user. I know pregant women should not come in contact with the drug but should safe sex be practised while on the drug also? Thank you for your time.

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  • Regular Member


I am considering switching to Avodart from Propecia. The reason being my genetic dispostion to baldness cannot be held back by Propecia. I have been taking Propecia daily for several years. My crown which Propecia claims to be most effective with is still gradually balding. While perhaps at a slower than without the drug which I should be grateful for if I compared my current hairloss to my fathers hairloss at the same age. Propercia does not claim to be effective for hair on top and in front which in my case has been gradually thinning for several years. I am at the stage of hairloss that I really want to keep the hair I have left on top and in front if at all medically possible. I heard Avodart can maintain or reduce hairloss in the front top and crown hairline and is more effective than Propecia. I was wondering what other members have heard or experienced using this Avodart. Also does anyone know if there are any side effects other than the risks associated with Propecia and are there any risks for birth defects from sperm from an Avodart user. I know pregant women should not come in contact with the drug but should safe sex be practised while on the drug also? Thank you for your time.

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Good questions.


Avodart is not FDA approved for hair loss, but is stronger and conjectured to more effective since it blocks not only the Type II 5-alpha-reductase enzymes like Propecia, but also Type I.


By blocking Type I and Type II 5-alpha-reductase enzymes, the product of DHT is significantly minimized, even more than Propecia.


But a stronger medication means an increased risk of side effects.


Reported potential side effects of Avodart (Dutasteride) according to the official Avodart website include: sexual side effects (such as impotence, decreased sex drive, decreased amount of semen, and impotence) and swelling of the breasts. Other less reported side effects include allergic reactions such as itching, swelling of the face or lips, hives, and rash. According to their website, most side effects will stop after continued use of the medication.


Another thing that concerns me is that Type I 5-alpha-reductase enzymes are found in the brain. The question remains, what potential problems may arise by inhibiting them?


In my opinion, consult with a hair restoration physician regarding an appropriate dosage, the benefits, limitations, and potential side effects of using Avodart.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

i've been on avodart for almost 2 years after being on propecia for 5; I feel I have benefited from it; i thought i was slowing losing ground on propecia; on avodart i feel i'm manintaining, even in the front; i have not had any side effect; Bill gave you great advice and you should take that into consideration.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you Bill for a detailed response. It does help me in my decision and I see that I have to consider the potential side effects which I was not aware of. I think I may consider staying with Propecia after your thought to consider that Type I 5-alpha-reductase enzymes are found in the brain.

I see dhoose75 may be in a similar situation to myself where he felt he may have been losing ground while on Propecia and he noted no side effects when he switched to Avodart. I know now the potential side effects and I will get another medical consultation before making the decision to switch. Thanks for your input!

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