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give it up

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  • Regular Member

i dont want to hurt anyones feelings but isnt fighting hairloss pointless. the results you get are always thin hair where the implants are and a scarred up back of the head. in the long run we all age get wrinkled,lose hair,gain weight , everything starts to fall, i suggest everyone spend more time doing things you enjoy save your money so you can have financial security in your old age..if you dont agree please tell me why you think im wrong and show me proof of a good result that will look good in ten yrs. my thoughts are that eventually after having a number of procedures it will look more like a deformity than natural.

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  • Regular Member

i dont want to hurt anyones feelings but isnt fighting hairloss pointless. the results you get are always thin hair where the implants are and a scarred up back of the head. in the long run we all age get wrinkled,lose hair,gain weight , everything starts to fall, i suggest everyone spend more time doing things you enjoy save your money so you can have financial security in your old age..if you dont agree please tell me why you think im wrong and show me proof of a good result that will look good in ten yrs. my thoughts are that eventually after having a number of procedures it will look more like a deformity than natural.

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  • Senior Member

I'm not so sure that getting a HT(s) is mutually exclusive with "old age" financial security, for better or worse; it is a financial investment, much like the thousands that we make in our lifetimes.


You aren't wrong, per say, since this is your subjective opinion. Nonetheless, you will find a variety of people (myself included) having undergone a variety of HTs who will adamantly disagree with you. Many consider their HTs "the best decision of their life".


I'm sorry if you are feeling particularly depressed, or fatalistic. And, if you underwent a botched if not butchered procedure I truly feel for you. If this is the case, know that you have options, and a supportive community to help you reach whatever you decide upon.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

I used to wake up every morning and think and be depressed about my hair loss and being robbed of my youth. It was time I did something and I did, and it was the best thing I have ever done. I just wanted to be 26, thats it and I was able to accomplish that. With realistic expectations I can age (in my mind) now at an appropriate rate. Wish I hope you find some answers here, good luck..

You only live once...

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  • Senior Member

Well, we are playing semantics on this point; I would say, along with many others, that like many things, it is an investment for your happiness and well-being. Furthermore, you could consider the boost in confidence to coorelate w/ a boost in overall productivity, which can help your bottomline more than any 401k.


That said, the primary points still stands. And, personally, even if I knew HTs would merely sap my $ I would pay for them and most likely pay an even higher financial premium if need be. You can't put a price on contentedness-- or misery, for that matter.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

I'm sorry my logic is piercing your notions of what is and is not. Just know that you actually do have positive options, and can have a positive experience like many on this forum have been forunate to have had.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

first off... you have no right to say someone isn't thinking straight. much of the same argument can be made for your defeatist pessimistic attitude. Do you drive a SUV? does your wife have fake boobs? there are numerous "investments" that people make on their own free will, upon which many might say give no return. however, those who make them may say otherwise. Self confidence, which you appear to not contain, goes a long way in the world.


how can you guarantee everyone who has an HT will have a "scarred up head" and be broke in ten years? i know many people who're balding, and they wouldn't even blink as to lose a few grand on an ht or two.


have fun being old and bitter sir. costanza is it? either way i don't really care, i try to keep the negative out. don't expect a response back from me when you post attacking me and my denial ridden broke and (in the future) "scarred up" head. you won't get one.

my reg is:


propecia 1mg EVERYDAY

minox 5% twice daily (f the foam)

nizoral 1%


say la V old buddies .... i'm tryin to keep you

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We've been talking privately and it's obvious you are quite upset about two hair transplant experiences that you've had. I strongly encourage you, instead of trying to convince others that your experience is the only valid one and to "give it up", to open up, share your experience, and be willing to be vulnerable so others can help you.


A number of posters over the years have reported bad experiences with their chosen clinic, and I'm sure you will find and be able to connect with some of them. On the other hand, why not talk to those who have had successful hair transplants also - for they too may be able to encourage you and teach you something about the process.


Best wishes,



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member



i came across this thread and had to say something. for years i thought i did not care about my hair loss...but in the end i was getting more aware and depressed about it. for someone is used to fixing problems for other in my profession, i had to decide..either i carry on getting unhappier or actually do some decent research and "fix" this issue.

Being the pragmatic person that i think i am,

U know what, since i had the HT with Dr Farjo, last yr, i have never regretted this important decision. Financially, i had put aside a little savings for a few yrs for this and i can honestly say, this feeling is indescribable and liberating not to be the bald guys anymore!

The last thing i want to say, is that everyone is different and u can achieve great results if the work/characteristics of your hair are right.

i am so happy with my result and would recommend to anyone.

anyway, i hope your life improves if u have had a bad experience

all the best



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  • Senior Member

It is all about what a person wants and feels about themself! Like any cosmetic surgery, for some people they feel better about themselves by correcting flaws/age/hairloss/ect. Others dont mind a bit about these things. It is an individual decision. Given one's occupation, corrective cosmetic procedures can have a HUGE financial impact short and long term-- much greater than investing the 10k (they might make 100k more)-- It is all independent and situational. I'm sorry your not happy with your decision and have second thoughts. If you are depressed, then you should address that first before anything-- mental health is important.

Wish you the best in dealing with your situation and in the future.



Dr. Shapiro

Propecia/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Saw Palmetto

Nioxin Shampoo line

Zrii 3oz daily

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