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Spoke to 3 doc ...too confused

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Instead of getting better this is getting worse day by day.


This week i spoke to 4 docs. Talking to two more next week. All of the docs are coalition members


With the first doc I had an in-person meeting.

This doc is known for his honesty and integrity and is considered amongst the top two in the industry.Let's call him Dr. B. He told me that my donor density is not good, just 2.2 on back and 1.6 on side and that being only 27 I dont make for a good tranplant paitent. I should never have a transplant. I appreciate his honesty.


Second doc Dr. D (again in-person) tell me that since I am so young I should go for a moderate transplant of only 1200 grafts on the front 1/3 region.


Third doc Dr. S (web consult) tells me that I am too young. Good possibility tht i will loose tons of more hair. This is kind of similar to what the first doc said.I should take a extremely conservative approach. He draws me a hairline that would rather suit a 45 yr old than a 27 yr old. He recommends around 1800 follicles to be tranplanted.


Fourth doc, lets call him Dr. H(web consult)has not given me a hairline but recommends a transplant of around 2800 grafts. This doc is known for this hairlines.


I respect all of these docs. I am 27 and almost bald on top. I dont have much donor is what all docs say.


Has anyone every faced this situation before.


Pls advice

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Greg you may have to face the reality that you may not be a good HT candidate at this time. You may have to face the fact that you may never be a good candidate for HT, which is EXPONENTIALLY better that being told what you want to hear, only to be crushed with false hope and mediocre results. Remember, even "good" hair transplants look like garbage, so keep doing research and asking questions.

You know, Dr. Konier has experimented with restoring hairlines and then placing a hair system behind that so the hairline is permanent and natural. Not something I would do, but just tossing out an option.

Another thing you should realize-- All of the graft totals you were presented with are quite low, even the 2800. 2800 will give you an established hairline and decent coverage to start. You have to understand that if you only have 5 to 6000 grafts total that it is NOT enough to cover your Male Pattern. The BEST you could do is get to a density of 35 to 55 in a 130cm area leaving you with 80 to 100 cm of bald crown, should you lose everything. If you are ok with that then proceed. If not, shave it off and try that for a while.

Let you mind rest a bit and relax buddy!!!!!!

We are not going anywhere.


Oh, PS. Screw being a 5, 6, or 7 and only doing 1200 to 2000 grafts, it is not worth cutting your head open, (you'll thank yourself later)

Make sure you do more in person consults if you can, Web Consults tend to be really conservative. Hope this helps

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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depending how bad your hairloss is and where you're headed (family history) you might decide to got for a HT and act as if the thining hair on top does not exist at all.


If I was 27 and bald, I'd go that route: plan for a nw 5, 6 or whatever and go for it. If you can get 6000+ grafts you should have a decent head of hair...with only 3-4 months of looking weird. The docs are reluctant to do 1500 grafts because 2 years later you will need another 1500..and 3 years later another 4000 but you might get it bacause the skin is too tight from previous ops. Once again, IF I was you, I'd plan either on a large one, or wait.

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I think Bspot makes a very valid point you should think long and hard about. Being a NW5,6+ and thinking about a ht ..it can only be done right if you have donor of 3-7k to really make a cosmetic difference. With that said, if it is something you decide to do...personally I don't think your back density is so bad that if you really got aggressive with scalp exercises, and make a commitment to Rx regime that you could get 3k, but I am basing that purely on assumptions as i have not seen any pics; and something tells me you have not contacted Dr.Feller?


My advise is just based on my limited experience with my HT. My family hair loss history was fairly bad, I had aggressive stage of hair loss 4 my age. I waited nearly a 1.5 years to see what difference meds made.. after not taking from (21-25.5years of age big mistake in my opinion)... major+ impact on my hair, so I made the break. I couldn't stand seeing my self bald, just had to do something to make it right.. is it a risk, life is a risk brother . As for amount of grafts I would agree with John-in-nc in your case go large or don't go at all.

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