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the truth about hair transplants

hair man

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i will first tell the people on this forum that I have extensive experience in hair transplantation and marketing on the web.


I will also tell you that I have had 2 transplants of 2500 grafts each and know most of the surgeons in this country and have met personally with many of them over the years.


Even though I have left the hair industry and have moved onto plastic surgery, I feel that people should know the truth.


this message is for anyone that is reading this post and is, let's say, a bit naive about what happens in these forums.


Based on the canned questions that "HAIR FREE" is asking, I would say that he actually works for Dr Rahal.


There is no surgeon in the U.S. that would be as negligent as to make blanket statements that any client can produce over 3,000 grafts in a single session.


In addition, there is a good likelyhood that there will be extensive scarring. To be specific, the width of the scar could be wide due to tension on the scalp. And, the technician would be pushed to work faster creating recipient sites---inevitably cross-secting existing hairs in the process.

(robbing peter to pay paul--so to speak)


Almost every prospective patient should consider some comments in forums to be contrived. Especially when they say they are going to have a procedure done by a practice that answers them online. It just does not happen that way.


see your doctor face to face and do not believe most of what is written in forums.

The most greedy practices will have workers watching forums every day to make comments to sway your decision.


Remember---A 90% of hair transplant recipients are men who have jobs and families--they don't have the time to go trolling on hair loss websites to answer questions.

happy patients don't spend their time on the web writing in forums. Why would they??



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i will first tell the people on this forum that I have extensive experience in hair transplantation and marketing on the web.


I will also tell you that I have had 2 transplants of 2500 grafts each and know most of the surgeons in this country and have met personally with many of them over the years.


Even though I have left the hair industry and have moved onto plastic surgery, I feel that people should know the truth.


this message is for anyone that is reading this post and is, let's say, a bit naive about what happens in these forums.


Based on the canned questions that "HAIR FREE" is asking, I would say that he actually works for Dr Rahal.


There is no surgeon in the U.S. that would be as negligent as to make blanket statements that any client can produce over 3,000 grafts in a single session.


In addition, there is a good likelyhood that there will be extensive scarring. To be specific, the width of the scar could be wide due to tension on the scalp. And, the technician would be pushed to work faster creating recipient sites---inevitably cross-secting existing hairs in the process.

(robbing peter to pay paul--so to speak)


Almost every prospective patient should consider some comments in forums to be contrived. Especially when they say they are going to have a procedure done by a practice that answers them online. It just does not happen that way.


see your doctor face to face and do not believe most of what is written in forums.

The most greedy practices will have workers watching forums every day to make comments to sway your decision.


Remember---A 90% of hair transplant recipients are men who have jobs and families--they don't have the time to go trolling on hair loss websites to answer questions.

happy patients don't spend their time on the web writing in forums. Why would they??



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hair man,


I understand your skepticism especially if it has been a while since you've been involved with hair restoration. A little bit of background on me, I've had three surgeries (2406, 2425, and 2488 respectively) AFTER I had two bad procedures of mini/micros that left me with two donor scars, 40% growth overall (300 grafts growing) pitting and cobblestoning and an eventual NW6 pattern with a pluggy looking hairline. I've been through the good and the bad and have since moved on to helping others full time as a patient turned consultant.


While I agree that it is always good to see patients first hand and to meet the doctor in person you may not know that the industry has progressed to a point where some clinics can indeed get up to and even far beyond 3000 plus grafts in one session provided the patient has a virgin scalp. While this is not the case for all clinics, or for that matter, patients, it is much more closer to being the norm rather than the exception for the top tier clinics. I don't know when you were in the industry or which doctor/clinic you worked with but I'm sure you'll agree that abilities vary widely.


I can't speak about the thread or the poster you mention because I have not followed it but it is good to be weary of some posters from time to time. I know I have and I have called them out on it and all but a couple of times I've been right. I'm not saying this is the case for the individual you mention but I know that the issue of getting 3000 grafts on any given patient is almost correct and is not a reason to be suspicious. I say almost because I'm sure someone out there has characteristics that would limit the number of grafts if they are even a virgin scalp so it's more of a statement to be safe than anything


"In addition, there is a good likelyhood that there will be extensive scarring. To be specific, the width of the scar could be wide due to tension on the scalp. And, the technician would be pushed to work faster creating recipient sites---inevitably cross-secting existing hairs in the process.

(robbing peter to pay paul--so to speak)"


Well, no. If the clinic has sufficient staff and the lead techs that plant are darned good at what they do then 3000 grafts in one shot is pretty smooth. Also, the technicians don't make the incisions (at least in our clinic). The doctor does. The tension in a patient that has good laxity (most patients) is minimal and as long as the doctor takes his time and actually cares about the strip excision (doesn't take twenty minutes but more rather 1 hour plus) then the strip removal will be accomplished with almost zero transection.


As it stands, the average patient has roughly 6500 to 8500 grafts available in the donor bank. Averages being averages of course some have less but that means that some have more too (like me).


"Remember---A 90% of hair transplant recipients are men who have jobs and families--they don't have the time to go trolling on hair loss websites to answer questions.

happy patients don't spend their time on the web writing in forums. Why would they??"


Many do not, but then again many find their way to the clinic of their choice because of patients that have come before them that were kind enough to share their experiences. I'm not talking about before/after photos and a few words of commentary about how nice the doc was and how good the sandwich was that they had for lunch. I'm talking about full documentation showing their own grafts being cut, day one through month twelve and beyond progress photos, different lighting scenarios and varying conditions (hat head, just out of the shower, hair styles, coloring etc.). It's a phenomenon that I dare not try to explain save for possibly that when guys do lots of research with these types of sites they feel compelled to give back the same way for the next guy. I started out documenting in this way and more than a few have told me they want to do the same. In the end, it has exposed more clinics in detail above and beyond late night infomercials with old men in covertibles with young buxom blondes half their age or slick brochures showing guys with hair that never even had a procedure. A lot of these types of places still exist but there is more information available than ever so that the patient has a better understanding of just what it is they are getting into and hopefully a better idea of what to expect as a final result.


I can appreciate your words of caution, really I can, but you may have been away from hair restoration a little too long for some of what you say to have relevance to today's procedures. I could be wrong so please don't take this as a negative post.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hairman, are you like the ex-thief who now wants to show people how not to get robbed? I'm assuming you were part of the "hair-mill get em' in - get em' out and cash the check" genre right? And now you've moved on to plastic surgery? What gives man? Just a little confusing I must say. Where exactly are you coming from? If you're here to help, provided a little more than the vague inuendos concerning your past experience.

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I just happened to come across this post and I am glad that I did. I am now sitting at home and snowed in. I live outside of Philadelphia and just watched a couple movies with my fiance' and she is now asleep on my lap as I write this message on the laptop placed on the side. I want to clearly say...that I am NOT an advertiser for all those out there that came across this post. I really am going to visit Dr. Rahal on April 4th for the surgery. Now coming across this post makes me more nervous to get the surgery. I know I can trust most of you on this forum and agree that most people are doing this to help others to return the favor to those who helped them before. I also understand that we all need to be aware of those giving false hope.


I'd like to see more posts from others out there to help me restore confidence that going for 3000 grafts is a good and realistic decision. I look forward to hear what everyone has to say.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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Calm down dude. Seriously, I've been reading this forum for over 2 yrs and it IS the most honest, up front, non-hidden agenda group forum you will EVER come across. (with exception of my Kawasaki Ninja forum group icon_biggrin.gif) He who speaks above is akin to the guy who used to sell used cars held together with duct tape. Now, he is trying to be helpful to all the "suckers" out there so they don't buy a car held together with duct tape. However, if those suckers are too lazy to look under the hood and learn a little bit about how a car is SUPPOSED to look and run and be held together, then I say screw em. An ass thing to say I know, but oh well. Anyway, I believe that's all his point is.

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Hair man

you need to re-educate your self with the current methodology of the hair transplants before shooting your mouth off.

But more likely, your post smells like you have a secondary agenda. It really reads like you still work for a clinic that does NOT or CANNOT do bigger sessions. And here you are trying to insult the clinics that commonly do.

There is nothing about hairfree's questions that really suggest any ulterior motive, yet this is your first post, and you come out with your guns blazing accusing the integrity of both the patient "hair free" and Dr Rahal.


For Hairfree: if you donor charcteristics allows for harvesting the 3000 grafts or more ( which i feel you need based on your pictures) without tension then this should be your course of action. This donor characteristic can be determined after examination.


I was booked for 2500 grafts, but because of my higher than average donor density, I ended up with over 3000 grafts with no tension and an almost invisible scar.

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Pushing 40..Thank you for your interesting analogy. I feel that I have a good judge of character. From what I have been reading I feel that this is a very honest group on this forum. I think I became defensive when coming across a negative post and I can't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Thank you Pushing 40 for putting me at ease. For me its such a big decision, I plan to go forward with and because I am new to all this I don't want to take everything lightly. I look forward to hearing what others have to say.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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Makes sense Pisa..thank you for explaining your HT experience with Dr. Rahal. I am hoping that I fall in the same category as you.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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Don't let that post get to you. I agree essentially with what Pisa stated.


On a positive note, it is posts like that make us all question things and that in itself is a good thing. It caused you to want to get more info and look into things a little further. That will only benefit you in the long run as an educated patient is much better off. Now after researching things further you will be that much more confident knowing you are moving in the right direction.


I think that Joe's response also was bang on and Pushing(acually--Already 40) gave you a great analogy. You will be in good hands with Dr. Rahal. Well hell, you know that since you work for him. icon_smile.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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pictures speak louder then words...nice second post hair man. I had 4k+ in one session and I will put my results against yours any day.



"Happy patients don't spend their time on the web writing in forums. Why would they"


I work IT tard I am online all the time plus helping people is cool (another bald brother like me previously gets a shot at hair).

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Many people gave you some valuable feedback. Believe me...I can understand your skeptisicm. And perhaps a doctor should not make a blanket statement that states he can always get a certain number of grafts in a single session...however, as the hair transplantation industry has moved forward a lot in the last years, I'd say that blanket statement in itself is pretty typical of top physicians. Now, not every patient will require 3000 grafts, and some will require much more. But 3000 is a very standard session today and assuming a patient has the scalp laxity (which can be enhanced by doing scalp exercises), a 3000 FU session (though still large) is easily attained with a good doctor and staff. Even after 2 prior surgeries, my third doc was able to extract 3700 FUs.


Feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss anything specifically about myh case.



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Hahaha I work for a HT doctor up in Canada icon_smile.gif NervousNelly..thank you for your sense of humor and for helping to put things in good perspective.


You make a good point about not get complacent too easily and to do the homework before getting into something serious.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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No problems. I am anxious to see the results you get with Dr. Rahal. Recently he has been starting to get a little more press on this site and from everything I have seen he deserves it. He seems to be the master of achieving the illusion of density with few FU. I would like to see him more active on this site himself.


The one question I do have of his work is his hairline artistry. From what I have seen it is quality work, but there aren't enough posters that show the zoomed in photos. Have you come across many?



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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hair man -


I replied to your post on Hairfree's thread, but will post it here for you to read as well....



hair man-


After your post, I reviewed Hairfree's posts again in this thread. I have to disagree with your assessment of him as a shill for Dr. Rahal. He asked for opinions on a couple of Docs, we offered, he chose.......it's that simple. Dr. Rahal is already recommended by this site as part of the Coalition Surgeons.........what does he have to prove or gain from this?


What's you're point of reference when you say there will be extensive scarring? Are you talking about the length of the scar? If so, yes, it's longer if you get more grafts, however, I received 3886 grafts from HT#2 and my scar is less detectable than the one from HT #1 where I only received around 1200 grafts. Plus, with the Trychophytic donor closure method the hair grows throw the scar so you can't see a scar even if I clip to less than 1/2".


Another thing.............I don't believe ANY of the Coalition Surgeons recommended here have their techs creating recipient sites..........surgeons only. Techs sometimes place the grafts, but I believe all the cutting is done by the surgeon. There are plenty of surgeons now producing sessions of more than 4000 grafts very successfully with great results which speak for themselves.


IMO...this site is better than most at detecting shills and removing them. It's not really that tough to tell when someone is promoting their own agenda. If you have extensive knowledge of the HT industry as you claim, I'm sure you can benefit us with your knowledge. However, I wonder what YOUR agenda here when the only purpose of your 2nd post here was to discredit someone else.


Read the threads on this forum.............we aren't selling surgeons and aren't compensated for our advise. We're merely trying to offer support and possible solutions for those with hairloss. This forum has helped many who have used recommended methods for loss prevention, or received HT's and stayed around to post their before/afters to help others. As for your comment about "a procedure done by a practice that answers them online"......I had HT #2 with Hasson and Wong and started by emailing their consultant, Mike Ferko, back and forth......emailed pics, spoke on the phone...........I've been completely satisfied with my HT 100%..............why do you say "it doesn't happen that way?"


If you're here to help...........I earnestly welcome you hope you will participate. If not, please move on.





1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I just had a 3500 session on Friday with Dr. Alexander in Phoenix.He does the lateral slit technique to give fuller hair. He only does one patient a day and I was in the chair for 10 hours. He had 4 girls there doing the disecting and 3 of them doing the implanting. I know they took a lot of tissue from me since he had to cut me from about ear to ear but I have plenty of hair in the back of my head so it will cover any scar. I almost used Bosley before I found this site and was told about Dr. Alexander. I had it done on a friday and drove myself home Saturday morning. (2 hours) It was painful the first couple days but not so bad right now. Now I just have to wait for the results.

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Congratulations Stickersteve! It sounds like everything went well with Dr. Alexander. Glad you didn't use Bosley! icon_smile.gif

When I get my Ht I am probably going with Dr. Alexander, I already had my consultation with him. Anything you can share about your experience would be appreciated

So when you feel up to it post some before & after pics, we would love to see them!

Now the hard part for you is waiting I guess.

Happy Growing!

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