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Dumb Questions!

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How many hairs are on the top of a normal persons head and how many hairs per square centimeters? And that would be for someone in their 20's that wasnt losing their hair. And when you get a hair transplant done how short should you cut your hair? And for the week after you have the HT should you be sleeping sitting up? I am getting mine in Vancouver and I am just really worried as to what the outcome is going to be. I dont want to get it done spend the money and still walk out in the sun and be able to see my scalp. Sorry for all the questions you guys just seem to have all the answers.



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How many hairs are on the top of a normal persons head and how many hairs per square centimeters? And that would be for someone in their 20's that wasnt losing their hair. And when you get a hair transplant done how short should you cut your hair? And for the week after you have the HT should you be sleeping sitting up? I am getting mine in Vancouver and I am just really worried as to what the outcome is going to be. I dont want to get it done spend the money and still walk out in the sun and be able to see my scalp. Sorry for all the questions you guys just seem to have all the answers.



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Hair on the Head of a NON-MPB Man:

-I recall hearing the *average* a long time ago, but I can't remember, it would be very interesting to know though.

-hair per 2 cm: 80-120; but, I got that from Armani's Fine Italian Hair Art movie so I can't ensure it's veracity.

-many guys end up buzzing their head down to a #1 clipper or so, after they get their staples out so they don't have a Bozo the Clown look while it is growing out. The biggest concern is hiding the scar.

-most docs recommend you sleep in an E-Z type chair---sitting w/your head up---the first few nights.


Who are you having your ht with?

Did you do much research?

What is your age, NW level?


These really aren't "dumb questions," but rather good one's. I would suggest changing the title of your post to:

----"Intelligent Inquisitions"...

*Additional Interesting Fact:

while I don't recall the average # of hairs on the head of a Non MPB man, it is said that hair loss cannot even be detected until 50% of the native hair is lost. So, if one can replace up to 50% of their hair via a ht, it will have the "illusion" of a full head of hair.

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I am about a 4 on the NW scale. I have done a lot of research on this site and I decided to have it done by Dr Hasson. I figured I would have to go down to a number 2 but I suppose a #1 is ok I just want to be able to hide it as much as I can so I figure I will have to wear a hat. I dont have a eazy chair so I will have to figure something out for that. My biggest concern is that I get this done and it doesnt look thick or I have thick hair in front of this hair. Mike at Dr Hassons office said they can get about 80 hair or so to every one centimeter of scalp. I didnt ask if my current hair could be to close to place grafts in between. I hope these are all normal concern.

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If I were you, I'd feel pretty confident about getting an excellent transplant with Hasson.


I guess they are all different, but Dr. Cooley said I could sleep normal, just to wear some siran wrap and a surgeons hat. I asked specifically about sleeping upright but he said no. We'll see I guess.


I do think the FUE into a scar is an excellent option for those wanting to shave all that great transplanted hair down one day....

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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Mike at Dr Hassons office said they can get about 80 hair or so to every one centimeter of scalp.

DAMN!!! That is fantastic! I wouldn't worry about density issues then. But, if your a NW4 how is he quoting you so much density? Is that w/respect to the hair line alone, Im assuming? But, even then that is tremendous density!


Great choice on the doc by the way! He is my top choice as well.

You don't have to shave down to a #1 by any means. Also, doesn't have to be an EZ chair either, to sleep in. With such a world class act, just ask H&W and they will tell you *everything* you need to know. I would trust them over all of us balding bozo's any day of the week! icon_redface.gif

Oh yeah, how many grafts did H&W estimate for you? Are you a diffuse thinner (i.e. any hair on top left) and have they seen your donor in person?

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I do think the FUE into a scar is an excellent option for those wanting to shave all that great transplanted hair down one day....

Precisely! Me too, and this is *never* discussed on the forum. It would allow one who later goes on to an extensive stage of baldness (i.e.NW6+) to shave down while still having a *shaved* look (not a balding look) w/a low round hair line and plenty of stubble on top!

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I think an average person has 80,000-100,000 total hairs.


So if you are a NW4, then that means about 1/4-1/5th of your hair is missing, which at native density would be around 20,000 hairs.


An average graft has 2.2 hairs, so to attain full density would require 9000 or so grafts.


However, to attain "half density" or the ammount necessary to trick the eye into believing there is not loss, would be around 4500 grafts, which is right in line with the "1000 x Norwood classification" to get the nuber of grafts you need.


In practice they plant a slightly receded hairline with great density in the front and less behind it, so 3000-3500 in only the frontal third will probably look very thick with maybe some thinngin in the crown.

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Mike at Dr Hassons office said they can get about 80 hair or so to every one centimeter of scalp.


I just want to add a few things to this statement. Though this is certainly impressive and not to be knocked, keep in mind that dense packing at this magnitude is not for all patients. Keep in mind that donor supply is limited and many patients have a large area of baldness to cover. Therefore, if one is to achieve this kind of hair density, there is no way that one can full hair coverage, and vice versa.


And yes, 100,000 hairs is about right on averaeg, and that includes all the hairs on the head.



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