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dr recommended for female hair transplant surgery?

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I'm 28 going on 29 years old. Several years ago, my hair started to thin out like the male pattern baldness (I think it's hereditary since my dad, sister and aunts have the same problem). I'm seriously considering getting the hair transplant surgery but am totally confused as to which doctor to go to since there are so many biased recommendations on the internet. Please help!! I want to lower my hairline as well as fill in the top and side portion of my head with some more hair.

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I'm 28 going on 29 years old. Several years ago, my hair started to thin out like the male pattern baldness (I think it's hereditary since my dad, sister and aunts have the same problem). I'm seriously considering getting the hair transplant surgery but am totally confused as to which doctor to go to since there are so many biased recommendations on the internet. Please help!! I want to lower my hairline as well as fill in the top and side portion of my head with some more hair.

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  • Senior Member



sorry I don't have any suggestions regarding FEMALE hair transplants. But, there are many docs with well documented success rates that you can find on this forum. I simply don't know about female hts', but Im sure others will respond who do.


Among top docs are: Hasson and Wong, Dr. Allen Feller, Dr. Epstein...


How advanced in hair loss did your sister and aunts have?

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I did some light research on Dr. Epstein and Dr. Shapiro from the forums I read on this website.


My sister is a year older than me has a slow receding hairline and it appears that it's probably a type 1, although her hair loss is barely noticeable at this point like mine. What can I say, women are pretty picky about our every detail in appearance.


My aunt is in her mid 60's and is probably a type 2 and has started to have obvious thinning hair from 40 and on.

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..."what can I say, women are pretty picky about our every detail in appearance".


Why yes you are (some of you) and us men just LOVE that. I know I take my time being picky and appreciating "every detail" in a girls appearance...sigh, where was I?


Oh, well given your family history and what you have now stated then your really not in bad shape. If the extent of your future loss is limited to your hair line, then you can EASILY fix this problem. To be perfectly honest I really know nothing of womens hair loss as I previously stated. But, if what you are saying about your family history goes, then it shouldn't be anything to excessively worry over as a hair line can EASILY be fixed with todays transplants. Try searching (if you haven't already) for womens hair loss on this site.

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firstly ,real sorry to hear about your hair loss ,for a guy to start balding can be devastating but there is still an acceptance that this happens to men , for a woman it must feel worse as hair to a woman is part of there sexuallity .


I spoke to Dr Feller about this when i was having my own proceedure and one of the main problems with womens hair loss is ,the hair usually thins all over the head ,including the donor area ,making harvesting heathy strong hair folicals more difficult ,that is simply not the case with men as the hair folicals in the donor area on a man are healthy and not effected by DHT, DHT is an enzyme produced as a by-product of testosterone ,scientists don't know why it only effects the top of the scalp in men . That is why hair transplants work so well for men .


Mostly hair loss in women is not due to DHT ,as it is in men but more commonly caused by an over active or under active thyriod ,iron difficiantcy and even as a side effect of the contreceptive pill or implant .


Most women respond well to treatment from there GP ,so i think ,if you haven,t already ,that you may benifit from speaking to your doctor .


good luck


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Welcome to our forum community.


I too am sorry to hear about your hair loss condition. As you well know, genetic hair loss not only impacts men, but women also.


The best way to find a quality hair restoration physician is by reading about real hair transplant experiences posted by real patients and viewing their before/progressive/after pictures.


I strongly encourage you to do a lot of research before making a decision.


At the Hair Transplant Network, we believe that our Coalition Physicians are the best in the industry. Each member of the Coalition must meet and maintain our high level of membership standards.


But don't just take anyone's word for it. Use the "find feature" of our forum community to see what their patients have been saying.


I also recommend that you consider Rogaine for women to see if it works for you. Especially those who just started losing their hair tend to have decent success with it. Of course, Rogaine seems to work better in the crown than the hairline - however, it may be worth a try there as well.


If I can help you with anything, feel free to let me know.



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hi thinning girl

you can click on the drs names on here and send them a pm with your concerns.


i hope you get the answers you need as i dont know about female hairloss so cant really help.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Just a note to all reading...


genetic female hair loss is a lot like genetic male hair loss. From the sounds of thinning_girl above, she is losing hair according to the norwood scale typical for male pattern baldness however, many females follow this pattern. Female pattern baldness typically follows the Ludwig Scale however, some men follow this pattern.


The cause is the same, DHT.



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I generally do not initially recommend a hair transplant for women unless they have had a proper medical workup. I found too many cases of underactive thyroid, low ferritin/iron and causes of telogen effluvium or shock loss due to other factors mimicking androgenetic alopecia. I have also found two cases of diffuse alopecia areata, an immunological condition where the hair transplants would not work. FIrst get the appropratie evaluation and workup. Once you everything is done and you are a cndidate for surgery, hair line lowering can be done.




Photos of female hair line lowering


Ricardo Mejia MD

Jupiter FLorida

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Dr. Mejia it is nice to see appropriate prudence in this case . I like the fact that other factors can be taken into account before undergoing surgery .


Very natural results on the female hairline you posted .

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Great post Dr. Mejia--- I agree 100%.


A hair transplant for a female requires a different approach to donor management and future planning AND a doctor that can correctly design a female hairline.


I would recommend seeing female patients in person from a doctor or doctors you are considering--- there is nothing more impressive or telling than that.


I wish you luck on your journey.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi thinning_girl,


I am a female with the mpb type hairloss. I too, believe my hairloss is hereditary. I have a bald spot in the front near the hairline and the temple areas are thin, the hairline is also beginning to recede. I used rogaine for a while, but the shedding thinned my hair even more. I too am looking for a HT doc who specializes in female hairloss.

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Guest Baldie3000

I didn't realize that females experience hair loss too. I thought only men?


I obviously have more to learn about this stuff. But hair_help, know you are not alone in your struggle icon_smile.gif



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hair_help--- we have many female patients, as do several other docs.


Docs to check: Dr. Shapiro, Dr. Epstien, Dr. Feller and Dr. Shapiro told me that Dr. Robin Unger in NY does good work on female patients especially.


I think you would find what your looking for amongst these docs.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hair Help:


As I posted previously, before any woman proceeds with surgery, she should properly be evaluated for medical and other conditions that can mimick female pattern thinning. Be sure not to ignore this as I have seen many women have surgery only to find out later there was a medical reason for their hair loss.


We deal with a lot of women and it is our standard pratice to assure this is done. For a womans perspective on hair tranpslant results you can view the video below.



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